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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/823048-Creation-Saturday---26-Letters--Genetically-Modified-Stuff
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#823048 added July 20, 2014 at 7:52pm
Restrictions: None
Creation Saturday - 26 Letters & Genetically Modified Stuff
Today's blog....

30 Day Blogging Challenge

It's Creation Saturday
Prompt: The English Alphabet has 26 letters...therefore using all 26 letters which a poem that describes you. If you would rather write a short story, describing yourself to us then highlight each word which begins with that letter. Let's see what ya got

This is not describing me it is to see what comes out...

A barely conscious debutante
Erupts frantically, going halfway inside.
Jiggling klepto-tendencies largely manifested,
Not-yet oppressive.
Putting quite reserved socialites travelling unaware
valuing worthless xanthic yeasty zinnineas.

xanthic - yellow, yellowish
yeasty - full of restless energy or creativity; insubstantial

I realize this poem, and I use that term loosely, was fun to write, but does not in anyway reflect the poetess.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – DAY 138

Prompt: How do you feel about genetically modified food? Should companies be made to label their food if it contains genetically modified ingredients?

This sounds horrific. What every happened to eating real, natural foods? Why must these new genetically modified ingredients be part of our consumption? I watched Dr. Oz last week and he showed wheat from the 50's tall and robust - full of all good things and compared it to the wheat of today that has been altered to grow more readily but it is half as high and half as potentially wonderful. We are killing ourselves with this crap!

Cows are given chemicals to increase milk production; chickens are injesting chemicals to enlarge their breasts so that consumers get bigger and better. But bigger is not necessarily better.

I remember going into the 'newly renovated' grocery store and was put off my the map I needed to find where my usual products were - bigger was not better, it was confusing as hell and took way longer. But the store wants you to get lost, you will buy things you find as you wander aimlessly.

Companies don't want to label their food if it contains genetically modified ingredients. They want to keep us unaware and addicted to the crap. If you saw the labels we would have to make conscious choices to change and sometimes life goes by so fast we don't want to think about what we actually put in our bodies to fuel them.... but if we don't, we are only killing ourselves slowly from the inside out. That combined with the outer chemical toxins we put on our body or breath in though that type of contact - it is amazing we live in to our eighties.

If we try to make changes and buy more organic we get charged more - why? Shouldn't it be less if it doesn't have all that crap on it. But then it still has to look pretty for the public to buy it.

So what do we do folks?

If you are lucky to live in a less populated area on a farm where you can grow your own produce and raise your own livestock you may have a chance. Otherwise we try to make conscious choices and try to stay healthy. The battle is on.

That phrase 'we are all going to hell in a handbag' is starting to make a lot more sense.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/823048-Creation-Saturday---26-Letters--Genetically-Modified-Stuff