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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/823110-This-ones-about-Wildcard-Sunday-Trifecta-Edition
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#823110 added July 20, 2014 at 8:24pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about Wildcard Sunday: Trifecta Edition.
30DBC PROMPT: "1. What one blog from your peers really caught your attention this past week. Why? Tell us about it. 2. Plus, I would like you to choose one of your own blog entries this week and tell us why it totally rocks! This is your chance to blow your own horn. 3. Finally, I would like to know which prompt you found the most challenging to respond to in your blog in the past week."

Greetings dear readers...it's the usual Sunday Review Wildcard Sunday round of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS (glad we got all that sorted out at the beginning of the month *Rolleyes*), with an added twist from our celebrity guest judge this week, the one and only Lyn's a Witchy Woman . Follow along as I take you through an abridged version of the week that was in the ol' 30DBC.

My pick for favorite blog entry? Geez. Since I bitch about this part of the week nearly every Sunday, I guess it's on me to actually start changing and paying more attention to the entries throughout the week that pique my interest. But since I can't possibly remember all the ones I've read and obviously can't be bothered to notate somewhere physically in secret the ones I've clicked "Like" on or felt moved to make a poignant remark regarding, I'm gonna guess and say it was probably {user oh cool, the "June 2014 Blog Prompts Archive"   hasn't been updated to include this week *Rolleyes*. Balls. Well, that kinda takes the fun work out of getting my attention grabbed.

Therefore, in a non-scientific, random straw poll, I'm choosing Charlie ~ 's post, "Invalid Entry. Mainly because he talked about yo-yo's, which reminded me of my boy DMFM back home, but also because he used a nice Third Eye Blind song to lead off his entry. For bonus points, his entries for the other blogging groups were strong, and the 30DBC segment in particular was a quick, balls-out mini tour de force of an entry that didn't just make me laugh...it gave me that little, out of the side of my mouth, "you cocky son of a bitch" half-grin of approval. That's, like, my highest honor, or somethin'.

Moving on to the favorite blog entry from my own personal collection, I think it's only fair to combine this response with the third part of today's queries. Reason being: if I'm challenged and I feel like I pulled off a good entry because of it, there's no sense in repeating myself. My damn entries are long enough sometimes without me saying the same things over and over.

Bearing that in mind (and knowing I can at least go back and reread my entire week's output were I so inclined), I'm picking "This one's about suicide, an anecdote, and staycations. because personally it wasn't easy for me to talk about the subject matter at hand, but I think I did ok with it. It was tough though not picking "This one's about talking, hair, and more fiction., because any time you get the chance to reference the legendary Chris Rock you're on a good path. But I'm only allowed to pick one, and that's where I went. Maybe you liked a different one, or you didn't like any of my entries at all. That's ok. You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled not to care. *Smirk*


It's Sunday, and I don't think it's really right (for me at least) to be talkin' about someone else's entry and playin' different music over it (especially when my selection already had a video embedded in their entry). Since there's not really any songs I'm familiar with that reference bloggers talking about their favorite blogs, I'm gonna do it like I did last Sunday and throw up a playlist instead. Consider it a regular feature now (until we decide to do something different again).

The Sunday, July 20th Playlist Straight From My iTunes...
"The Scrappy"   by BS2000
"The Go Getter"   by The Black Keys
"48"   by Sunny Day Real Estate
"Friction"   by Morcheeba
"Catacombs"   by At The Drive In
"I've Got Friends"   by Manchester Orchestra
"Poor Places"   by Wilco
"I Feel For You"   by Chaka Khan


*Tv* On the heels of the link I posted yesterday regarding cartoons and the hidden (or maybe not-so-hidden) innuendos in them, of course this morning while scanning my Facebook newsfeed I came across a link posted by College Humor   that takes innuendo and uncomfortability to a whole new level (and I'll advise you to skip this if you're offended easily or you're around little kids because OMG you're really not gonna wanna do the 'splainin' when it's all said and done). Meet Furry Force: Episode One   and Episode Two  ...further proof that all the bizarre stuff on the internet finds me (and not the other way around, I swear).

*Thought* There's somethin' really sucky about waking up in the middle of the night with two (not one, but fucking two!!) nightmares and a toothache, and I can't determine if the wispy little headache I've got goin' on right now is from lack of an appetite, lack of sleep, or the lingering affects of said toothache. I don't remember the first nightmare much but the second was pretty wild and ended with me gettin' jumped and about to get my ass kicked; I woke myself up with two sharp kicks into the air (which would've been the dude's midsection from my position on the ground in the dream). Yeah, don't try sleeping next to me.

And with that I think I'm gonna figure out what's left of my night...definitely gonna hit up a shower before bed, but I don't feel like trimmin' up the hair, and I also don't feel like eating any of the food I've got here either so I have to decide if I'm hungry enough to go to the only close place that's open, the Sunoco station down the street. Decisions, decisions. I hope your Sunday is much more relaxing. Peace, do the new dance in town, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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