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My thoughts released; a mind set free |
Still Thursday, July 31 in South Dakota And Thursday comes crashing to an abrupt end -- all most, there are still eight minutes left by my clock. In here, 750 words, there is still another hour left, and in WdC, it ended fifty seven minutes ago. In a way, then, I'm early enough, on time, and late all at the same time. Kind of fitting for the day I put in. Not that it was a bad day, but it was a full day, a tiring day, and a fun, exciting, and sad day. Today was a little bit of everything all wrapped up in one way to short, day. I seen in Facebook, a cousin posted a comment about someone slipping an extra day in this week. Of course, she works all through the week, and has the weekends off, so in her time frame it's seeming like the week is passing much to slow. But, since I work the weekends and am off Tuesday through Thursday, it seems just the opposite, someone stole a day out of the week and I'm short one. Of course, I explained this a bit different in a comment to her post, I just stated that if they are going to add an extra day to the week, it should be an extra day off. No reference to weekday or weekend, just an extra day off, so it fits all schedules. Part of the reason this three days zipped by so fast is because I was sicker than I care to think about for two days out of three. It started on Sunday, but it was pretty mild, just a bit of an irritated throat. It was a bit worse on Monday, but still not bad. I had hopes that it would be a minor nuisance and nothing more. But, it seemed to slowly get more and more sore as the day progressed. Then, a guest decided to just take off and I had to shout for him to stop, three times. That was more than my throat could handle, and the sore became painful and I also began to cough up small amounts of blood. After that, it just got worse, and by Monday night, a fever had also joined the fun. Tuesday was a day of fever, coughing, and a lot of pain in my throat and sinuses. They plugged up tight, my face swelled, and I was very miserable. I tried to do some little things I had my heart set on, but even though it was fun work, and not anything hard, I had to take a nap and a couple of rest breaks while doing them. I did get them pretty well done, just need to put some paint on and drill a hole to mount them, but it took everything I had left to finish the last one and then it was time to call it a day. It was still early enough, but I was shot. Wednesday was a little better; my throat was still sore, but not bad unless I coughed. I was still coughing up a lot of nasty stuff, but my sinuses had less pressure and my fever was down most of the day. My leg was aching a lot worse than it has for a while, but I thought it was because of the sickness I had contacted. I don't know if it was something I caught from someone, or if it was related to dust and allergens I was exposed to, or a combination of the two. It hit fast and it hit pretty hard, but it seems to be passing a bout as fast. By today, I was feeling a lot better, had more energy, and was able to put in a full day without any naps or down time. It was a good thing, too. We had company visiting today, including a whole herd of grandchildren. It seemed like it lot, but it was in fact only six of the energy filled little bundles of joy. We also had two daughters and their husbands, and one brother and his gal. Part of the day was spent at the zoo, and that was a lot of energy consumed. The kids were pretty good, but one little guy insisted on keeping grandma and grandpa running a calling him back. Of course, grandma did most of the extra running and yelling to him, since I have been almost crippled with pain in my right leg, and since I am finally able to talk again. Yes, she is a wonderful lady and takes very good care of me. Yes, I do understand how wonderful and awesome it is to have such a loving partner, and it is why we can spend our morning together having coffee and getting ready for work, put in a long day together at work, and look forward to coming home and enjoying each other all evening, then climb into bed and share a very passionate, loving interlude before falling asleep holding her in my arms. She is not only a wonderful wife, she is my best friend. So, she did a lot of extra running today, but not in a bad way, it was fun, and I enjoyed seeing the sparkle in her beautiful eyes as she enjoyed the day with children and especially grandchildren. After the zoo, it was off to the lake, to a park to enjoy cooking out and visiting. Here my brother came through for everyone, he brought his grill so we didn't have to use the dirty things at the park, and he did the cooking. The rest was kind of potluck style, and it was fun, but more running and getting pictures, as well as checking out the playground and the memorial. Then, as the sun set to the west, we drove home, just the two of us. It was nice sharing a beautiful sunset with my lover, my best friend, and my wife -- just the two of us. But, behind us was a car load of family coming to the house for a quick stop before heading on further south for the night. Only an hour more for them from our house, but it was still a long drive ahead, so they didn't stay long. Then, they were off and we were alone, again. They have a reunion for the husbands side of the family this weekend, so they will be busy and having fun. Rhonda and I will be working, and putting in some long hours, so it works well. Even so, it's always sad to see them leave. It's a bit funny, because we are not use to the kids, and they exhaust us fast. It's always nice to have things back to normal, and as I said, we share a wonderful relationship, so we enjoy our time together. But, we also get to missing kids and grandkids a lot. We haven't been able to visit them for a while, a couple years, so it's the one or two times a year they make it out here that we see them. This also makes it kind of sad to see them go, but hopefully this year, after the double coverage ends on Labor Day, we can take a couple days off and make a visit to their domain. Now, it's off to bed, to rest up for a long weekend and likely a busy one. I'm not back to one hundred percent and Rhonda has a sore throat tonight. I hope she is not catching what I had, and we both think it's just from hollering out to kids so much to day. But, if she is catching something, the best thing is to get her to bed. I know, she could just go off to bed while I type and write, right? No, she can't. She has tried, but she doesn't sleep. If I'm gone, like to work or something and she is home alone, she snuggle up and the dogs join her for a nice nap. But, if I'm home, she can't sleep and keeps getting up, wanting to stay up with me. So, the only other option is if I take the netbook to bed and try to write while she sleeps next to me. Maybe one day I'll master that, but for now, I find I can't concentrate well lying there beside her, wanting to hold her close and drift off to sleep with her in my arms. Kind of silly for a couple as old as us, I know, but I wouldn't change it for anything. So, for now, an end to a long but wonderful day. |