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Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#824655 added August 7, 2014 at 9:01am
Restrictions: None
Volunteerism, Visiting Hogwarts & Sustainable Camping
Today's blogs...

Welcome To My Reality - Week Thirty - Three

6. If you had the time and ability, what charity would you most like to volunteer with and why?

When I was younger I had thoughts of joining Greenpeace and saving the whales but as I get older I find myself shifting closer to home and the issues here. Whales are wonderful, as are seals, but so are children who need help. Children with special needs or children from broken homes - they all need love and attention in a good, healthy way. A way that gives them a sense that the world is not so bad a place. That people really do care and want to see them flourish and grow. Providing that kind of volunteerism makes the world a better place. It makes the future brighter for those whose lives we touch and maybe we can break the cycle of abuse one small child at a time.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City - Day 157

Which door will you open?
Narnia, Hogwarts, Wonderland, Camelot, Neverland, Middle Earth or Westeros {Lord Of The Rings Geography area}

Now this is seriously a hard decision as I would love to visit Narnia, Hogwarts, and Middle Earth. The other ones would be interesting as well, but the first three for sure. If I had to pick only one... I would say Hogwarts so that I could be a witch and practice my skills. I would love to attend classes and be part of Griffendor. I took one of those little tests one time and it placed me in that house, but going through the choosing ceremony would be cool. (As an aside - I went to the University of Guelph and we were the Guelph Gryphons - complete with the same colours as red and gold.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Day 2 of the Survivalist Camp

Please add this Header for 30DBC summer challenge. just don't leave the spaces as I did for you to see it.
This is your sleeping quarters for the next three weeks. The guys will be in one tent and the girls in another. We have provided cots so hopefully you brought your bedding.

There are some important things one should know about camping in the wilderness and lots of information available on the web in case you don't know.
Do you know how to purify water? Do you know how to build a fire? Finally what does it mean when it says Sustainable Camping? Inquiring minds want to know how prepared you are for this adventure.

One of the books I read a few years ago was about a woman who trekked the trail that runs through the Rockies on her own. She discussed how she purified her water and all those lovely details in a memoir that I could not get enough of. The book is Wild by Cheryl Strayed. I would highly recommend it.

Sustainable camping - off hand I would say, living off the land. Giving back what you put into it. Living and camping in a way that does not hurt or harm the land in anyway.
One site says leave what you find, respect wildlife and minimize campfire impacts. I would also say hike or bike in to your site - leave the car behind. When you leave take all your garbage and recyclables with you. To be truely Green - one must leave all our little gadgets and toys behind and enjoy what nature has to offer in terms of entertainment.
Personally I love the idea if I was to be camping. I am not a huge fan of really going out in the camping world but I would try it. I do love nature, it just does not always love me.

Currently my husband is dragging me off for our holidays - being gone, I may get lost. I intend to take my Surface 2 but the copy and paste feature is not always reliable so we will see if I am able to post my blogs or have to tell you I am lost.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/824655-Volunteerism-Visiting-Hogwarts--Sustainable-Camping