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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/825136-This-ones-about-relaxing-records-and-Robin
Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #2002599
My fourth blog. Amazing yet disconcerting. Don't worry; this'll go away in a year or so.
#825136 added August 12, 2014 at 7:01pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about relaxing, records, and Robin.
30DBC PROMPT: "Norb and I are giving you the extra time to work on your reviews... if you have finished them all then write how you relaxed today at camp."

Header for 30DBC summer challenge.

Hey campers! This is correct...Lyn's a Witchy Woman and I are giving you an extra day for your reviews. It's been fun interacting with some of you during this little challenge!

Unfortunately, I didn't get to relax much today. At work we were closed because I guess there was some work being done on the HVAC system, and I was the only person taking in donations. I had the option of not coming in today...but I'm glad I did because otherwise we'd be tearing our hair out on Thursday trying to get everything done.

A relaxing day at camp though...would probably entail chillin' in my bunk with a book, or maybe taking a walk down by the lake. I could definitely use some peace and quiet for sure...I think I'm overdue for a nap today. *Laugh*

BCF PROMPT: "Today is National Vinyl *Vinyl* Day. We are all different ages so let's hear what was your first vinyl record? If you have never owned a vinyl record what do you know about them. Did someone in your family have vinyl records? How many sizes were there since they were first introduced? Do you ever see them in music stores?"

I love good old fashioned records! The feel, the sound quality, the larger image compared to a cd. I remember when I turned eight...my dad took me up to K-mart and gave me $20 to buy whatever I wanted, so I bought my first two albums: Michael Jackson's Thriller and Van Halen's 1984.

Growing up, I remember my mom having a lot of records. We had one of those stereos that looked more like a piece of furniture than anything, with speakers built in to it. I used to love pulling out the records, dropping the needle, and reading the liner notes.

In the last few years there's been a resurgence in the sale of vinyl records, which I think is great...even though more and more independent record shops keep closing. I would never go into a place like Best Buy for records...they just seem so sterile and have a shitty selection. It's the little shops that have the charm...posters and stickers up all over, knowledgeable staff, and anything you're looking for. It's too bad the record store is a dying breed...I could spend hours in one taking in all the sights and sounds, and talking music with other shoppers. One of my favorite experiences.


Barrel Of Monkeys

Looks like I'm following Future Mrs. B celebrates WDC 's entry, "Feeling Blue Today...I've got a G song, "The Gash" by The Flaming Lips.

I first heard this song on a mix-disc a coworker made for me several years ago...when I worked for a local electronics company. We were all into Sony's Mini-Disc technology, and it was nothing to make mixes for people. I loved MD's...small, super-portable, and you could erase them and re-record over them with no drop in quality, unlike a cassette tape. Plus they were durable.

Anyway, The Flaming Lips...so great. It was definitely a case for me where I heard the song and had to go out and get the whole cd. Another of the joys of sharing music...recommendations turning you into a fan of an artist you might not normally seek out on your own.

"Is that gash in your leg really why you have stopped?
Cause I've noticed all the others though they're gashed, they're still going."


Blog City image small

*Video* "Today the actor/comedian Robin Williams passed away. What are your feelings about his work? How deeply are you affected by a celebrity death? Is there a particular celebrity whose passing would/has cause(d) significant grief? If this prompt is too depressing for you, tell me about your favorite celebrity, dead or alive."

I don't normally allow celebrity to consume me...I look at these people as if they've got a job to do, entertaining us, and it's not like I'm gonna get a chance to really get to know them. Having said that though, it's saddening to hear of someone of Robin Williams' caliber passing, and it's especially concerning when you hear about the circumstances.

Anyone who's ever dealt with depression will tell you it's not easy to live with. You have to be vigilant with your treatment and with managing your emotions. You're never really "cured" even if you don't look outwardly sick, and you can't just walk it off like a stubbed toe. We may not know all of the story regarding Robin Williams, and I'm sure over time more details will emerge...but wrapping my head around it isn't easy, for sure. We'll never realize what pushes a person- one who was loved by so many, who gave us so much to laugh at- to that point where the end is the only way out. Sure, he had his demons...drugs and alcohol will catch up to you...it almost always does.

On the topic of celebrity deaths, it seems like every generation has a talent that is taken from the world too soon. For me it was Kurt Cobain...I remember exactly where I was when I heard of his passing. Nirvana changed the face of popular music as we knew it, and I related to his lyrics on a level that few have approached (for me, at least). It was shocking, albeit not quite unexpected...I wouldn't say I mourned, but there were a few days in '94 where I felt like something had been taken from me and wasn't coming back.

Nobody likes death, but it's a part of life and we accept it as such. Still, you never really know how to react, especially in circumstances like suicide. It's painful, it's frightening, but the important thing to realize is that we don't go through this world alone, and there's help there for you if you know how to look for it. Believe me...I know. I've started down thoughts I shouldn't have been having...I've arrived at those crossroads. Yet I'm still here. There's no shame in saying "I need help"...if you take anything away from whatever I've written today or in the past, please...if you or someone you know is going through a rough time in life, encourage them to do something about it.

I came across this article last night after I heard about Robin Williams' passing...please feel to share it with anyone you think could use it. "If you are thinking about suicide, please read this..."  .

*Monster6* On a happier note, this is what's ruling the internet today...a Beastie Boys/Muppets mash-up   that is equal parts hilarious and adorable and pure genius. Take the one minute and check it out...you'll thank me later.

Well, that's all I've got today...time to get my relaxin' on and hit up some BoM bonus tracks the rest of the evening. Peace, with explosions, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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