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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#825315 added August 14, 2014 at 5:47pm
Restrictions: None
Tavern Time, Fictional Crush, Writing Tools & Influences
Today's blogs...

30 Day Blogging Challenge

That was a lot to take in yesterday, how about we go into town and have some beers at the local tavern? Tell me about the conversations you over heard.

Well, first of all beer is not my drink of choice. I'd prefer a Mike's Hard Lemonade or a Smirnoff Ice. I like my drinks on the sweeter side and then I drink them slow. People in a bar are more interesting than the drinks anyway. I used to love this kind of scene. You would find me on the dance floor the whole night. From the moment I walk in, my body picks up the music's rhythm and I can not help myself. I don't understand people who don't get music.

Charlie's popping a quarter in the jukebox and that will do for now. I'll have to dig up some of my own change so I can get some musical choices of my own, but I am open to anything as long as it sounds like music and not random squawking noise that sometimes assaults my ear drums. I am glad it is not too loud, just loud enough that I can sing along and not get any weird looks from the locals, but after half my drink I don't so much care what anyone thinks. I have a nice little buzz beginning so I remind myself to slow down and maybe order a water the next round - I've got to pace myself. I know I am not the oldest in our group, but I am not a big drinker.

The crowd is a good mix. A few guys heavy into biker leather lean into the bar and I wonder how they managed to keep their beards clean. I smile, knowing that thought was just silly.

I notice Charlie ~ Author IconMail Icon getting into this scene. He's already a little unbalanced on his feet. Fivesixer Author IconMail Icon has also noticed. We smile at each other knowing we better keep an eye on him. Let him have his fun, but we'll save him from himself if he gets in over his head.

Not knowing everyone really well, I figure I will keep my head about myself and head to the bar for a large glass of water. The bartender gives me a raised brow glance, then smiles when he notices my Ice. Clearly I am not a fool, at least not tonight.

I slip in beside amy-Finally writing a novel. Author IconMail Icon who is looking a bit uncomfortable. Around her Prosperous Snow celebrating Author IconMail Icon and Lyn's a Witchy Woman Author IconMail Icon have gathered.

To ease her nerves I ask her what she notices. "Paint pictures with your words. You don't have to be like everyone else. Remember we are writers. Use that to help you relax."

She smiles at me, then lets her eyes roam the bar. We banter back and forth creating stories for the people around us. It is not long before her nervousness in gone and we are giggling.

When we order some nachos, the guys materialize and it is not long before we need to order another.

I settle back into my seat and smile at my friends. This is turning out to be one of my best holidays. Camping made me a little nervous, but I had long since given up the idea that it would be cold and wet and miserable. I love nature but sleeping out in a tent was a different element.

Before the evening is out I will have been up dancing.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day164

Prompt: Which fictional character have you fallen for?

Of course it is Mr. Darcy (in that Colin Firth, sort of way).

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Thirty – Four

2. Tell us about the one person who has had the greatest impact on your writing. How and why have they influenced you?

I am curious what other people are going to say about this... because as I sit here thinking about this I am not sure if there ever one person who had a great impact on my writing. I could say my Gramzie - as she accepted me for all I am. In her eyes I was wonderful and that gave me confidence. My best friend Michelle has also been a great supporter. She would let me read to her and those she would always gush with positivity even when I thought it was crap, she gave me confidence to carry on. My creative writing teacher in high school was also a positive influence as he often chose my work to read out in class. At that age, I tended to down play his influence as he was said to be an 'easy marker' but as I think back on it, not everyone was picked to read or have something read.

I have more confidence in myself now, but doubt is always there hiding in the shadows. Even without being able to see him, I can feel his presence - a pithy, darkness. He likes to scare off my muse, but she is strong and feisty. There is almost something elemental about it - like the story of Little Red Riding Hood. I make my way through the forest of uncertainty toward my grandmother's house, but around me the wolf stalks my movements and plots to eat me, to destroy me. I am thinking my muse would be my prized Red Cloak.

As I read that section again, I consider my own life experiences. They had me turning inward and writing helped me to make sense of what was happening and also gave me an escape from what was happening. In this way I was using the writing to make my way through the forest. Does that make sense?

I could say I was influenced by my reading, wanting to create stories like those. Writers like Enid Blyton and later Margaret Atwood.

I could also say my grandfather's tales influenced me (his own mother had an interest in writing). He was always telling stories.

My Aunt influenced my teaching, but I could also say she encouraged the writing as well. Giving me hope in the possibilities.

Writer's like Julia Cameron and Natalie Goldberg probably opened the possibilities further. Their work - The Artist's Way and Writing Down The Bones, respectively - opened my eyes to practicing my craft regardless of what other's thought. Finding a magazine like Writer's Digest also gave me hope.

My time here at WDC has also propelled me and influenced me and for that I am grateful.

I would say there is not a single influence, but a myriad of influences that paved the way and let me follow my heart. For each of them I give thanks with gratitude.

4. Some people yearn for the newest and best computer equipment or software. Some love fancy pens. Some go into raptures over beautifully bound notebooks. What is your ideal (money no object) addition to your writing toolbox.

I love notebooks and good weighted pens. Not that I write by hand so much anymore but do love the wonder of possibilities when I have a new notebook to fill.

I love my laptop. I only really started writing on it when I did NaNoWriMo back in 2012. Since then I find I prefer to write on it.
I do have a program called Schriver but have not gotten to far into it and I am still on the tutorial. It has been so long I will have to restart the tutorial. Some writers love it as it allows you to write scene by scene. I find that would be handy when workingg on my novels because after awhile I get a little lost in my story. Having everything all detailed out and at a quick glance would be helpful.

I am always interested in anything new that might make the process a little smoother. I am hoping other people chose to write to this prompt so I can look at other possibilities.

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💙 Carly - March into spring has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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