My fourth blog. Amazing yet disconcerting. Don't worry; this'll go away in a year or so. |
30DBC PROMPT: "Hi campers! Bring out the bugles! Toes down, chins up; it's time for Reveille! Sing us your favorite song this morning and tell us why you like it." 'Sup y'all? Couldn't just leave well enough along, could I? Like many of my fellow challengers in "Barrel of Monkeys" I'm sure, I'm already missing it (but thanks to lizco252 I've got the sweet BOMB for participating ) and can't wait 'til we do it again. So today in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" , I've asked you all to share with us one of your favorite songs, which isn't as easy as it sounds (and of all people, I should know). My favorite song today might be different from yesterday's or tomorrow's, depending on the mood or whatever's happened to get a verse or hook stuck in my head...some days you wake up and for no apparent reason you just have a random song stuck in your craw that, no matter how hard you try, won't go anywhere. I don't even want to know how much music I've looked at and heard over the last two weeks ( ok, I kinda do)...the WDC Soundtrackers shared something like over 1,000 songs! Sure, we're not keeping YouTube open for business or anything, but that's more than respectable in my opinion. Regardless of the outcome, I wanna thank the members of The Howlers: Lyn's a Witchy Woman , Elle , ~ Aqua ~ , Shana-Batgirl-Allen ~WeGotThis , and pinkbarbie...y'all did a great job and really pushed our squad to step our game up. I also wanna thank my teammates on The Orangutans, lizco252, Charlie ~ , very thankful , and Grateful Jess ...we may have experienced a night that will truly bond us all forever in the Z to A challenge, and I couldn't have asked for a better bunch to be associated with (and it's worth mentioning that as soon as BoM was gonna become a thing, Charlie came out and asked me to be on his could I say no? I was honored, and the kid knows his music ). Anyway, BoM was absolutely a great time Beth, and I'm so happy to have been a part of it. You guys, check out our playlist here ...I think it's more updated and complete than the link I used in yesterday's entry. And Beth, you're some kind of hero for not only putting up with all of us for two weeks and reading our entries, but for also cataloging and keeping score and dropping serious tuneage throughout the Bonus Tracks sessions! I don't even know how to properly express my gratitude. So back to the 30DBC...I think my choice will make clear what we should strive for going forward... MUSICAL BREAK!! Like I said, I've dealt with a lot of music the last couple of weeks, and I almost feel bad that I didn't get a chance to share more Hawksley Workman with you cats...I don't even share him that much in normal blog entries, for some reason. But make no mistake...if there were one man I was forced to live the rest of my life with on an island, it'd be him. He is the only person I'd ever consider dubbing "The Sexiest Man Ever", and if you've seen him live (as I have, three times...including once from the VIP section when he played in front of the Hard Rock in Niagara Falls) you'll know what I'm talking about. But personal opinion aside, I'm of the belief that we'll always need a song, no matter what the reason. There's no unites us in a language that's universal. It ties together generations and cultures; it is what makes the blood run through our veins enough to get us to dance, laugh and cry. May we want more from life in superficial ways, but we will always need a song. THE DAILY BOX SCORE: Here's a little article on how Radiohead should've revolutionized the music business when they had a "name your price" digital giveaway of their In Rainbows album...Making Money By Giving It For Free . And just to bring you back down to my level, so as you don't think I'm some kind of responsible adult, don't ask me to babysit your kids...unless you want this to happen . Ok y'all...I'm off to see what all the fuss in my inbox is all about. Hope you guys had a stellar weekend...what am I gonna do now with no more BoM? Peace, carry it away, and GOODNIGHT NOW!! |