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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#825768 added August 19, 2014 at 7:58pm
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Oh, So Pompous...The First Time, Observations & Do Overs
Today's blogs....

30 Day Bloggers Challenge

Dang, it is still raining like crazy and everyone is board gamed out right now. At first, I was going to have a spelling bee but then I got thinking and that won't work. People will look up the spelling. So instead, I have looked the words up and you may too but you may not substitute the word with the synonym. Write us a short story using as many of these words as you can but still make sense.


axiomatic ā€“ obvious or self evident
au courant ā€“ fully informed, uptodate
moribund ā€“ obsolete
propitious ā€“ favourable
calumny ā€“ slander
fecund - furtile
jocose - humourous
protean ā€“ changing or variable
surfeit ā€“ excess
attenuate ā€“ weaken
contretemps ā€“ dispute or fight.

My first response to this list was that it was not even English. Pompous Ass most definitely. You would think that would be axiomatic but not everyone is au courant. Some of these words have a jocose quality to them, maybe that is what keeps them from becoming moribund. When these words are used to surfeit they tend to attenuate your relationships as no one understands you. All too often contretemps erupt and that really is a sad result.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City ā€“ Day 169

Prompt: The First Time...

The first time is always a challenge
Stretching yourself to accommodate the newness
Risking making a fool of yourself
Feeling the nerves building and swirling
Finding you are able
Letting your confidence grow
Easing into the joy of having taken the risk
And survived.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality ā€“ Week Thirty ā€“ Five

2. Describe in detail the scene outside any one of your windows right at this moment.

I am actually at a coffee culture. The view outside the window is of the roadway that joins the myriad of parking lots that lead to strips of shops all awaiting attention. Being that it is only after two o'clock in the afternoon it is quiet. A few older people make their way across the road. They wave at the one lone construction worker that seems to be inspecting the work done on the bus depot on the other side of the road.

My own car is parked way over my Lowes. I came to return some items and though my main plan was to walk back to Starbucks, I found myself checking out the shops I had never got a chance to venture into yet. Hunger took me to the Bulk Barn for plain almonds - just to keep me going, but further grumblings lead me to Coffee Culture. I have been in the small establishments downtown and have not been overly impressed, but this one is spacious and I have a lovely booth spot. The table is a cool marble and the bench seat is firm and comfortable. Free WiFi adds to the wonderfulness, but I am not sure about plugins if my device gets low. Some places. seem to discourage such behaviour but no worries.

I had a lunch of an BLT on asiago cheese bread with a side Caesar salad. It was good, but I am so used to less salt bacon this one was a bit too salty for me. The coffee is good and so was the salad.

A nice mix of people in here. Only me and two other women are working on tablets or laptops. Another lady eats alone. A mother daughter sit and sample each other's food choices as they converse. A lone gentleman reads at one of the cushy chairs. Outside a few couples enjoy the patio. The sun is not so full now, but the day is glorious and I almost want to move myself outside if I was not concerned about flies getting into my food.

I have noticed the city buses pull up and stop along here. Keats Way stop #29 is right beside me. Everyone seems pretty casual getting on. More older people are here, less teens, like at the mall bus stops.

5. What things would you go back and try if you were able to? (Perhaps an experience that you passed up as a teenager or young adult)

I think if I could go back and try, I would be inclined to go back to the summer before university and go traveling. Take that summer and my youth and go on an adventure that took me out of my regular comfort zone. Back packing across Canada or even the States. Maybe going to Europe and staying in hostels and meeting and making friends along the way.

I would also be inclined to go to Teacher's College a lot early than I did. I wonder if I had gone in my twenties if I would have my own contract teaching position now.

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