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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/825997-Something-In-That-Hole--First-Job-Advise-To-Myself
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#825997 added August 22, 2014 at 12:20pm
Restrictions: None
Something In That Hole & First Job Advise To Myself
Today's blogs...

30 Day Blogging Challenge

hi Campers,
Yesterday, I asked if anyone noticed anything different about camp. We heard about lights, saucers, flashlights in the lake, beards, crazy drunk teens, even large furry possibly sasquatch and someone keeps drinking my coffee before I do.
What no one noticed is the big hole that is in the tree right next to our tents. Where did that come from? Clearly, there is something hanging from the hole but what is it?

Things are getting a little crazy around here. No wonder 30DBC Creator/Founder went awol, or is he in the tree? Is that hole big enough to house a transporter? Transport him home, away from the moose that scares him. Could it be a power cord sticking out - what do those things run on, anyway...

Is there some kind of lens sticking out. Something watching us. Aliens perhaps.

I take another sip of coffee and wonder about whether is really is drugged with hallucinogens. It tastes fine, but Lyn's a Witchy Woman has had way more than me and she seems a little off. She seemed fine and relatively normal when we arrived, but now.... I am not so sure. She's jagged up and I am thinking that is not her usual way... I will keep an eye on her.

Last night I was up on UFO watch. I didn't see anything. All was pretty quiet, though when Fivesixer and I scouted out the other side of the lake yesterday we didn't find anything suspicious. A few cans and bottles of empty beer... maybe it was just some teenage bush party.... but I still have my doubts. This whole area is weird. I will be looking forward to crossing the border back into Canada. Things are pretty calm over there. As for now. I think I will grab a bottle of water and see if that puts things to rights. Maybe a nap will help as well.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – DAY 172

Your younger self is about to be offered your first job. What would you tell yourself knowing what you know now?

My first job was at Tim Hortons. What would I tell myself knowing what I know now? I don't know really. Maybe ask for a few more hours. I only got one shift a week, always early mornings and once in the evening when I did not go to the Christmas party.

It would have been nice to develop some friendships with some of those girls - one of the girls I liked was the first to call me Carly. That was the only exception to my name I would accept. When I worked there I lived up the street, but I was in grade 12 and since my mother still owned her house in Guelph and worked over there, I went to school in Guelph as well. Most of these girls went to high school at KCI just up the street. I wish I had connected with them. The only friend I had was the paperboy, who was younger (and also had a crush on me). We only lived in Ktchener for 10 months. Then my mother and her then boyfriend, who we were living, with broke up - a lot of that had to do with her not wanting to take her depression medication. Going off it, messed with her mind and in turn, their relationship. We moved back to Guelph. After she went back on the meds and realized she would be on them for life, she and her boyfriend got back together. They were married the following year, after I started university.

I would also ask for references and maybe see if they could help get me get transferred to one of the Guelph stores when we moved back there instead of just giving my notice. There was a gap in my work history I could do without.

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