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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/826787-While-Waiting-for-Moments-that-Never-Come
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#826787 added September 1, 2014 at 1:05am
Restrictions: None
While Waiting for Moments that Never Come
Margaret Mitchell said, “Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect.” Whether it has an obligation or not, life has its own weird way of happening or rather hitting us on the head while we dream of something else that may never happen. I am sure, this happens to most of us on a small scale or a huge one.

Ambiguous? Well, sort of, but so deliciously true. And who are we to complain? Revising our expectations, not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next; all this makes us grow.

If the world handed us the moments we hoped for on a silver platter, that would be easy. If it still challenged us before giving it to us, that would still be satisfactory, though not really exciting. But when we make life work for us through something we didn’t plan for or dream about, doesn't that end up becoming more interesting?

I believe what we don’t expect makes us seek joy in the saddest places, pursue beauty inside the ugly, the murky, or the dark, and above all, it teaches us respect for true beauty and strength, as we try to understand ourselves and anything else we come across in our surroundings. In other words, through its tricks, life teaches us to open up to everything with passion, excitement and acceptance, even if those things are not what we waited and hoped for.

14 Things that May Happen While We Wait for Moments We Wish for

1. We learn how to get busy with living by doing daily chores.

2. Instead of enduring our days with waiting for moments we wish for, we learn to enjoy our time on earth.

3. We learn not to hope for the impossible, even if it may seem possible when we dream of it.

4. We learn to feel empathy for others who also live with broken dreams.

5. If we are smart enough, we keep the spark of hope and redirect it to what is doable.

6. We learn to live with and appreciate the mystery of the here and now.

7. We force ourselves and make it a habit to enjoy every single moment we are in, rather than waiting for that one speculative moment to arrive.

8. We learn to see the reflection of ourselves in others, and understand their confusions and conflicts, and if we can, give aid to them in any way we can.

9. While waiting for that imaginary moment to happen, we may encounter another interesting human being or a soul mate who’d make our life richer by showing us the falseness in waiting for an iffy thing.

10. On the negative side, waiting may give us pain and make each moment a living hell.

11. We may replace the illusion of moments that never come, with other illusions.

12. Waiting hopelessly may push us into depression, and then, if we are lucky, into overcoming that depression.

13. The pain of waiting may show us our strength or weakness in the experiencing of that pain.

14. Hopefully, at the end, we may learn how to change adversity to our benefit and live life fully.


Monday's prompt: "A life - Its the stuff that happens while you wait for moments that never come. Comment, expound, elaborate, reiterate or contemplate.

THE LIST begins. A friendly reminder: The list may not be the entry, it must compliment and accompany the entry. The List must have a title, include 14 (no more, no less), be on the same page as the entry, and be tied to your entry thematically in some way (if it is obscure - be sure to clue us in on the link). All other Blog City guidelines still apply.

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