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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/826788-You-agreed-to-fine-print-remember--gave-the-green-tick
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#826788 added September 1, 2014 at 3:03am
Restrictions: None
You agreed to fine print, remember, & gave the green tick?
Unless I agree to everything on the sign in page of the Wi-Fi provider here, I, understandably, cannot ACCESS THE INTERNET.

The Crown has the lawful right to monitor your use of its equipment and may do so at any time without notice."

I feel so comforted, in this terrifying day and terrifying age, of terrifying threats, of terrorism, that there is someone so caring and vigilant(e?) that they will remove any of the faintest whiff of this comfort zone destroying radicalism, by watching my personal electronic transmissions.

While I, being mostly unlearned, in the deeper technical aspects of the Internet, and the Deep Internet, and the Intranet, and obviously the fishing net, seeing as I never catch anything thus requiring the use of this square hole / ovaloid fish filtering system, I still know enough about general IT that I'm doubtful if the staff in government departments would bother monitoring beyond obvious porn site, or hacking, red alerts.

I'm sure they wouldn't stoop to watching people's Facebook conversations, for instance. And surely, they wouldn't have the know how, at government pay grade level, and public service attitude level (not responsible for anything; not our job, but have all the rights to kick our backsides for anything at any time) to somehow circumvent encryption, and read our emails, bank statements, and other sensitive and highly personal private information.

Sometimes I really wonder about these bland User Agreements that require a tick-box filled in at the bottom, evidence that "we read it and fully understand our culpability and blame for anything that may arise out of forthcoming notwithstanding section subsection clause subclause of aforementioned blah blah".

I feel certain that when each of us is conceived, a bunch of tick-boxes are automatically filled with the obligatory green down-and-up slash signifying that we agree to a certain set of conditions.
We have gone through a decision making process, choices, in our life, that culminate in the beginning moment of a life, complete with all the rights etc that any other human has.

I don't mean, or want, to set fire to a huge bonfire style debate about abortion here. That subject will probably never be anything but a fist fight provoking issue, whatever are stance, justification, opposition or personal beliefs.

No, I wouldn't be brave enough, or have the ability to remember any meaningful train of debate, to produce any profit, or progress, down that path of potential piety versus unplanned parenting.

I just see clearly, that there must be many unseen User Agreements that the vast majority of population remain unaware of.

A quick maths example of this phenomena should improve your understanding > one.

Ignorance will always be vastly < bliss, given the value of bliss = misery > Infinity.

There. That should clear that up.

Do you have obligations to any User Agreements you are unaware of?

This may or may not be a loaded question, but the strange fact is, whatever your beliefs or aspirations in life, there are some things that seem to be set in concrete, without us even realising.

No one has to believe in God, or science, or whatever, to come to this realisation. Some things in life just ARE. There are no arguments that win. None.

Don't believe me? Well, that's ok, you won't make me cry or thump my fist on the desk in rage. But these things are as real as a cemetery jammed with tombstones. (I might frown a little though *Pthb* )

Every living human signs an unwritten User Agreement for many different applications. Let's list some, right from the moment of conception, and even back a couple of seconds before this instant.

The user agrees to receiving and use of the following, while abiding by the automatic responsibilities packaged with said use:

The involvement of two (2) human lives.
Umbilical connection to Host Network.
Permissions for cross transmission of the placental firewall layers, regardless of toxic hazards that may be present.

This early User Agreement (at an embryonic age) may not seem to be by choice, but it's still signed and agreed to, otherwise life ceases, and the tiny cellular level discussion of these issues closes.

Then later, provided the human subject survives birth, more User Agreements are unconsciously signed. Yes, well and truly. There is no alternative.

Physical and Mental Systems
Interaction with other humans, animals, nature and the Earth.

Some don't seem to have to sign this; politicians, dictators, outlaws, rebels, insurgents, bankers, the Grim Reaper, dodgy salesmen and Ford owners. (*Bigsmile* Yes, I know I've just alienated half my readership but I never signed any User Agreement to you, did I? Oh! Maybe I did!)

Moving on to more User Agreements

Sharp objects cut skin.
Humans cannot breath water.
Hot water burns.
Power poles don't move when hit with fast cars.
Drugs are addictive.
Antisocial behaviour won't fix problems.
Darwin Awards don't include every idiot.
Touching exposed, live, 240 Volt Electricity Kills

There are truck loads of these obvious agreements, and many more hidden ones, I'm sure, and I don't just mean bank loans.

Really, at the end of the day, when it's all boiled down, when it's all said and done, the bottom line is; not only do clichés infect our writing as part of some ironic (maniacal laughter heard here) writer's User Agreement that we signed the moment we decided to write the letter A for the first time (instance cliché about apples or Apple Computers or something), but we all signed an invisible and intangible User Agreement about editing.

Editing will never be perfect, no not the first edit, nor the thirtieth, nor the FrobDillionth.


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Post Script;

The following addition carries a Bible Warning, in case you didn't want this User Agreement.
After a couple of minutes more reflection on this subject, it seems so obvious to me that agreement was never a choice on Earth, for us living organisms.

Agreement was never meant to be a choice. Agreement alludes to Peace.

And any agreement between parties, whether atomic particles, or fully grown adult species of average intellect; any agreement in this present form was never meant to bring peace. And it never will.

There is a verse that has sneakily entered my mind (under an Agreement?) that is of Biblical source:

Mathew Chapter 10, verse 34.

No. Peace was never the plan for any users of our human frame in it's present state. The way to peace, with a fully signed up, totally agreed to, no pressure applied agreement, was explained in an instruction manual specifically written and preserved for this purpose.

However, that manual won't do anyone any good of itself. For true peace to be found, the conditions in that book have to be agreed to. One of the conditions that must be agreed to, and experienced fully, to be LIVED, is to...well, you'll have to nut that out for yourself.

You only find out some things AFTER you've agreed to the User Agreement.

That situation, that step, that motion of trust, is called FAITH.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/826788-You-agreed-to-fine-print-remember--gave-the-green-tick