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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827040-Dont-kNow-Anything-about-cannibalism-eh-Is-that-so
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#827040 added September 3, 2014 at 8:53am
Restrictions: None
Don't kNow Anything about cannibalism eh? Is that so?
Some people think we're silly! You know, when they advertise something by one name, but you know it's a scam, and clearly something totally different.
And I never knew you could sell DNA.
But that's probably illegal. So they're calling it body jewellery.

For sale - $50 NEG
NEW assorted body jewellery
Ulverstone MU no holds listed elsewhere

Nah. It's definitely DNA. You can see the strands, the helical and spiral shapes. The individual genome. Genomi? Genes? Ok, lots of genes. Whatever.

I saw the following article today, and while a lot of these info-ice-buckets seem designed to suck you in, vomit too much information all over your head, and expect you to sit back and believe, even if the writer's name is Pinoccio, this one is particularly disturbing.

This prompted me to question why we eat what we eat.


Cheese made from human DNA? What? Ewwww. I don't. No. Not thinking those toe-jam thoughts. *Radioactive*

But. Why should we eat ourselves? Why should humans be better off eating something that is human? It doesn't seem right, whatever the justification and reasoning.

Aren't we supposed to eat something different? Isn't that just normal nature?
Why are people so hung up on going against nature, or claiming that by not eating meat, or even food that might have a whiff of being made from animals, that it's not natural?

It seems far more natural, to me, than eating our own selves.

Think about this. I was surprised to discover recently, that the human stomach is a great producer of hydrochloric acid. This process is designed to break down whatever we eat, WHATEVER WE EAT, so that our body can extract all the necessary nutrients, enzymes, and lots of other handy things that help our bodies function as they should.

All our systems in our body, whatever they might be, are affected by what happens in our gut.
That process is vital. If it's upset, and not functioning properly, then every other bodily process is affected.
. Our ability to fight disease
. Our ability for our cells to communicate
. Growth
. Mental function
. Correct function of the rest of our digestive system; intestine etc.
. Emotional stability
. Development
. Electrical energy
. Conductivity
. Waste removal

And the list goes on. This is not the best order to list these things, and I'm no medical guru, not even an amateur. Don't depend on me if our plane crashes on a desert island. I'll be the guy who carries people's backpacks, and tries not to make insensitive jokes. (It's in the Genes)

Yes, crashed plane, or crash diet, it's important to have guts. Guts that basically make our body into a stomach on legs.

We are a living battery. Our Stomach is just a battery sack on legs, complete with handles (arms) for installation into the vehicle of our life journey.

So, here we have a process plant, a living factory, designed to deal with any manner of intake.
We are designed to eat a lot of diverse foodstuffs. Even minerals. Even acids.

Why the bloomin' heck would you then decide, as humans, that we know better how our body should work, and that we should completely change our eating habits, and eat unnatural food? Eat food made from our own DNA??!

Yes, I'm well aware it's each to their own. People can choose what they do. That's right too.
And who am I to say otherwise? I'd be the first to defend people's right to free choice, as long as it's not harming others.

What a pity though, that there are systems in existence that obviously work in a way they were designed, but so much time, effort and money is expended on expensive, insanely complex methods of producing alternatives completely against nature.

Here's the thing, too.

Everyone defends nature. Animals. Earth. Flora, Fauna and Felines.

But does anyone defend people, who are also part of nature? We aren't an intruder. I'm sorry, but why are we any less important than the rest of nature?
No one is required to believe in God or any other spirituality to still agree that nature is how it is.

Wouldn't the logical step in thinking then be that we are in the food chain, we are hunters of prey, we are prey of hunters, prey of disease, prey of our own kind etc etc etc.

We do have a responsibility to make choices that encompass all of the systems on Earth, because we (are supposed to) have the superior brain.

Therefore, what is wrong with us eating things in nature, for food, for sustenance, and to keep our battery supplied with energy?

I'm expecting lots of flacky comments over this, but, each to their own dinner hey? DINNER. DNA.

This is even of biblical pro portions see?

It's not what goes in the mouth that offends, but what comes out. (or is typed in a blog. And Spellcheck doesn't like the word offendeth.

What is wrong with us just being HUMAN? Huh? Doh? *Pthb*

And what's wrong with Doh!nuts? Even if they are made of lumps of humany stuff.

I guess long term Tasmanians do have a little bit of expertise on cannibalism. After all, there is a history of it here from convict days.
Even a movie made about it.



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