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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827305-Funny-Friday-Photo-Memories-My-List--Writers-Platforms
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#827305 added September 5, 2014 at 5:47pm
Restrictions: None
Funny Friday, Photo Memories, My List & Writer's Platforms
Today's blog...

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Funny Friday Prompt: Here's your opportunity to take a gross situation and twist it to make it funny for Funny Friday. I know you can do it.
Prompt: You take a big bite of a juicy burger (veggie or meat) and as you're chewing, you feel a long strand of hair entwined in the patty. What happens next?

The awful part about this is that it is dinner time when I am having to do this prompt... yeesh.

Through the burger winds your hair
Daring me to have a care
I look up into your fateful eyes
And feel my stomach roll with guise.
Help me make it through this meal
I can’t take another deal
You alone must make this stop
If you don’t I’ll call a cop.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 186 {Day 5 of The LIST}

Prompt: Recall an old childhood photo. Narrate the events that led up to that moment that photo was taken.

I may not have been the steadiest on my feet but I could be quick... and most certainly cute. I had gotten into my parent's closet and found a part of my Daddy's big, black dress shoes. I picked them up and put them carefully side by side then stepped into them. With my hands up high for balance I shuffled forward so that the front of the shoes met my legs then I tried to shuffle some more wearing them. I doubt I got very far and I probably fell down or toppled out at some point. Being short, I doubt it hurt and with my mother holding the camera I most likely laughed up at her and pulled a cherub smile.

Funny Moments Captured On Film (or not)
#1. Every year my Grandma McCleod in Timmins had me stand in front of her bee- laden flowers for a photo opt. I hated it. See even picked out the dress I had to wear so it would look just right. There are probably 14 years of pictures of that before she forgot.
#2. I am stuck up in a tree. Was I climbing it or was I merely placed up there for a photo opportunity.
#3. Me in the bathtub with bubbles in my hair. The hair is spiked up and I am grinning from ear to ear.
#4. A nightgown shot of me and my cat Kerry playing in the stairwell - making my mother laugh at our antics - I believe there was a full moon involved.
#5. Me on my Daddy's lap. We are both reading the paper - well, he is. I am far too young, but imitation is a thing of beauty.
#6. Sliding down the back hill on the sled. It was a short hill with a tree at the bottom. My friend Sally and I knew when to bail, but her little brother stayed on and got stuck under the tree.
#7. Standing in the backyard, playing with my friend Sally when all of a sudden she started crying and running for the house in panic... a moment later, the rest of us could hear the train. Sally was our train Radar (reference to M*A*S*H* - when Radar could hear the helicopters before anyone else) - she heard it before anyone else.
#8. Watching my cat Kerry come barreling across the back yard and watch as Sally's dog, Frosty would try to catch her - he was attached to the clothes line that ran from the house up the back of the hill. Kerry always made it and that damn poodle always got choked for his efforts.
#9. While playing house in a box in the back yard (my parents had got a new washing machine and I got the box to play in) our Persian cat, Cindy barreled head long into the side of it - apparently it was in her usual running path and she failed to make note of the changes.
#10. Heading down the driveway towards the lake after my babysitter told me to "go jump in the lake." I stopped when I reached the road - four year olds can't cross the highway without an adult. Damn rules.
#11. Telling my Grandmother (Graamzie) I was going to put her in the garbage. I put my hands on her hips then walked away. When my grandmother asked about being put in the garbage I told her "she was already there."
#12. Sitting in my grandfather's captain's chair eating Cheezies. I was giving the end caps to my new kitten - Kerry was only six months old then. She was propped up on my seven year old chest waiting for her bits.
#13. Eating peas while standing in the garden over at my Great Auntie Bea's house. She would plant extra knowing I would do that.
#14. Enjoying a Cream Soda Float at my grandmother's in Timmins while sitting in her swinging kitchen chairs - back in the day when my feet didn't touch the floor. This was probably after I had changed my clothes from the photo opp in #1.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Thirty – Seven

7. What do you think about writers building a platform across all streams of social media? Is it something you have thought about doing why or why not?

I think it is probably a good idea to get yourself our there. Exposure is the thing. Having a website with links to Facebook and Twitter. One writer I follow is also on Sulia. I get regular updates and can look forward to new books coming out. It builds the anticipation. Having a blog also lets your followers get to know you. If your writing voice is clear, it will come out in your blog and that may inspire people to read more of your work. It couldn't hurt, anyway.

For me... I don't feel I am at that point. I love blogging here at WDC and I have found my writing voice has gotten stronger as I come to it each day. I am pleased with where I am today. Maybe someday I will branch out, but for now I am content to test my wings and fly within the confines of WDC's site. There is no cage that binds me, but I feel development and a safe place to land are important to me right now.

© Copyright 2014 πŸ’™ Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
πŸ’™ Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827305-Funny-Friday-Photo-Memories-My-List--Writers-Platforms