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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827571-Disability-and-Me
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1940894
Originally for the 30-Day Blog Challenge. Now just a blog about a flailing mermaid
#827571 added September 8, 2014 at 1:28pm
Restrictions: None
Disability and Me!
30DBC - 8th September - Prompt: "I used to say to my children that each of us has a disability, that no one is perfect. Some of the most compelling and enduring stories are often about those who rise above their limitations. Share with us how you work within the confines of your own disability or someone in your family each day and manage to thrive."

*Laugh* Really? Is this the best prompt to give me? I have to start early, I think this blog will be an all-dayer for me! Those of you who know me, are laughing already, right? *Laugh*

Firstly, don’t get me wrong; I think this prompt is great. I just don’t know where to start! *will not get into politically correct language* *no* *no* *no* *Laugh*

Ok… all I’ve done so far, is laugh! Lets get down to it! I’m disabled you see, have been since birth (well, technically just after birth but hey what’s a few seconds of Oxygen between friends?... oh! That! *Facepalm*). I have Cerebral Palsy (CP). Did you know, unless you’re ambidextrous , you have elements of CP too… weaker on one side than the other? Yup CP! Cool huh!

Some of my writing and a lot of my speeches are about living with an impairment. Getting on with life, dealing with stuff and not letting stuff getting in the way. Not because it a good way to make money (ha joke) but because its just what I do. I don’t always take disability seriously (unless I break my foot and realise I am actually disabled and can’t do anything).

I am able to laugh at myself – in fact, I find myself hilarious! I fall over in the most spectacular ways and just get up and walk away. I laugh at the way that if people are not listening properly they wont understand me… yet if I swear they’ll understand instantly. I should just go around swearing; maybe I’ll get further in life. I laugh at the way people patronise me then look reeeeally guilty if they find out I have two degrees! I laugh at the way people patronise me when it is sadly very obvious they’re not very well educated… I’m not laughing at THEM, I’m laughing at the fact that really I could live my life pretending to be unintelligent and no one would argue.
I laugh when people ask me where my carer is or if I’m okay by myself (I really am!) I laugh when people crap themselves when they see me get in my car and drive off!

So, I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ve got to where I am, done what I’ve done by being positive. By seeing the lighter side of life. Yes, sometimes I get down and want to scream at people. But there is very very little point! I’d get nothing done if I spent my time feeling sorry for myself.

I’m not gonna lie – I know that if someone saw me out and about they’d probably think I lived at home with my parents, on benefits, watching TV, eating squashed food and reading kids books. Yup, I am *that* stereotype. And yup that could be me, it easily could. But I’ve worked my ass off in life to make sure that isn’t me!

When parents of disabled kids say to me “they can’t, because of their impairment” or “they’ll hurt themselves” I just want to scream. When I was young, I climbed trees. Technically, it should have been physically impossible, but I did it! When I was young I rode a bike (trike) so fast that I flew off when I went round corners! It hurt but I got back up and carried on. My parents encouraged me to carry on. Without that encouragement, I wouldn’t have become so stubborn.
Without my stubbornness I wouldn’t have endless positive memories that I treasure so dearly.

When I broke my foot recently, the hospital banged on and on about me being a “risk”. How would I get upstairs they asked… “I’ll find a way”. What if so and so happens?... “I’ll find a way”. Do we need to call social services for you?... “you dare and I’ll kick your arses!” Risk! Pah! I had to assure them that the risk was on me, not them. Then I challenged them to find an obstacle I couldn’t find a way round! They didn’t take me up on it, sadly.*Bigsmile*

This is not very well written, at all. I hope I don’t sound too big headed (probably do). I also hope I haven’t offended anyone. That wasn’t my intention… this is just me!

Here are a few items I’ve written about impairment and being disabled:

Lest We Judge!  (E)
A poem written for a charity (explanation within)
#1944940 by Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️

Short Story: Is your mummy or daddy home  (E)
I'm 26 and today I was asked if my mummy or daddy were home...
#1799236 by Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️

The difference in me  (13+)
Hi there! I’m Claire and I can almost guarantee that I am different to all of you.
#1930404 by Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️

© Copyright 2014 Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️ (UN: frannywill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️ has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827571-Disability-and-Me