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Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#827702 added September 9, 2014 at 7:44pm
Restrictions: None
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff, Breakfasts, Contests & I Wish
Today's blogs....

Blog City - Day 190 (Day 8 of The List)

Prompt: Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things. Take this and apply it to your blog in any way you see fit.
LISTers - Make your List

This is most definitely a Mitchopolis prompt... so funny.

Given that today was my first supply teaching day; this became a great prompt for the day as I tried to remain calm and remember how to do this - June was a long, long time ago. So I will not sweat the petty things and certainly not pet the sweaty things.

Instead I will breath and find my center. I will focus on the moment and let the other stuff sit on hold until I am ready and able to get to it. One of the 'petty' things is going through my supply bag. Do I have everything I need?

What Is In My Supply Bag - this list may be boring but it will help calm me....
#1. A calendar to record all my supply days and job numbers.
#2. Books to read for a variety of age groups - though some picture books can be used for fun in some of the junior grades if the kids can handle it.
#3. One of those books is a ghost stories book - short stories that fill time if all the work is done but we still need to be working.
#4. I have a silly short story book as well if students are not into ghost stories. For younger grades I change the wording so I don't read anything inappropriate or set them off with the overly silly words.
#5. I have a Bingo game - I rarely use this but it is there just in case.
#6. I have a book of math concepts to give me a quick review if I have to teach a lesson - I do not want to feel like I don't know what I am doing.
#7. I usually have worksheets - a class set - or a set of sheets that can be copied if I need to modify the lesson or give them something more. Sometimes you can't find what the teacher has left or perhaps has neglected to leave
#8. I have a book of fun little games that can be played if everything is done but only a tiny bit of time remains.
#9. I also have a list of games I have picked up and learned from various classes. Certain classes have games they play often and enjoy. Learning something new is great.
#10. In one of my smaller calenders that the Union provides I have a list of schools and addresses just in case you need to call or you need to know the address. Adding in Principal names is a good idea as well.
#11. I used to have two separate bags - one for primary (Kindergarten to grade 3) and one for Junior (grade 4 to 6) but I have found some teachers don't tell you what grade they teach so you don't know until you get to the school and some schools will move you to a different class at their own discretion. I have gone in thinking I was going to teach grade 6 and been sent to Kindergarten (and the reverse as well) - Although I can handle both, I find it is a different mind set.
#12. Bandaids and other products for necessities.
#13. Pens and pencils just in case you cannot find the teacher's stash.
#14. Advil. Need I say more.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Prompt: 'A balanced breakfast is a healthy way to start each day.' Scientific truth, or marketing propaganda?

I think it is scientific truth. Breaking fast - it is the time your body takes to eat after long hours fasting as you sleep. It is a fresh start a time to get a good healthy step out on what your day will be like. Getting the most calories earlier in the day is better for our bodies - just choose healthy, nutritional choices. It is not a licence to eat crap or eat like a pig.
I find a good breakfast sets the tone for my day and if I manage my food choices, I can avoid the late night snacking that is my downfall.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Thirty – Eight

3. Choose one of the writing contests that you've entered recently and tell us what drew you to it or why you entered it. Share you entry, and at least one other entry from the same contest.

I have joined many contests here at WDC. The most recent is the "Invalid Item. I enjoy the challenge of writing a poem a day and trying to meet the parameters set by the judges. I did a similar contest last year for the 13th birthday party. I have completed 8 days and am working on today's prompt. Here is a list of my poems so far....
"Transplanted Homeland
"The Treachery of Inner Mind
"God Gives Daniel Divine Intervention
"This Life's A Puzzle
"Early Morning Dawn
"All Life Is Mystery
"In All Our Endeavours We Do Seek
"Freedom Has A Cost

4. Write ten sentences starting with the words 'I wish...'

I wish... I had my own contract teaching position.
I wish... I could belong to a school community - that sense of belonging is wonderful.
I wish... I could conquer the fears that tend to paralyze me.
I wish... step up and do more to better my world.
I wish... I could focus in and complete my novel.
I wish... I could get that finished novel published.
I wish... work towards developing my writing abilities.
I wish... I could do something with my writing abilities beyond just my self.
I wish... I could make a positive difference in other people's lives.
I wish... world was not such a cruel place.

© Copyright 2014 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827702-Dont-Sweat-The-Small-Stuff-Breakfasts-Contests--I-Wish