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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#827786 added September 10, 2014 at 9:34pm
Restrictions: None
Adventures in Moving. Wanting to Publish...One Day & Sharing
Today's blogs....

Blog City – Day 191 {Day 9 Of The List}

Prompt: Pretend you were on the Mayflower on that first voyage to settle in America. Describe how your felt leaving England and seeing your new home.

The times, they are a changing and my family has decided on a fresh start and break from the glumness of our life here in England. We're tired of just getting by... a new land promises adventure and a chance to make a better life for ourselves. I am all for that.

We had been so hopeful leaving England... now with all this time at sea and the sickness that has plagues us I am looking for land, praying for land to come soon... so I can get off this hellish boat.

They are calling us Pilgrims..... the grim part is right. I feel more like a survivor. Just get me off this floating pile of sickness. Luckily our family is still pulling through, but little Timmy and Isaiah are not fairing well and I am worried they will not make it.

At our first glance of land, I wipe my tears. My boys are gone, lost last night in fevers that stole their wee bodies. Jeb and I are weak, but fine and so are the girls. I watch as the land grows closer. I see the ruggedness of the vegetation as it clings to the shore as if baring us from making contact. The Captain tells us to will sail a bit farther south... the land it thought to be less dense there and we can drop anchor and make our way to the new land. Our new home. Oh, how I miss my boys... they would love this....

Striking Out For A New adventure... Adventures In Moving.
#1. Moving between my family home and my mother's apartment in town. Concerns about being left behind or abandoned filtered into my young dreams, but I adjusted as my parents both loved me.
#2. Moving from my hometown in New Liskeard, Ontario to southern Ontario. Leaving behind my father... going only with my mother.
#3. Being told my father had died.... the cancer was too much for his heart and he was taken. Now I go forth with my mother as half an orphan.
#4. Moving from our apartment in Guelph to a semi - detached house... because our landlord (who worked at the Humane Society) discovered we had a cat. Apparently they were not allowed.
#5. Moving from that semi - detached house into a house in Kitchener so that my mother could move in with her boyfriend.
#6. Moving back to that semi - detached house when my mother and her boyfriend broke up.
#7. Living with my grandparents when they came down to stay with us.... for the winter.
#8. My mother moved back in with her boyfriend... but I was old enough to not have to follow; having started University that fall. They got married that November.
#9. Moving into my own apartment when mom decided it was time to sell her semi - detached house. She was concerned what the neighbours would think when I had my boyfriend stay over.
#10. Visiting my boyfriend in Toronto when he moved their after graduation.
#11. Moving to Kitchener after I graduated from university.
#12. Moving into my boyfriend's apartment before we found another place.
#13. Moving into a house attached to five other house units with my boyfriend - now we were officially living together.
#14. Buying our own home and moving into it... we have been there at least 18 years.... my goodness. How time flies when you're moving around.
I am amazed that list was perfectly 14 long.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Prompt: Complete the following sentence and discuss it: In order to get to _____, firth you have to _____.

I think this is In order to get to ____, first you have to ________.

In order to get to get up, first you have to either go to bed or fall down.

I am feeling a little tired tonight so my mind is a tiny bit wonky. I just got my Day 10 prompt for my Day 10 poem and it is after 9pm - I am not so sure how it is going to turn out... I don't think we have an extension of time either.
So I am off to create or I will fall down and have to get up before I even go to bed.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Thirty – Eight

5. We all have things that we put off for 'one day'. 'One day I'll take that trip...' or 'One day I'll write that book...' Tell us about something you've put off for 'one day' and why you can't do it now, and if you have any concrete plans in place to actually achieve it...one day.

I guess my one day for me is to publish my writing. My confidence is building and I am still learning but I feel far closer to achieving that goal the longer I am with the Writing.com community. I don't feel so alone in this writing adventure. Sharing my writing here at WDC has given me confidence. I give myself permission to write and whether it is crap or a gem, I feel like I am getting a bit better at telling when I flop and when I nail a piece of writing.

6. Other than the people here on Writing.com, do you ever share your writing with anyone in your life? Tell us about the reactions and feedback you get.

At present Writing.com and Writer's Carnival are the only websites I share my work. Many years ago I was part of a women's writing group that met on Thursday nights. The facilitator of our group was also a woman's and family counsellor. She offered 6 week and 12 week sessions to write and connect. I loved the group. We sat on the floor on cushions and wrote to prompts the facilitator supplied. We then would go around the circle and share our pieces - we could opt out if we were not ready to share, but everyone did. It was a heartfelt and sincere group. A safe place to write and share. I loved the opportunity and I met many wonderful women.

I stopped going because I no longer lived in Guelph and my husband often picked that evening after I got home to complain about what I had not done around the place - at the time, I was only supplying as an Educational Assistant. I found it was less of a hassle to stop going and the sessions were getting a bit more expensive. I decided I could continue to write on my own.

I would love to join a group closer to home that doesn't cost so much - I was part of a group for a bit but it disbanded when others got busy. I had not gotten up the nerve to share my work with them, but we would write together every Tuesday night. The group was a spinoff of the Nano group in our area.

Maybe one day I will find another group and have the confidence to share in person again.

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