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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827832-Memories-of-911-What-Is-Important-Intuition--Gramzie
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#827832 added September 11, 2014 at 10:47am
Restrictions: None
Memories of 9/11, What Is Important, Intuition & Gramzie
Today's blogs...

Thursday September 11, 2014
One of the blog entries reminded me that it was 9/ll. I woke to in the night to my husband watching something about a plane crash and people in a building - at the time, my sleepy mind did not process that that was memorial moments plastered once again for us to see and view and remember with sick hearts and heavy minds. Today's grey reflects the lost and the cold seeps up into us like a memory, unwelcome but strong.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Opinion Thursday
Does intuition exist or is it sheer coincidence? I am told there are two senses of intuition. One is the immediate awareness and the other is a mode of knowledge based on apprehension. Is it possible that someone can instinctively know with out the use of rational processes. What do you think? Or is it just a plain dumb lucky guess.

Intuition to me is that small voice of God giving you guidance. That gentle push and prod to do the right thing or to avoid something ghastly. It is not coincidence but guided love. God's grace given in small sweet moments and if you listen and do what is expected you will avoid a tragedy or gain something hoped for or needed. To not follow, to not listen to your heart, brings a darkness and loss. You walk into what could have been avoided; you will miss the perfect opportunity. Too often it is easy to shluff off that nagging inner voice or that feeling of apprehension but the thing is.... God speaks to us in a still, small voice, gives us a gentle push or shove and if that doesn't work you get the harder message in a ton of bricks. So much easier to follow the gentle nudges than be pummeled with the consequences of not listening in the first place.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 192 {Day 10 of the LIST}

What were you doing and where were you on 9-11 when the twin towers were attacked?

Working in a special education class. The Day was just getting started. We heard the news and could not believe it... it sounded so surreal. Before too long televisions were set up around the school so people could catch the news and discuss the events that played out. The older students wanted understanding, the younger students wanted comfort that everything would be all right. The world felt a shift that day... a shift that we are not so far from the onslaught of terror... it breeds in pockets closer to home than we want to realize and we need to be vigilant.

We also need to care for each other and reach out to God for guidance and love. Trust in that higher power to heal, when the world is destroyed by evil forces beyond our comprehension. We will never understand the complexities of our world, but God is there to hold us up.

The pain and cruelty of such a horrific event is hard to understand, to make sense of.... there is something bigger going on here. But as we watched in horror, we pulled together and prayed. We, all as one, called out to God and in all of it found a peace... for those not directly affected, we moved to be God's hand, feet and hearts to help and provide for those greatly affected. We came together and that is a powerful sense... a sense far greater than the brutalness of the evil that plagued us. Love stepped in while hate was called out. More love than hate.... and that is how we survive. To live in a place of hate rips us apart and leaves us dying in the streets. To live in love we reach out and save each other, heal each other, come together and let peace rise.

There is nothing worse to our enemies that coming together in strength when they were hoping to crush us. Stepping into LOVE saved us... even though many had to suffer to bring us to that place. We were feeling too safe and secure in our little pockets of life... 9/11 shook us up and brought us back to what is important.

Things That Are Important
#1. God and my faith and spirituality
#2. My husband
#3. My parents
#4. The rest of my family
#5. My Friends.
#6. My health
#7. The health and well being of all my family and friends - real time and online.
#8. Having a safe place to live.
#9. Having access to good health care - for physical and mental aspects.
#10. Living in a country that is democratic and free
#11. Rights and Freedoms - Equality, Free Speech
#12. Having a job and contributing to my world in some positive way
#13. LOVE and PEACE
#14. My life

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Thirty – Eight

2. Choose an important person in your life and describe them to us. Not their physical description but their personality and character.

Picking just one person is difficult...

If I go back to my childhood and my early years I would chose my grandmother. Gramzie. She was a person of tiny stature with a comfortable girth that was always willing to cuddle you into loving hugs. She was gracious and honest. Authentic and true. Pure of heart and her love of family and friends shone like a beacon. Her love was unconditional and for an only child coming from a broken home, she stood for the underdog. She, herself, had been the underdog... the hard working daughter who did what was necessary to give her older sister a chance to go on with her education (an education that did not get fulfilled as she died while away in Teacher's College). A forgiving heart - taking in her own mother when she was not the favoured child - she did her duty and she did it without complaint. Her body was riddled with arthritis at every point, but she rarely complained - she did call herself 'lazy' and we would get after her about that because she was certainly not lazy. She was the matriarch of the clan. Proud and strong. Faithful and generous and I was blessed with her love and devotion, as were all her children and grandchildren.

She endured abuse, both physical and mental, in order to provide a loving home for her children. She was firm, but never yelled. Indulgent to her grandchildren. Always there for us when we needed her. She is gone now, lived to be almost 101. She was blessed with many years to live on after my grandfather died - that was God's gift for all her patience and persistence living with a hard man.

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💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827832-Memories-of-911-What-Is-Important-Intuition--Gramzie