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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827852-The-Scinutific-Entry
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1940894
Originally for the 30-Day Blog Challenge. Now just a blog about a flailing mermaid
#827852 added September 11, 2014 at 1:20pm
Restrictions: None
The Scinutific Entry
30 DBC - 11th September - Prompt: Does intuition exist or is it sheer coincidence? I am told there are two senses of intuition. One is the immediate awareness and the other is a mode of knowledge based on apprehension. Is it possible that someone can instinctively know with out the use of rational processes. What do you think? Or is it just a plain dumb lucky guess.

Humm I've been thinking about how to respond to this prompt for hours. I now figure I should just bite the bullet and get on with it. Or, rather, I will after I eat some lunch and watch a bit of the new Dr Who while I do so! *Laugh* *Apple*
Okay, that was a lie! I went away for about 4 hours! Oops... Procrastination at it's best.

I think I'm going to continue with yesterday's theme, and start with a definition (or maybe even two!).

Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.

Intuition is a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.

Intuition is a thing? errr does that count as good English? *shrug* I didn't write it.

I like to think I'm pretty intuitive. I tend to listen to my gut feelings quite a lot. Are they the same thing? *Laugh* They are today because I'm basically making this whole thing up as I go along. I wonder, have I ever mentioned that I hate opinion Thursday? *Bigsmile*
So, I go with my gut. And I think I'm rather good at reading people and situations pretty quickly. So, I feel like I understand things before needing to rationalise them. Mostly I am right, which feeds my Ego rather nicely, thank you very much!
But then, as you say, am I just lucky? Could be - its highly possible. But then there is no way to prove it either way.

*Confettiy*Or so you thought!!!!*Confettib*

Of course it's real!
Think about it for a minute. Your eyes take in millions of images each day. Your ears hear things you don't realise are going on. AND you are only using 10% of your brain consciously. The other 90% of your brain is sub-consciously processing all the tiny bits of info you're taking in all day every day, then feeding it to the conscious part of your brain if you really need to know it.
In other words, our nervous system receives far more information than you can process or remember consciously. Your brain does a great deal of processing you're not consciously aware of. Intuition occurs simply when there's information which you've either forgotten or never consciously noticed in the first place, but which is still stored in memory and influences your decisions.
I'm not saying your intuition is always right, or that its never just "luck". But, on the whole, this is the score!

*Beakerb* *Beakerg* *Beakero* Scientific innit!! *Beakerp* *Beakerr* *Beakery*

In Other News
*Note1* I'm concerned that some of you might get to the end of my Yellow Brick Road and think "meh"... I hope not because I think its genuinely really exciting
*Note1* I'm also worried that I might not have enough clues to fill 18 more days! *Laugh* I'm going to try reeeeeally hard to find enough. *Bigsmile*

Today's Yellow Brick
Follow these to get to my secret

14th October 2014

Clues so far:

*Note3* I am not pregnant
*Note3* It has absolutely nothing to do with bricks

Guesses so far:

*Note4* You've been contacted for publishing your autobiography. - LostGhost: Seeking & Learning
*Note4* Is it another advertisement poster but this time featuring divorce? - Mitchopolis

I'm hoping that by the end of this challenge (30th September) I will be allowed to share a top secret secretx. So, for the next twenty days, I will give you a yellow brick at the end of each (or most) of my blog entries. With each brick will be a clue pointing towards what my top secret secret is! You can all have one guess each day. The first person to guess correctly will win a Mystery MB from me. I will NOT tell you if you're right or wrong until I know I am allowed to announce. If I am allowed to announce before the end of the 30DBC, the clues will become more obvious.

So, to sum up, use my daily clues to guess my secret. Be the first and you'll win a Mystery MB.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827852-The-Scinutific-Entry