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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827920-My-Very-Own-Picket-Line
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1940894
Originally for the 30-Day Blog Challenge. Now just a blog about a flailing mermaid
#827920 added September 12, 2014 at 11:01am
Restrictions: None
My Very Own Picket Line
30 DBC - 12th September - Prompt: We all know it's WDC's 14th Birthday. And they are having lots of parties this month. Well ,you are invited to a theme party. However the theme is rather unusual everyone must come as a human emotion. What's your costume? Remember it is funny Friday!


No, no, wait! That's not actually my answer, I'm just saying...

It seems I've been in a rather questioning mood this week, in blogging terms. So, lets continue this, shall we? Technically, an emoticon is:
a metacommunicative pictorial representation of a facial expression which in the absence of body language and prosody serves to draw a receiver's attention to the tenor or temper of a sender's nominal verbal communication, changing and improving its interpretation

However, here on WDC, the term "emoticon" is used in reference to all the little pictures we see around the site. I.e. *Olympics* ... But the prompt says "human emoticon". This, my friends, is a massive shame, in my opinion. Its a shame for two reasons:
1. The prompt either (a) goes against the language used on WDC as a whole, and/or (b) portrays discrimination towards non-human emoticons, as if they can help it!
2. It means that if I were to follow these strict party rules, I would not be welcome if I came as say a t-shirt (*Tiedye3*), a mug (*Mugg*}, a yellow envelope (*Maily*), or, indeed, a plug (*Plug*). I am particularly upset about this last one as I rather fancy spending an evening as a plug. I think it'd be pretty electrifying!

What then, I ask you, would happen if I were to arrive as a ghost (*Ghost*)? Would I be shunted from this social gathering for my current appearance? Or would I be welcomed in recognition of what I once was? Human!! I thought not! RUDE!

On the basis of discrimination towards non-human emoticons, I shall not be accepting my invite, I'll be boycotting it instead!!

In fact, I will be rounding up my other activist friends and making a picket line out side the party!!

Picket line image 3 Picket line image 4 Picket line image 2 Picket line image 1Picket line image 3 Picket line image 4 Picket line image 2 Picket line image 1 Picket line image 3 Picket line image 4 Picket line image 2

As it happens, I WAS going to come as a very attractive beach ball. I have the padding and multicoloured plastic already here! All I needed to do was stick it together. But none of you will get to see my amazing costume! Nope *Cry*

Y'all have a great time wont ya!

*Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball* *Ball*

In Other News:

*Note1* *Laugh* I found that funny but I'm not sure anyone else will
*Note1* Yesterday I was concerned I wouldn't have enough clues for my Yellow Brick Road feature. I do now because I've written them all down *Bigsmile*
*Note1* I need a new phone, have done for ages but I've been waiting for iphone 6 pricing. I'm with a VIP section of a phone company and I'm waiting for them to email me. I got on to the website - somehow (its lock unless you say you want to look). As it stands today the 6 is the same price as the 5S, so its a no brainer! I just want confirmation. Mind you, I can't get it till next Friday anyway. My company get the phone to you in 12 hours as standard, so I have until Thursday to order if I want it on friday...Meh!! Whatever... I just hate waiting!
*Note1* My Kindle broke last night. Then it was fine, then it wasn't, now it is! hmmm Chris offered to buy me a new one if it is dead... I'll hold him to that.
*Note1* I've been married two months today! And what an awesome two months its been. *Laugh**Rolleyes*

Today's Yellow Brick
Follow these to get to my secret

*Right* I'm going somewhere *Left*

Clues so far:

*Note3* I am not pregnant
*Note3* It has absolutely nothing to do with bricks
*Note3* 14th October 2014

Guesses so far:

*Note4* You've been contacted for publishing your autobiography. - LostGhost: Seeking & Learning
*Note4* Is it another advertisement poster but this time featuring divorce? - Mitchopolis
*Note4* You're going to take up swimming again - Elle - on hiatus
*Note4* You're going to speaking at a conference - Elle - on hiatus
*Note4* Your going to grow pineapples - Lyn's a Witchy Woman
*Note4* You're getting promoted as a regional manager or something along that lines for your area - LostGhost: Seeking & Learning

I'm hoping that by the end of this challenge (30th September) I will be allowed to share. So, for the next twenty days, I will give you a yellow brick at the end of each (or most) of my blog entries. With each brick will be a clue pointing towards what my top secret secret is! You can all have one guess each day. The first person to guess correctly will win a Mystery MB from me. I will NOT tell you if you're right or wrong until I know I am allowed to announce. If I am allowed to announce before the end of the 30DBC, the clues will become more obvious.
So, to sum up, use my daily clues to guess my secret. Be the first and you'll win a Mystery MB.

© Copyright 2014 Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️ (UN: frannywill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️ has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827920-My-Very-Own-Picket-Line