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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/828186-Ads-Just-Dont-Do-it-for-me
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1940894
Originally for the 30-Day Blog Challenge. Now just a blog about a flailing mermaid
#828186 added September 15, 2014 at 12:31pm
Restrictions: None
Ads Just Don't Do it (for me)
30 DBC - 15th September - Prompt: Do celebrity endorsements of particular products influence your decision to purchase and/or use them? Would you be more likely to lean toward a different brand than your usual if the company were to use a spokesperson more to your liking?

In two words: No & no! I hate adverts! *Laugh* I take no notice of them other than to cringe at them or to roll my eyes *Rolleyes*... Sometimes I just want to reach into the screen/poster and hit the person with a rolling pin! *Rollingpin*
If I see a well known actor or music artist in an advert, my immediate thought is "sell out!" I always think it just means that work has dried up for them so they're taking what they can.
Take Kevin Bacon for example. His EE adverts drive me up the wall.....

*Laugh* Reeeeally annoying huh!

I am more understanding of sports people though. Its tough doing sport and making money. But, again, they're not likely to get me to buy anything either! Sports people also have it tougher as it would be easier for them to lose endorsements. One bad result and you could lose everything. Hero to zero!
However, some companies choose people really badly. Nike, for example have sponsored the worst possible sports people! It really is unfortunate. Its funny but in a very wrong way.

This is in bad taste, but this is a genuine ad campaign from Nike, pre Valentines day 2013:

** Image ID #2009689 Unavailable **

Another example of Nike's poor judgement on sponsorship, is this:

Nike need a rethink

So, no, advertisements and endorsements don't sell anything to me... Well, no adverts might but the people featured in them do not.

(apologies if I cause offence, just thought these were interesting!)

In Other News:

*Note1* I'm in a shitty mood today (I can say that now - check out my new content rating!). I slept in my bed for the first time in 4 weeks last night and had a dreadful night's sleep. To the point where I wish I'd got up and come back downstairs. I just could not get my leg in a comfy position, which made me spasm all over the place. This has carried on through today. Yuck. It feels like I have had far too much coffee and can't stop jittering. So, I've not really done anything because I just can't settle.
I also decided today was the day to give up smoking. I can't get to the shop by myself for another two and a bit weeks. So getting cigs without asking is impossible. I have electric ones that I quite like but its not the same! However, I will save tons of money so that's all good! *Bigsmile* That is my incentive!
I'm in just in a bad mood/frustrated in general - no big deal. It'll go tomorrow.
*Note1* I think I'm just about to order my new phone - eek.
*Note1* I stated sorting out my accounts this morning so I can put my tax returns in. Need to know how much I'll owe in January. Ugh money money money.

Today's Yellow Brick
Follow these to get to my secret

*Right* I need to find something to wear *Left*

Clues so far:

*Note3* I am not pregnant
*Note3* It has absolutely nothing to do with bricks
*Note3* 14th October 2014
*Note3* I'm going somewhere
*Note3* I'm not actually leaving my city
*Note3* I've got four guests going with me!

Guesses so far:

*Note4* You've been contacted for publishing your autobiography. - LostGhost: Seeking & Learning
*Note4* Is it another advertisement poster but this time featuring divorce? - Mitchopolis
*Note4* You're going to take up swimming again - Elle - on hiatus
*Note4* You're going to speaking at a conference - Elle - on hiatus
*Note4* Your going to grow pineapples - Lyn's a Witchy Woman
*Note4* You're getting promoted as a regional manager or something along that lines for your area - LostGhost: Seeking & Learning
*Note4* Another go at the honeymoon? - Jack-check out 7YS
*Note4* Your going to a writing conference! - 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson
*Note4* You're coming to see me!!! - Elle - on hiatus
*Note4* A new house of course! - Jack-check out 7YS
*Note4* You're going to speak at the university? - Elle - on hiatus
*Note4* Some kind of public speaking event at the University. - 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson
*Note4* You're going to a family event - wedding or christening - Elle - on hiatus
*Note4* You're going to a party of some sort. Maybe someone's honouring you. - Jack-check out 7YS
*Note4* Your graduating from the university! - 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson
*Note4* You're going to be a grandmother - Lyn's a Witchy Woman *Smirk*

I'm hoping that by the end of this challenge (30th September) I will be allowed to share. So, for the next twenty days, I will give you a yellow brick at the end of each (or most) of my blog entries. With each brick will be a clue pointing towards what my top secret secret is! You can all have one guess each day. The first person to guess correctly will win a Mystery MB from me. I will NOT tell you if you're right or wrong until I know I am allowed to announce. If I am allowed to announce before the end of the 30DBC, the clues will become more obvious.
So, to sum up, use my daily clues to guess my secret. Be the first and you'll win a Mystery MB.

© Copyright 2014 Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️ (UN: frannywill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️ has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/828186-Ads-Just-Dont-Do-it-for-me