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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/828518-The-Alphabet-Story
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1940894
Originally for the 30-Day Blog Challenge. Now just a blog about a flailing mermaid
#828518 added September 19, 2014 at 3:53am
Restrictions: None
The Alphabet Story
30 DBC - 19th September - Prompt: Write a blog entry, or story your choice in which each sentence starts with the next letter of the alphabet starting with A.
For example ~ A orange cat joined out family. Boldly challenging the older cats, he has quickly made his presence felt. Clearly, the older cats are not going to take this lying down.


Invalid Photo #1036651 long the road, a man went mad; screaming just like a child.
Invalid Photo #1036652 ecause he saw a teeny tiny spider: scared shitless, he was a wimp.
Invalid Photo #1036653 an you imagine the chaos that followed?
Invalid Photo #1036654 ogs and cats got such a shock, thereby causing a riot!
Invalid Photo #1036655 ndeavours, by gosh, they were all brought to a halt.
Invalid Photo #1036656 atigued old men were startled to their senses: what, what!
Invalid Photo #1036657 ateways of pandemonium were surely opened.
Invalid Photo #1036658 andbags belonging to old ladies, with their purple rinses, went flying!
Invalid Photo #1036659 have never seen the older generation get so irate…
Invalid Photo #1036660 ust when we thought the craziness was over, a flock of birds joined the commotion, pecking their way to the heart of things.
Invalid Photo #1036661 etchup suddenly came flying from over head!
Invalid Photo #1036662 ooking up, we all could see, fire fighters squirting giant bottles of Heinz from the rooftops.
Invalid Photo #1036663 y goodness, even with floods of red, the fight of randomness continued to develop.
Invalid Photo #1036664 othing could stop this scene, it seemed!
Invalid Photo #1036665 pened windows around the town, allowed for the escape of rabbits, hamsters and parrots, which came to join.
Invalid Photo #1036666 arrots arriving two by too were in their element, repeating the obscenities uttered by contenders.
Invalid Photo #1036667 uite how the town survived this racket, no body really knows.
Invalid Photo #1036668 abbits, they were the worst; squeezing into the smallest slots, their shiny white fur instantly dyed bright red!
Invalid Photo #1036669 omeone swears they saw a snake too, but that report was not confirmed.
Invalid Photo #1036670 ragedy struck, however, when the poor spider was squashed when trying so hard to scuttle to safety.
Invalid Photo #1036671 nlike the humans, the animals entered a state of mourning.
Invalid Photo #1036672 ery little could shake them from this state, so the humans (even the old ladies) escaped while they could!
Invalid Photo #1036673 ell, what can be said?
Invalid Photo #1036674 -ray pictures were not required to comprehend the devastation left behind.
Invalid Photo #1036675 et, it all occurred because of a teeny tiny spider and the wimpiest man who was scared shitless!...
Invalid Photo #1036676 ookeepers were called; boy they were appalled but had it all cleared up in a jiffy!

In Other News:

*Note1* I'm starting this section first - my brain isn't ready for my ABC story yet. I'm starting this at 6am and I've not had coffee yet *Facepalm*
*Note1* I've literally just discovered that Scotland has voted NO to independence. Its an issue I've not really taken too much notice of because it's not something I can vote on. But last night it started to dawn on me that voting yes would be such a nightmare! So I'm pleased with the vote. I'm a quarter Scottish you know! Actually, yesterday I was told that this fact was obvious... errr not quite sure how! *Laugh*
*Note1* I've needed to refurbished my website for a good year now. This week I've managed to get the majority of it done. It is very nearly ready to launch... Just in time for my announcement. It is almost as if I planned it, huh! *Bigsmile*
*Note1* I didn't go off and write yesterday, like I said I would yesterday. I think I will today.
*Note1* In a few hours my iPhone will be here, which makes me geekingly happy.
*Note1* In fact, it's all about the apples today....

Today's Yellow Brick
Follow these to get to my secret

*Right* Apples *Apple* *Left*

Clues so far:

*Note3* I am not pregnant
*Note3* It has absolutely nothing to do with bricks
*Note3* 14th October 2014
*Note3* I'm going somewhere
*Note3* I'm not actually leaving my city
*Note3* I've got four guests going with me!
*Note3* I need to find something to wear
*Note3* There will be a posh meal involved
*Note3* I'm getting something
*Note3* The outfit I find needs to match Royal Blue and Gold... or should try to, at least

Guesses so far:

I'm hoping that by the end of this challenge (30th September) I will be allowed to share. So, for the next twenty days, I will give you a yellow brick at the end of each (or most) of my blog entries. With each brick will be a clue pointing towards what my top secret secret is! You can all have one guess each day. The first person to guess correctly will win a Mystery MB from me. I will NOT tell you if you're right or wrong until I know I am allowed to announce. If I am allowed to announce before the end of the 30DBC, the clues will become more obvious.
So, to sum up, use my daily clues to guess my secret. Be the first and you'll win a Mystery MB.

© Copyright 2014 Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️ (UN: frannywill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️ has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/828518-The-Alphabet-Story