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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/828529-An-Alphabet-Story--A-Character-Abjectified
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#828529 added September 19, 2014 at 10:34am
Restrictions: None
An Alphabet Story & A Character Abjectified
Today's blogs...

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Funny Friday: Write a blog entry, or story your choice in which each sentence starts with the next letter of the alphabet starting with A.
For example ~ A orange cat joined out family. Boldly challenging the older cats, he has quickly made his presence felt. Clearly, the older cats are not going to take this lying down.

Artimus Zifferman was not feeling at his best today. Bogged down with pressure from the inside as well as external fears, he didn’t think the day was going to be very successful. Clearly his sinuses were not going to be forgiving today. Dare he make the trip into town? Every day he did so, but today felt heavier somehow, like a cloud hung over the idea of it.

Forgetting his wallet didn’t help and he cursed himself for his ineptitude. Grabbing a cab he had returned home to find it sitting there almost mocking him with its open display of ‘here I am’. He grabbed it up and stuffed it in his pocket, making sure to check that he had not forgotten anything else. Irritably, he had made his way back to the subway after he paid the cabby and sent him on his way. Just the thought of having to pay out any more money to get downtown sent a shiver of sweat down his back.

Keeping his cool, he made his way through the maze of people that seemed to have nothing better to do but get in his way. Lugging a huge backpack and briefcase slowed him down even more than usual today. Muttering he made it to the building and pressed his way into the flood of people to reach the elevator. Not much time to spare before the meeting, but at least he was here.

Optimism was going to be hard to come by today. Pessimism seemed to hang from every surface and glare at him with bulging eyes. Quickly he moved into the office. Really, he hadn’t screwed up that badly, he thought to himself. Screwed up, yeah, he had done that, but certainly not as badly as... Taking a deep breath, he shook off the discontent that had settled on his shoulders.

Usually he would have dumped his stuff off in his office, but the time was late and he did not want to add any more fuel to the fire. Very quietly he slipped into the back of the boardroom and took a seat. Worry creased his brow as some of his colleagues looked over at him with distain.

X marked the page Dempsey handed him. “Your an ass!” he hissed.

Zifferman!” shouted his boss looking almost crimson from the neck up, “You’re Fired! Get your ass out of here!”

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 200

We are going to do a little word play with this prompt. Open a page in the dictionary or a book and write down the first three adjectives you see. Now, tell us about someone you know who personifies these traits in some way.

neglectful worrisome weak

I picked these words for interest more than them being someone I know. As I don't want to call anyone I know weak.

Janice Prentice was a woman of weak, frailty. Her bird like demeanor seemed almost skittish, particularly when in large groups or gatherings. She would edge of to the side and watch but rarely make a move to put herself out there. She worried that she would be seen as lost and taken advantage of; for that reason she preferred her own company to that of others. To look at her she had a neglectful air about her. Her clothes hung across her tiny frame like they were thrown over the back of a chair; mismatched and frayed. Patterns mixed with animal prints with colours that clashed at each other. She did not seem to care. Odd that her outfits drew the gaze of curious onlookers and she would glare at them as if their interest was vulgar and mean spirited. They gave her a wide berth and whispered that she was eccentric or possiblity just a crazy loon. She ignored the whispers and hurried off to be within her own council. She needed no one and it seemed no one needed her.

Word Count = 763.

© Copyright 2014 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/828529-An-Alphabet-Story--A-Character-Abjectified