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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/829451-Prove-it-for-yourself-Nothing-and-nowsomething
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#829451 added September 30, 2014 at 11:13pm
Restrictions: None
Prove it for yourself. Nothing, and now...something.
I suppose I should put a Bible Warning here, to be fair, with the topic, because I wouldn't want anyone to feel tricked into reading if they didn't want to.

National Novel Writing Month is on again soon, with people preparing every which way, rousing themselves to a high state of writeyness, worthy of all the great word-crafters the world over.

Here's a quick slice of quote pie from the Nano website..

I've never written before. How do I start a novel, and where do I put it?

Writing a novel is like baking a pie: it takes practice, experimentation, and bold, brash risks. NaNoWriMo is a writing whirlwind that catches you and sweeps you away, rattles you about, and drops you into a story that's wild and crazy and totally yours. In short, it's a perfect way to get started.

But where should you write your novel? Anywhere you choose! Though you can't write it on our site itself, many folks use Scrivener, Storyist, Google Docs, or even just Microsoft Word.

This was my 2013 effort. The novel still remains mostly unedited, but that's another story. *Pthb*


So what does it mean? The title of this blog entry? Why did I say that? A lot of the time I start writing a blog, and forget to address clearly the title of the thing.

Well, this blog is about God, and a tiny snippet of my beliefs. If you don't want to read on, I'll be none the wiser, and neither will you I guess, but I do understand. We all have our own thing. We all wear our own choice of clothing, if we can afford clothing that is. (Or if we aren't nudists; I suppose is another idea)

I've always felt there was a God. An accident, or evolving is just too simple, and way less likely than an all powerful being. I'm not against the idea that there was a "big bang", or that some scientific stuff has happened in the past that we have no hope of understanding, proving, or otherwise. For example; Dinosaurs.

Yes, I've always had a strong sense of an omniscient, all-seeing presence that is loving, kind, merciful, and yet has another side that goes so far, and no further. This God can be jealous, wrathful, unwavering and commanding. It should be noted, I feel, that the two sides, or views, or experiences, of this God I believe in, seem to mostly depend on our own attitude.

If we don't believe in God, or claim not to, then he's not one to force anyone. Love is not force. Love is only extended to the point where someone chooses otherwise. Seems clear to me.

We could argue all this all day. I'm well aware of that, and I have no desire to be part of that. This is just a brief sharing of how I feel, and a couple of basic reasons why I believe. I don't feel that we need proof of God's existence, unless it is a private proof that only the person themselves can know in their mind, soul and heart.

What on earth has this got to do with Nanowrimo? (I get sick of writing in the capital letters)

When you sit down to write a novel, you first have to have an idea. I'm reminded of the movie Inception, and what the character Leonardo DiCaprio played, Cobb, said about an idea. It really is a most powerful thing, and once planted is like a virus. Removal is impossible unless death comes. Seems legit I guess.

Ideas aren't there. Then you have one. That's something we all experience and know first hand.

What about God? It says in the scriptures that God is love, among other things. Love isn't there, and then it is. I found this to be the case having children. They don't exist and then they do. Your love for them didn't exist. Then it does, and grows, and grows.

So it is with ideas.

And so, I believe, it was in the beginning. The world didn't exist and then it did. A mystery, to be sure, but who are we to figure that out, when with all the science and technology, all the striving of people still hasn't come one bit closer to resolving conflicts, wars, famines, disasters and poverty.

Then, on the flip side, I believe that there is only, logically, one possible answer to the question about God's existence. I, like so many others I guess, used to wonder how God got made. (Don't you love the word got?)

What was before him? Who made him? Who made the universe? Who made even empty eons of vacuum? Who made emptiness? Who made the light? Who made darkness?

The answer is simple. Love can come from nothing. But God didn't. Just love is not enough. Is it?

There is only one logical answer. For something to be now, it has always had to be. Our world exists. We know it every breath we take, every heart beat we hear, every pulse we feel.

There is no denying in my mind that for something to exist now means it always did. And the maker wasn't made by someone else in the unimaginably distant past.

Because he's always been.

With Nanowrimo, how do you get an idea? How do you HAVE A CLUE?

How do you work out something that is exciting, original, plausible, fits your beliefs and thinking, and can be made into something enjoyable to read?

Maybe that sentence goes somewhere towards helping you get an idea. I often play what ifs in my head. Daydreaming. People think you're lonely when you sit sipping coffee in a cafe every day, and sit in the library doing nothing except staring into space.

Well, apart from reading a lot, even newspapers, that's how ideas come to me. I watch people, and then think up a what if.

I'm thinking right now. What if there was no God? What if he never did exist? What if the people arguing against the idea of a God, and think that our lives are just like the Matrix, are right? What if it's all just a big computer program?

Well, hang on. This still has to be overseen by someone. Otherwise it wouldn't exist, would it? If no one had that idea in the first place. Even accidental big bangs are made by someone. Matter had to come from somewhere, even if it's just imaginary. Even...

Even if it's just an idea.

If there was no God, then this world, none of these computers, none of these websites, none of the nuclear reactors and nuclear disasters would exist. Children wouldn't exist. Children with deformities wouldn't exist.

We wouldn't exist.

People try to have it both ways. Believe in God only for the purpose of blaming him for the problems of the world. There are lots of debates, contentions, arguments and stuff.

But I'd rather go on believing, than give up, and really have no idea.


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P.S. If you do comment on this, that's ok but, please just chill out. Keep in mind that while I should care and all that, being a believer, the reality is that I don't, not about arguing on this. Each to their own.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/829451-Prove-it-for-yourself-Nothing-and-nowsomething