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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/829472-Tuesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#829472 added September 30, 2014 at 12:25pm
Restrictions: None
I was just lounging about, enjoying my day off after sleeping in; not late, I was up before eight, but that's late compared to the time I get up for work. It's a cloudy, cold, and wet day with a brisk autumn breeze, and not very good for doing anything outside. But, we had decided on going grocery shopping early today, then working inside on our rearranging project.

I was online and checked into my fitness site, then into Facebook, and finally was coming over here to see what was going on. I wasn't doing much of anything in any of the sites, just visiting while enjoying a couple cups of coffee. But, when I clicked on the link in my bookmarks toolbar, I accidentally clicked on 750 Words instead of WdC. They sit right next to each other, and I just missed my mark this morning.

So, when I logged in, I decided to write a short entry in there to explain why I had logged in. Not that anyone besides me could or would see it, I just wanted to write in a short explanation. I had planned on going back in there and doing the seven hundred words a day exercise, but I had not decided when.

Since I was there, I decided I would start on the first day of the month, tomorrow. So, a short entry to say this, and then log out and log in here. But, my short entry soon became over a thousand words and more than enough to start with. So, I will start writing in there today, since I did anyway.

I plan on doing it the same as before, writing in there to push myself to get the seven hundred and fifty word count, then copying the entry and posting it in here, for my journal entry. So, here's the first of what I hope will be many seven hundred and fifty words, or more, entries for my journal.


This won't be a full seven hundred and fifty words, since I don't have time to write at the present. The truth is, I just clicked on a link in my bookmarks menu, but accidentally hit the wrong link. That's alright, though. As long as I logged in here, even if it was not intentional, is good enough to get this going once again.

I was going strong all summer, but then I lost it. No, not like that! I lost my internet and could not log in to write. The nearest WiFi is just over a fifty mile round trip, and that was just not feasible. So, I was unable to access the internet for a few days, and did not even know until late one evening when I logged in to make my entry here and could not get online. By the time I did figure out why I was not getting online, it was after midnight, and I had missed a day. As it turned out, it was a couple of days more before internet was restored and I could get back online.

The summer had been very hectic, and time was a rare commodity for me. I was quickly burning out, and when I lost the internet, I found it very difficult to get back into things like this, since it was demanding of time I did not have. So, I let it slide for a while, know that in a month I would have less hours at work, and a bit more time for here. That time came, but instead of using it here, my wife and I decided to take advantage of having some time off. We had not done much all summer, except work around the house, redo the patio, and work at out jobs. Now, it was time to do something relaxing and enjoyable while the weather still permitted.

We went camping. Not just driving to a local campground and setting up an RV, but real camping. We did go to a campground, but not anything fancy. We picked out a nice state park that would be quiet and peaceful, and we went during the week while the place was all but empty. No WiFi, no electrical hookups, no driving right to the site. We parked and carried our gear into the tent site we had rented and we enjoyed three days of no phones, no unexpected guests, nothing work related. Just my wife, myself, and our two dogs, living out of a tent and cooking over an open fire.

Well, we did have a camp stove along as well. You know the kind, two burners in a flat case that folds out for a wind break. We also had an air mattress so we did not have to sleep on the hard ground, my back would not take that very well. But, we had to blow it up at the van and carry it into the campsite. Luckily it fit through the doorway of the tent, but just barely. We roughed it and enjoyed it. In fact, we enjoyed it so much that we decided to do it again the following week.

We went to a different state park, but it was pretty much a repeat of the same. This time we did have a site we could drive into and park, and it did come with electricity, but we still camped out of our tent, enjoyed an open fire, and supplemented our cooking with the camp stove. Again, there was no WiFi, and no way to get online for us. I don't have a smart phone, so that was not an option. Even if I had a smart phone or built in WiFi, we were in an area that had very limited reception, and according to the park information, cell phones did not work well in this area. The same was true about the second park we went to, it also was in this isolated area with limited cell phone reception.

Not that it bothered me, it was a nice break away from work, and with my job as supervisor for a security company that is located in another state, both my home phone and my cell phone are often used for work. So is my email, my fax service, and much is done through the companies official site. So, by not having phone service or internet service, I could not contact work, and they could not contact me. In fact, I joked with my wife about this, saying that unless they tracked me down and came walking over the hill, I would not have to even think about work for the next three days.

This also meant I could not log into the sites I enjoy visiting, and using. But that was fine, since I had lost my counts in here and in my fitness site. It gave me the opportunity to take some time off and not have to log anything or do anything online. After we returned, it was back to work and time to start getting back into my routine. So, I began writing in my journal in WdC again, and started thinking about logging in here and writing my seven hundred and fifty words every day, again. But, I was still kind of burned out and time was still in short supply many days of the week.

So, I started in gradually, writing in my journal in WdC, but only what I had time for. Some days it would be longer, most days it was a short entry, and it did not matter if I wrote any specific length. I had planned on started back in here, in 750 Words, and doing it the same as I did all summer. How's that? Well, I log in here and write a journal entry of at least seven hundred and fifty words, then copy it and past it in WdC in my actual journal.

Today I accidentally logged in here, and since I was here, I wrote, and the next thing I know, the counter informs me I have hit my mark of seven hundred and fifty words. I didn't think I would, but I did. So I reckon the information I was going to add about starting back in here on the first of the month is not needed, since I wrote enough in here today to make the grade. Yep, I might as well make today my first day back in 750 Words.

Again, I had doubted I would write this much, but since I did, today is my first day back here. Again, I will write my journal entry here, then copy it over to WdC. Of course, I don't know how it will work out, and if it does that's super, since I like the "quiet" writing space in here, but if it does not, I may have to take a leave of absence from 750 Words until I can utilize the site for what it was designed for.

Time will tell. I just hope I have enough to say what I want to hear~

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/829472-Tuesday