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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/829637-Wednesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#829637 added October 1, 2014 at 9:06pm
Restrictions: None
Day two for this site, 750 Words. It's late and I really don't have a lot of time to write, but only because it's been a very busy day here. We had recently moved our bedroom back upstairs, after having been using the living room for sleeping quarters for some years now. It's exciting and should be very productive, but it's going to cost more to heat the upstairs again. Now, however, we are both working, my health is good, and we have a supplementary heater to use up there.

So, two days off and what do I have to show for it? Well, yesterday was a good day. We slept in and then enjoyed a leisurely morning. After lunch we ran into town and did some grocery shopping, then it was back home. By this time it was getting on towards dinner time, so we worked together on dinner, then relaxed and watched the television until we went to bed. A nice day of rest and relaxation, just what we needed.

Today we slept in again, and then enjoyed a quiet morning. We talked, enjoyed coffee, and then took the dogs out to play for a while. After, we enjoyed a nice brunch and then got to work on some projects. Rhonda had drawn out a beautiful picture for her mom's birthday, and we set about mounting it on a magnetic sheet. We had purchased some magnetic backed paper yesterday, and some clear laminate. It went great putting the picture on the magnetic paper. But, when we covered it with the clear laminate, it wrinkled the picture.

There was no way to remove the sticky stuff without destroying the picture, and I felt horrible. After all, Rhonda had spent many hours sketching and coloring this, and now it was ruined. Even so, I wasn't about to give up on it. We scanned it at a high resolution, and saved the file as a workable tiff format. Today I opened the picture and set about photoshopping the image to remove the wrinkle. It worked great, and after about an hour or so, I had it looking just the way she had drawn it. Luckily the mess up only showed in the open areas, and I had to do very little with the drawing areas. What little I did have to edit, was in areas that were easily corrected without having to alter anything.

I printed off a sample copy on plain paper and it looked great. Rhonda agreed, so we put in a sheet of the magnetic backed paper and printed another copy. It printed great, and looks wonderful. It's even better than the original plan of trying to paste this image on the magnetic paper. I'm not sure if she is going to try and laminate this copy or not, but if it messes up now, we have the original on file and can print more copies as needed.

That had me feeling pretty good, and when Rhonda seen how nice it turned out, she looked so happy and relieved, that it left me feeling terrific. Next we tackled some bigger stuff. We moved some shelving and furniture around, bringing some down stairs, and moving other items around to finish our relocation project. We still need to do more decorating, but the big part is now done, and it's all coming together. In fact I'm writing this on my laptop, sitting at Rhonda's writing table, under the lamp I made a few years ago. It's a comfortable arrangement and I think it will assist in me being more creative.

Now, Rhonda is just getting out of the shower, and I'm up next for one. She will work on our dinner while I shower, and then we can eat after I get done. This will put us at our bedtime, since I have to be up for work tomorrow, but I think with us sleeping in the last two mornings, I can handle sitting up a bit later.  Besides, it's looking like I may not have much for time off in the near future.

That was dumped on me yesterday. It's terrible that I can't even get a day off without it being interrupted by co-workers. I had logged into Facebook yesterday to catch up with everyone. One of the guards had a message in there, and I was just going to ignore it, but knew it would only keep me wondering what was up, now. She was terrible for calling on my days off, for any little thing she could find to interrupt my day, so we put a stop to that. Well, we dampened it, but she did not stop completely.

Then, she began to show up when I was at work and drop her bombs on me. About once a month to twice a month she needs something done about her schedule, or she is resigning or some other situation. She has also started using the message feature in Facebook to contact me about ordering clothing, needing time off, or anything else. She worked for us before, and knows the routine, but that does't matter. Nor does it matter that I usually work on of my days off from home, so the other is reserved for my down time. She really does not care about anything except her needs and desires, and will push for them at what ever the cost to anyone or everyone else.

So, the guy that comes in to relieve her was an hour late. This is enough of a problem for me, since he has been written up before for this. But, I would have ignored it until tomorrow when I go back to work. Instead, she rubs it in my face and also tells me that other things have come up, and she is resigning -- again. This is the fourth or fifth time, but this time I will not meet to discuss the issues and will remove her from the next schedule, even sooner than what she will have posted for her two weeks notice. That is, if she did indeed resign and left the letter at work for me.

I'm sure she will change her mind or want some other change, but I'm done with the whole mess, and if it's posted, she will have one week left, then she is gone, for good. I will have to hire another person to take over that shift so I can get my two days off, maybe three, but in the mean time, I will get one day off each week. I will also have to talk to the guy who was late, and if he can't give me something, he's about gone, too. One more chance, and only because I can't fill all the hours with both of them gone. Hopefully he gets the point, but if not, it's not like he has not been warned.

For now, I just hope that I get my Saturday off, and can make the birthday party as planned. I also hope that next week works according to the schedule. After that, we will hopefully get someone hired who is dependable and not a constant pest.

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