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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/833343-Wednesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#833343 added November 5, 2014 at 8:39pm
Restrictions: None
I just noticed on my calendar that I did not get an entry in here on November first. I did, but it didn't show up on the first; I missed the midnight date change by eleven minutes. Oh well, it's not really anything important, I did make my entry in here on the first, but of course I'm in a different time zone, so eleven minutes after eleven is still the first here, but in WdC it's an hour later and the next day. Like I said, not that important, since I made the date by my time. What is important is I didn't notice this for five days. Okay, I noticed on the fifth day, but that still not very observant.

It was a very nice autumn day, cool out, with a blustery northwest wind. Wet and rainy this morning, but it cleared off nice by noon, when the wind picked up. We had some work to do outside today, and it was enjoyable crunching through the fallen leaves, smelling the autumn smells, and feeling the nip in the air.

We got the privacy panel taken down, reset the blocks in the patio wall, then put the panel back up. After, we moved a bunch of patio block into the garage. We didn't get them in this fall, and it's getting that time of year when we can wake snow on the ground. I didn't want to have them freeze down where they were, and Rhonda was concerned they may even get cracked from freeze thaw cycles. Once this was done, we threw the toys for Hannah and Hyko a few more times. They had gotten to run and play a few times, the first when I first went out to start working on privacy fence, and then again after Rhonda came out. They enjoyed the time playing, but really wore themselves out.

In fact, the fresh air and exercise seems to have taken it's toll on everyone except me. I'm sure the nice roasted ham dinner after added to this. What I'm saying is, Hannah is sleeping on her bed under the window, Hyko is next to my feet, under Rhonda's foot rest, and she is reclined in the chair beside me. All three of them are out to the world, napping away the evening.

Me? I'm going strong. I just down loaded an album by Electric Light Orchestra, and am writing in here listening to some fine music. Not only am I not napping, I am feeling only moderately tired. I had the same exercise and fresh air, I was up early this morning, and I haven't taken a nap at all for the last two days.

That may not sound like anything, but to me it's a big deal. I have been so run down and tired for the last two months, that seldom a day passed without taking a nap. Even on the days I slept in, I would either take a nap outright, or I would nap after falling asleep in my chair. Of course, being sick with some kind of respiratory infection for the past two months was a major factor in this, as was the allergies. I had also not been getting much sleep for months, which probably added to the other two. That's why it's such a big deal to me, it means I'm recovering. I'm finally getting back to my old self again. Of course, the allergies are still giving me some problems, but the over the counter medications are helping, and it seems the allergens are finally starting to clear from the air. That's why I said, fresh air earlier; it's been a long time since the air here has seemed fresh and clean.

Now, it's time to finish my cup of coffee, relax for an hour or so and then get myself off to bed. I have to be up at three, and there isn't any sense in starting out my work week short on sleep, and sabotage myself and my gains.

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