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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#833437 added November 6, 2014 at 9:38pm
Restrictions: None
Another fine fall day comes to an end. It's just going on eight o'clock here, but that's about my bedtime when I have to be up for work at three. It got a bit later than I had intended, before I got in here to write my journal entry, and I had also planned on spending a bit of time here this afternoon, reading and reviewing. But, things don't always work out according to the plan.

So it was today. It started out fine, I was up on time and out the door right on schedule. I had a tune-up done to my vehicle, so it is running nice and I was right on time for work. The day started out normal and everything was going great. It was cold out, but the wind wasn't too bad, it wasn't raining or snowing, and it wasn't over busy at work.

Rhonda came in a little bit early, to drop off her prescription at Walmart, then came in to work, just a few minutes before she was scheduled. The plan was, she would drip off her prescription and insurance information, and I would stop by after I got off work and pick it up for her. Then, I would come home and get a little work done before logging in here and spending my afternoon in WDC.

We knew it would take a little while to get the prescription filled, so I had made plans to stop by my brothers for coffee and a short visit first. But, here is where the plans start to go awry. First of all, the pharmacist tells Rhonda she needs to call the doctor to find the dosage, which is not on the prescription. Not a big deal, and we knew that the doctor was at the clinic today, so it wouldn't be nothing more than a little bit longer wait.

So, in compensation, I stayed a bit longer at my brothers and we had a nice visit. Then, it's off to Walmart to pick up the medication. But, when I get there, they don't have any idea what I'm talking about. There is no prescription for Rhonda in their system. Before I can inform them when she dropped it off, they start looking at call in prescriptions as well. This wastes a good ten minutes more, but eventually they get back to me and inform me that no prescription for Rhonda has been received, she must have taken it someplace else, or had it called in someplace else.

I explain that Rhonda brought the prescription in around ten o'clock, and updated the insurance information. That she was told the pharmacist needed to contact the doctor about the dosage, and had then informed me to come and pick it up a little later. Now, the lady goes and talks to the pharmacist who just informed me that no such prescription had ever been brought in, and she produces the prescription, saying the doctor had not returned the call yet.

this has me pretty steamed, since they either knew this all along, or they had lost and just located the missing prescription. So, not wanting to have them lose it again, and a bit short tempered after spending close to an hour waiting to find out nothing had been done yet, I take the prescription and leave.

I stopped and picked up Rhonda's insurance card, then went to a different pharmacy and asked if there would be a hold up getting this filled, since it was supposedly missing the dosage. The new pharmacist looks at it, says it's complete, and since it only comes in one standard dose, doesn't need it written on the prescription, and has it filled and me out the door in fifteen minutes.

I returned to tell Rhonda it 's filled, and all taken care of. There was no mess up on the prescription, and there was no problem getting it filled. I don't know what was up at Walmart, but it's difficult to believe a licensed pharmacist could not understand the prescription another pharmacist could, and I also checked the clinic to see if they had even called. No record of anyone calling for information on the prescription.

There's only one explanation, the Walmart pharmacist had her head wedged quite high up her own ass. It's scary to think this person is handing out prescription medications with her head buried so deep.

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