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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/834551-Fiction-doesnt-come-close-to-lifes-scaremongering-confusion
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#834551 added November 21, 2014 at 7:39am
Restrictions: None
Fiction doesnt come close to life's scaremongering confusion
Non-fiction SECRETS that we can choose to worry about, or decide to continue living our lives as before- doing our best, enjoying the sun and wind, swap vegetables over the fence with our neighbours, and forget a doctor's appointment two days ago.

Should we be terrified, and is scripture being fulfilled, even while our cell phones are being emptied? Will a high percentage profile fit male of determined age be arrested and jailed because he owns a utility capable of carrying a load of illegal vegetable matter that could possibly be converted into drugs, thereby causing your highness to exacerbate criminal intention to aforementioned high degree?

Techno-speak written in the comments below the YouTube clip.

It's from our DNA's gene ensemble and the New Circle of Fifths in music (same time and same laws of "tonal" space that has an awareness of specific emotion within it) and it took me almost 40 years to figure out. The general belief of on/off related to chemicals dealing with consciousness and the brain treating it as a computer has always been hate/off is the opposite of love/on or feeling off and on. But in comparing the gene ensemble with the original circle of fifths while thinking I could just copy the chemical phase timing from one to the other to understand and correct the gene ensemble I learned the original circle of fifths which came about from first trying out many other musical scales was incomplete and out of order. Now both are in proper order and complete creating a new standard model for physics based on real time, not "relative time" that needed what Einstein called "dice" replacing the harmonic comma that has always been a problem in music theory as well.

But I have a long ways to go putting it all together in the proper language so both physicists and DNA researchers can understand it. That's the hard part as both fields of science are deeply complex and out of order as well as full of misconceptions and mistakes like thinking most matter is missing so there must be "dark matter". That's like measuring a speaker's power requirements and noticing the bass speaker is using far more energy than the high frequency tweeter and saying there is missing "dark sound" because the lower frequencies require more energy.

Space is a weird subject to rap your brain around and understanding time comes first, but not noticing a harmonic structure in effect shows most people can copy information without understanding it so even handing them the answer in an equation can result in them not seeing it without including their mistakes exactly as they use them.

That's why the gamers cracked the AIDS DNA code in 3 weeks playing the DNA game "Foldit" after the experts who created the game couldn't figure it out in over a decade of trying just before CERN announced worldwide neutrinos were measured exceeding the speed of light blind to the simple explanation. Which was not a loose cable as SLAC showed after I used their E158 data to show it matched CERN's using simple math to reduce a ratio allowing everyone to see it. Time tells all but with the Internet and Google it doesn't take long anymore*Wink*

And here is another...

and this is what would set man kind free. but the powers to be wont allow this. they will use it to build robotic bodies for themselves so they can live forever. jet set the stars and all kinds of other incredible stuff. what they show you in the movies is actually fact. Light speed, bionics superhuman abilities. But in this new world God will be eliminated. They don't need God for eternal life. Just as Genesis said. when Satan said to Eve, Ye shall be as God. Now the agenda is to kill off anyone who believes in Jesus. they want to totally eliminate his name from history. That's why we reached a point where God will destroy this world of non believers and the rejecters rather. The Bible is easy to prove just buy the Prophecies that are given. And we have reached the end of the forth age and the start of the 5th. Once they put that chip in you at some point it will take over your entire thought proses. Or kill you at the flip of a switch for those who wont follow the plan. Only a few more days till the second blood moon and war will ravage the surface of this world. they all live under the mountains waiting out the culling that's about to start. Ebola and the cure will kill millions. Just like the show The last Ship and The Strain. Their is more truth to these show than anyone could possible realize. its witchcraft. They have to tell you what they are going to do to you before the plan is put into action. That asteroid will devastate the east coast and change the planet forever. That is what kicks off the 5th age. technology is going to be used to replace God and the holy spirit.

If you had some sort of jury rigged shadow of a plan in your head, to write a book with any of this stuff in it, well, you're too late. It's already been written, thought, invented, abused, weaponised, exaggerated, surveilled, used, forecast, predicted, arrested, destroyed, recruited, hacked, prevented, infected, cured and eaten.

Life is now way beyond confusing, so much so, that I can't really think what to add about this in a simple, Neanderthal era web log such as this.


The beginnings of skirmishes and protests, the anniversary of Euromaidan's small beginning, and people fighting with what might as well be cave-man level technology, and yet this other invisible war is going on involving the latest technology.


Doesn't it strike you that guns, bombs and bullets, the whole concept of people running around killing each other, is so outdated it's laughable.

We can't even drone on, standing on our soapboxes any more, when there are sky's crammed with "forever-data" Drones that already know how incriminated we are, even when we are still in an embryonic state.

Pity help us trying to think up ideas for a new story. We'll be arrested just for THINKING of conflict.

You can see what's coming, can't you?

Writers will be the first anthropological group to be exterminated, because we are just so fertile, so ready to IMAGINE. We have no hope. And so it goes, that we'll probably be the first off the rank to fulfil scripture, the more terrified of us, anyway.

Isaiah 2

18 And the idols he shall utterly abolish.

19 And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.

20 In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats.

I may write with some humour at times, but there is one thing I don't purpose to do, and that is mock what's written in the bible.
I don't believe man could wield the ultimate power, unless God allowed it.
It's not our fellow man in this short life we should fear, but who we choose to trust for guidance for the future, for eternity and eternal life.

In that crazy comment about music harmonics and the original circle of fifths, did you notice the pivotal words?

"...blind to the simple explanation.."

Love. Faith. Belief. Obedience. Meekness. Forgiveness. Worship.


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