Well, I had a pretty crappy day. Nothing really terrible happened it was just one of those days - you know the ones where you spend the entire day thinking, "what the hell am I doing?"
I think I might be having an identity crisis at the moment. But I think that might be a subject for another blog Post. I also think that receiving an email telling me I'm not doing a very good job in one of my many roles didn't help matters. I know I'm not doing a very good job! I just wish I was - I always like to do everything well and if I can't, it really pisses me off.
Anyway, this morning I went to work for a few hours - shock work! Then I was just going to come home And catch up on some emails. However, that did not happen! I stopped at the supermarket to get some lunch and suddenly found myself distracted by stationary - and you do! Well, as I do. I am a complete stationary addict. This shows by how carried away I got.
I ended up buying tons of notebooks and things to use to tidy my desk.
You see, while I was in the shop, I suddenly decided that the world would be a much better place if I simply tidied my desk. You know, the one I don't really use. But, I thought, if I tidied it up, I would definitely be more likely to use it. Therefore, I might become better at the things I do. You can see my logic, right?
As it happens, I am currently writing this at my desk. It worked! For now at least.
So, I came home and sorted out the whole lot! My best friend has claimed my office as 'her bedroom' because it has a comfortable bed in it. But I really need to claim it as 'my room' - somewhere I feel comfortable and actually want to use. Today was a step towards that.
I also needed to clear up around the sofa. When I broke my foot in early August, I sat on the sofa and didn't really move. I even did NaNo from there. So, as you can probably imagine, there was stacks of books, notebook, pens, Post-it notes... You name it, anything a writer might need, it was there. So, I bought it upstairs and tidied it away. Not before taking a photo to show you how much crap there was...
In case you are even remotely interested, I also took before and after photos of my desk efforts...
If you have got this far, you are probably sitting there wondering when the hell I will actually get to today's song and what any of this could possibly have to do with a Christmas soundtrack. I see your point, but I am getting there I swear.
As I was tidying, I was listening to a bit of Sarah Mclachlan, which is not unusual for a down day. Having said that, I have not been listening to any music what so ever over the last year or so. It is only recently that I've found myself searching through Spotify.
Anyway, yes, Sarah. Her Christmas album came on, which I have to say I haven't listened to much. I do feel that I need to stress that it was, indeed, a Christmas song on a album! It might not sound like it, but it really is.
One song in particular came on that I, in the mood I was in, could relate to. Don't we all wish we could skate away from time to time?
Strange/sad fact about Sarah McLachlan: Faced a lawsuit in 1994 filed by an obsessed fan named Uwe Vandrei who claimed that his letters to her had been the basic idea of her hit single "Possession", but the lawsuit never came to trial as the man was later found dead because of suicide. (from aceshowbiz) |