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I will share the many thoughts that invade my introspective soul. |
I went to take care of a person who had spinal cord injury. I have always enjoyed helping this person. Today was no different. I helped her get in and out of her chair so that she could get to an appointment with a physical therapist. She bemoaned the fact that she was feeling worthless. She had been looking up sites on the internet that promised they could help her to get all kinds of money without much effort. I hated to dash her hope. I shared my own experience was that these people want money and could care less what happens to the people who get it for them.![]() Above all I reiterated her hope. She wanted to have a meaningful life. Her disability made her feel inadequate. We finished our day and she decided to pay for my lunch. She made it clear that she could only do it if my wife did not mind. She had met my wife on another occasion. We went back to her place and ate lunch until I needed to get ready for my next caregiving assignment. At one point we got to talk about spirituality as being more about who we are and not so much what we do. She seemed to catch on to what I was saying. There was nothing we could do to be more or less spiritual than we were created to be. The focus was on meaningful connection. We talked about other things as we ate. Her sister in law came over to see what the Physical therapist had to say. My client has little short term memory, so that people helped her out as much as they were able. I left and she made a point to say how much of a blessing that I was. As the words fell I felt a part of a moments meaningful connection. It was as if she was giving me feedback on what I had already said. I was not sure she really understood. I let her know I looked forward to another time together. My own words come to mind. "May the same love that brings us together bring us together again.!" ![]() Thank you God for a Blissful connection! ![]() |