Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
Eggplant and Apples 1 medium to large eggplant sliced 2 medium to large apples (any type of apple) sliced or diced 1/4 to 1/2 cup broth (any type of broth) 1 or 2 small to medium green onions cut into small pieces 5 or 6 squirt vinaigrette dressing or marinade 3 or 4 dashes of green Tabasco® sauce Mix all of the ingredients together in an electric skillet or a sauce pan. Put on low to medium heat and let it cooked until done. For those readers who are looking for an exact cooking time you will have to figure it out for yourselves. I fixed this by turning the electric skillet on low and then checking every few minutes to see if the food was ready to eat. I know that is not normally how one cooks, but that is the way I cook. I will fix this dish again. When I do I know that the recipe will change because I never make anything exactly the same twice. I used chicken broth for this recipe, but the next time I may use beef broth or vegetable broth (I have to purchase vegetable broth the next time I go to the store). I do not know what kind of apples I used because they were given to me. The apples I used this time were yellow and red. |