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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#839680 added January 27, 2015 at 8:22pm
Restrictions: None
I was going to write earlier, then we had a change of plans and made a run into town for some shopping instead. I had come across a recipe for a very healthy soup and wanted to try this out. I don't go along with the rest of the diet, but I'm sure if I ate just what was listed, I would lose eleven pounds in three days. By the fourth day, depravation would take hold and I'd be gaining back fifteen or more, though.

It's a vegetable soup, and has a lot of highly healthy ingredients, as well as full of health benefits, and should help clean out the system and boost metabolism. the only off the wall item it called for was seaweed. I did some research online and seen that there are lots of good things to gain from eating some, and I even discovered that if I purchased the right kind, it would provide my daily needs for iodine. We found a package at the health food store for just under seven bucks, and it's enough to make two batches of soup.

I think a bit of chicken would add to the soup, but we are going to try it as it's given first. We have discussed, however, the idea of adding in some chicken, pork, or beef to make it a complete meal. Another thing we discussed and agree on, we will use a bit less ginger next time. It's good, very flavorful and rich, but it has a bit of a bite. We may also need to reduce the tumeric and the hot sauce. It's not overly hot, but it's close.

I hope this does what it is suppose to and helps remove toxins from the body, and it should make a good filler to help reduce the quantity of food we eat. We are both good cooks, we both love good food, and we both have very large appetites. This leads to a bit of obesity, and we want to get it back under control. The plan is, not to follow the diet in the magazine. It's a good diet, but in a few days I'm sure we will be sick of chicken, sick of fish,, and sick of brown rice.

We discussed it, and agree, the diet is ninety-five percent bogus. Oh, sure, it would work, but it would so limit good food that there is no way to stick to it. I even believe it's healthy, but again, it's too limited on good, rich, and tasty foods. I firmly believe that if a person limits or removes the real good foods, you just set yourself up to fail.

No, the idea must be to learn to include more healthy foods along with the favorites, learning to stick to portion sizes, and enjoy in moderation. So, to hell with Dr. Oz, and Dr. Hymen and there detox diet. Even so, they do have some good points, and some good ideas. We will tailor this to fit our tastes and our ideals. The soup is good, it detoxes, and it is low in calories while being rich in vitamins, minerals, and fat-burning ingredients. It should be full of fiber as well, filling, and since it taste good, a nice addition to help quench our appetites.

Instead of eating nothing but brown rice, chicken, and fish with it, however, we will add it to our regular diet. We try to eat healthy as much as possible, but still allow for the foods that would be taboo on most diets, in moderation, of course. The soup should cleanse our systems, reduce the bad effects of eating some junk from time to time, and it should help fill us up to eat less. At the same time, we get a good supply of vitamins, minerals, and metabolism boosting ingredients from a natural source, instead of from a pill.

I figure, there has to be a balance; a means ot enjoy the good things in life without costing one there health. That's the key we need to find. I, in years past, could eat anything, and I could eat as much as I wanted without any bad effects or weight gain. Now, those days are gone and I have to learn to balance.

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