Originally for the 30-Day Blog Challenge. Now just a blog about a flailing mermaid |
Right... My tiny brain is awash with all the things I need to do and I can't seem to order anything, which means I'm just sat here staring into space doing nothing. Sooo... This is what I need to do (a mix of real life & WDC stuff) Email a teacher to point out that 24th March is a Tuesday NOT a Wednesday and to tell her to STOP changing my booking with the school Email new schools on my booking list and pray they book in soon Email a CEO of a charity to book a meeting with her Confirm next week's visits Order an online food shop - we have no food Go to physio to try and sort out my bloody foot Send an expenses invoice in Work out how I'm going to deliver my messages to 6th formers with SLD using just games TOMORROW Start working on the Circle Journals I've just received Start replying to the ton of Snail Mail I have Renew my premium membership (using expenses money cuz I is poor innit) Work out who I owe MBs to and when to send them Update "CLOSED!The Monthly Reading Challenge" with new MB info Update "Merit Badge Projects" with new MB info Tell people how they can earn my new MBs Do *something* for "The Newbies Academy Group" Do *something* for "WDC Addicts Anonymous" Write blog posts Enter a contest or something Write my Dear Me letter - I've left this to nearly too late Comment on "30-day" blog posts Reply to comments on my blog posts Reply to reviews Ugh that'll do! |