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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/839976-Anger-Fuelled-Laughter
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1940894
Originally for the 30-Day Blog Challenge. Now just a blog about a flailing mermaid
#839976 added January 31, 2015 at 5:39pm
Restrictions: None
Anger Fuelled Laughter
30-Day Blogging Challenge - Day thirty
Prompt: Voltaire once said, “I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it.". Has someone ever upset you to the point that it was actually funny?

I usually laugh off anger, anyway. So, this prompt is no big deal for me. There are only a few occasions I can think of where I’ve been angry and not found it funny after a while. Most of these include the blind guy I spoke about the other day! *Laugh*

Yesterday I had a local Member of Parliament join me for part of my school visit. I knew he was a Conservative as soon as he walked in - he could not have been any posher if he tried. This, in itself, was funny because before he turned up the kids were saying things like, “I bet he’s so posh he lifts his little finger up when he drinks”. *Facepalm* *Laugh*

The kids were clearly laughing when he basically took over my session. A representative from my company was there, too. So, I needed to make a good impression… tricky when I’ve been completely interrupted by a Mr Burns look-a-like. I was giving stern looks to the kids, while trying not to laugh myself. They made me look good though by telling him all about our key messages, even though we'd not got to them yet! Boom... cheers kids.

I've met quite a few MPs in my time... NONE of them have been as vain as this one... 20 minutes on photos? geeez, it's ok I'm not trying to work or anything! He got the representative to take about 1000 photos… I felt better when she looked at me and rolled her eyes. I realised I wasn’t the only one who thought the guy was a dick! *Laugh*

I figured he would leave after the photos but NO! He sat down RIGHT where I’d been delivering from, in front of the projector - helpful! Anyway, I played a game with the kids then settled down to do some chatting about our key messages. I was talking and asking about communication, listening, body language etc.
While one of the kids was answering a question, I looked over at the MP and saw he was looking down at his camera! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Sooo… tee hee… given that it was on topic, I asked the following question:
“what would you think if you were talking to me and I was sat here texting?” hahahaha *Laugh*
Kids: “that you didn’t care or didn’t want to be here!” Boom! Thanks kids! *Bigsmile*

When he left every single person (even the teacher) put their head on the desk and sighed loudly. *Laugh*

On my way home, I randomly decided to go and join my (small) local library. I’m not sure why but I don’t know why I do lots of things. The librarian was filling out my membership form on her PC and asked for my email address. I started by saying “Fran” … blank stare… “F R A N”… blank stare… “F R -“ … “oh I’ll forget that bit, I don’t know what you’re saying…” Riiiiigghht, nice librarian! *Laugh*

I got a few books, picked up some dinner, went back to the car and heaved my wheelchair into my boot. I was just about to close the boot when a woman, with her kid, wandered past to the car next to mine. She pleasantly asked if I needed a hand - I pleasantly said no thanks and closed my boot. Then my ears bled when I heard: “ooh aren’t you clever, shutting the boot by yourself!” *Facepalm*
I froze. After my day I just wanted to punch her - especially when she continued by telling her kid how clever I was! But instead I just hopped in the drivers seat, after which I found she could no longer look me in the eyes and drove off very quickly. How embarrassing for her!! *Laugh* *Laugh* *Laugh*

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