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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/842083-Call-To-Myself-Riddles--Because-You-Loved-Me
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#842083 added February 21, 2015 at 10:39am
Restrictions: None
Call To Myself, Riddles & Because You Loved Me
Today's blogs...

30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 21

Imagine that today is your birthday. If you could give yourself a call on a past birthday of yours, what would you tell yourself?

First thought is that my past self would not answer because I would be out having fun somewhere.

Leave a message after the beep...

Hey, Carolyn. It's just little ol' me calling you with some advise. I realize you are feeling a little lost right now but hang in there. You need to get out and volunteer in some schools - do it now. Don't wait. Because when you finish school you might as well go straight to Teacher's College. Don't wait. School Boards are more inclined to hire the younger people. Get your experience in volunteering now. Don't be afraid to get involved with girl guides. Not only will it help your experience and look good on your resume, but it will boost your knowledge base.

It may be really fun to travel and teach before you get married. Pull what you can from your experience. Network with others and go with others - maybe teach English in China or go teach in Australia for a year - they have some great advancements that will be valuable back here. You will also come back with experience - not just for teaching but for striking out and exploring. Either way all those experiences will be valuable and impress the Principals that will be ready to hire you when you return.

Also don't be afraid to take a creative writing course at the university while you are there. It could be lovely fun. You need to keep at your writing. Stop hiding it away or putting it off. It is part of who you are let it have an outlet in your life always... it will help guide you as well as improve.

Have faith and confidence in yourself. You will have a great life but you need to get out there and not hide behind your nerves and fears. Live life and enjoy it. Don't waste the moments.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 354

It's hard to believe in 11 days Blog City will be one year old. Time flies when you are having fun.

Let's try something off the wall for tomorrow's prompt. Amy Peters says, "Riddles help writers think of images in new ways and to consider language in a different light." Let's write a question/riddle about nature for Saturday. I can't wait to see you each rock your creative minds.
Example of using an element of nature to create a riddle.
Question: I am the red tongue of the Earth; I've been known to bury entire cities, Who Am I?
Answer: Lava

We are an army that rises from the earth. We stand our ground and fight the seasons. Sometimes we loose and our members fall, but we always bring forth new life and renew ourselves.

Answer: A forest of trees.

I hold life and give life. Life exists above and below me, but rarely do the two come together - as what lives below cannot survive above and what lives above may visit my depths but only with protection.

Answer: A body of water - Ocean, Sea or lake.

Border for my personal use.

Soundtrack of my Life - Day 21

Love Songs – Theme for music blog.

** Image ID #2023824 Unavailable **

Because You Loved Me – Celine Dion

This is from the movie Up Close And Personal with Robert Redford and Michelle Pfiffer. I really like Michelle Phiffer. When I was younger I had some guy say I looked like her (younger self – 20 years ago). I remember thinking that was a lovely compliment.

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💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/842083-Call-To-Myself-Riddles--Because-You-Loved-Me