Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
1 A palm trimming wind blows through the streets of Las Vegas shivering tourist. 2 The arctic express blows down Sunrise Avenue freezing exposed skin. 3 March motivation early springtime's fickle winds sometimes cold and sometimes warm. 4 Freezing temperatures I shiver under layers Of sweat shirts, sweaters. 5 The arctic express blowing through Las Vegas drives locals indoors. 6 Cold penetrates the marrow of my bones and chills internal organs. 7 Get up from your chair, go to the front or back door, open it the door and just stand there looking into the yard. 8 Pigeons at the curb Pecking on the black asphalt Look for scattered crumbs 9 Beautiful weekend Blue sky, scattered clouds, slight wind, And mild temperatures. 10 I pray, I meditate, and then I write about the my Beloved. 11 A charcoal gray cat Wanders through the neighborhood Going home to sleep 12 Birds nest in pine trees Songs of gratitude greet dawn Children walk to school 13 Spring celebrations The vernal equinox Followed by Naw-Ruz Followed by Easter 14 A bird intoning Gratitude and thanksgiving For another day of life 15 Sunday decisions are easier when sipping a hot cup of joe. 16 On Sunday morning my neighborhood moves slowly the birds are singing. 17 encourage motivation accomplish the goal then celebrate 18 encourage motivation look at success then look at failures 19 How do I improve? Is there a formula to follow? Should I use a schedule? 20 beautiful March day sunny with warm temperatures a nice Saturday 21 Reading and meditating on God's word has expanded my own horizon and concept of family to take in the planet and all of humanity. 22 What is patience? It is finding something else to do while you are waiting for the other shoe to drop. 23 How do you practice patience? Sit down and say a prayer. Sit down with your journal and write. Sit down on the couch pick up a book and read. 24 March wind dancing across Las Vegas valley temperatures rising March wind is dancing at twenty-five miles per hour along Sunrise Avenue |