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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/844475-ATTENTION-PLEASE-Getting-readers-to-notice-your-existence
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#844475 added March 19, 2015 at 5:06am
Restrictions: None
ATTENTION PLEASE. Getting readers to notice your existence..
How noticed do you want to be?

Is your writing desk / laptop / mind / manuscript / associated family / blog readership / Facebook followers / entire life like one of these photos?


Should you be charging people admission to YOUR LIFE and installing webcams, 24/7 gopro fed vlog, and become an internet sensation THAT WAY, instead of waiting to be published, or waiting for fame and riches to fall from the sky some other way?

You should be more noticed...right?

Here's a list of some concepts or websites or both that I feel should be more noticed, should be right up there- cutting edge with-it. Like we should be as writers. It's only right. And it's our RIGHT. Some of these probably ARE noticed, but no matter.








You can't go past


And no list of #shouldbenoticedmore sites would be complete without


Ever notice how noticed you are now? Right now? Just because I searched in Google for Iphone App developers, investors and internet provider combinations of these entities, next thing I know is, I'm hit in the face (well, on the screen IN my face) with banner ads for Appster.

The other day I sat down in McDonalds and tried one of their new Halopeno chicken burger. Perhaps this is just a local trial, if you've never heard of it.
Suddenly I get a text on my iphone. It's an honest to goodness TEXT. Like, from a PERSON. But it's from some, frankly, dodgy looking phone app extension add on activex site that appeared as if it MUST be full of viruses. But next thing it tells me I've just won a $100 shopping voucher at Woolworths. Yes, I've WON it.
Annnnnd of course when I go to it, it wants all my personal details short of actual underpants colour. In tiny print it whispered...fill this in and you MIGHT win the voucher.


By the way, the Halepeno chicken burger was very tasty. I think I'll have to have another one soon. Maybe tonight.

The point? How did the Fresh Fodder Persons, Woolworths supermarkets, know that I'd just been shopping there?
I can only assume my iPhone spat out and received a cookie. And it wasn't the chock chip variety.

There are different ways to get noticed. This one isn't the best.

But how many times do we read the comments under YouTube videos, on Facebook posts and suchlike?

This one is no exception. I mean, I noticed them.

Relaxing Koala 2 months ago
Russia: Don't ever try and scam me again! I have this recorded and it is going right to the police!
Australia: Oi wanker, ima beat you to death with my crowbar and watch it on replay!
Reply · 40
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Clarrisani 1 month ago
America: Meet my gun, mother ###er.
Reply · 11

aplasticcup06 1 month ago
England: Honestly mate, I'd prefer you didn't.
Reply · 19

Clarrisani 1 month ago
Canada: I'm sorry you tried to scam me. Please don't do it again.
Reply · 14

Völundr Frey 1 month ago (edited)
+Clarrisani America: You will like hear from my like lawyer! I better not like see you like again I like totally have like a 120 'caliber' like revolver at like home!
Reply · 1

Cadillac Kid 1 month ago (edited)
Canada: sorry your scam didnt work eh, can i buy you a coffee?
Reply · 5

Ian noneofyourbuisness 1 month ago
Germany : Your dashcam is not sufficient evidence.
Reply · 13

riotguards 1 month ago
Argintina: gets out of car and beats a small person with a crowbar " what? that person is related to me!"
Reply · 2

Al Paca 3 weeks ago
India: doesn't even bother to slow down
Reply · 4

Andrew R 3 weeks ago
+Clarrisani Afghanistan: Allah ak.. boom!!
Reply · 1

TheTokuin 9 hours ago
+Andrew R I feel so bad for laughing at that, so i reported you for hate speech... sorry eh!

I noticed today that people may ignore you, yet they still notice what you are saying. Yes, we take more notice of everyone else than we realise, or give credit for.

Next time you feel a bit rebellious, but not ridiculously so, try having a focussed and audience targeted conversation with someone you know. Don't be too loud, but just loud enough that others catch the odd word.
Be enthusiastic about it. Be serious. It doesn't matter if you talk twaddle, but know enough about the subject to interject some largish authoritative sounding info in amongst the rot.
I bet you notice after a while that people are listening.

When I had a lot less grey hairs, and only 1 out of 3 children yet, we lived in Sydney. I knew a couple of young lads who thought it was hilarious to do this activity if they felt the present company was a tad boring, or just thought things needed stirring up a bit with a harmless joke. It usually worked.
So, I joined in one day.
The idea was to say big words to do with politics. We knew diddley squat about politics, but began conversing in sober tone about the "caucus factional committee with investment protocol parameters" and the other guy would reply "yes I've heard that consumer attachment policy refers to divisible entities but bandwidth limitation is reversible government recommendations"
"OH, well then the commission for electoral cadaver science can't be arbitrarily accountable when all the previous trials excluded those extensions. And I can't understand why those methods entangle the partition theory so the participants fail negotiable graphics"

And on and on it goes. Eventually, you have to loop your converse and just say a mixed up version of your previous speech grabs, so that any listener will be either bamboozled, baffled or bereft of any clarity as to what the heck you are both talking about.

Another time, some of these same lads were on a train, and one of them started a conversation between themselves about "poor aunt mary back home" and how "she had that terrible accident last month"
"Yes, it was shocking- her broken leg and skull fractions"
"Yep and so soon after Uncle Harry passed away"
"Pity her daughter just split up with Peter"

Etc Etc etc. Ok, a bit morbid but people LISTEN! People take notice!

Getting noticed is not always a good thing. But in our game of writing, I think most of us concede that we want our stuff out there. In some capacity.

Someone I support was wearing a loud shirt today. He is one of those people whose arms wave flamboyantly around when he talks, and his voice, although not obnoxiously loud, seems to project, and his enthusiasm is infectious. I've noticed that people start to listen in after a while.

When you want to project an "image" or a "profile" to others whom you work and live amongst, I think this can be done often a lot easier than we think. Wear specific clothes, say certain things, practice mannerisms perhaps, but one thing about it.
You can't act. It has to be you, at least at that time. The perfect act if you will.

So you can be noticed with Go-Pro or you can be Pro Hart.

I should say, the late Pro Hart. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro_Hart

What do you do to get noticed? Do you want your writing to be noticed?


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/844475-ATTENTION-PLEASE-Getting-readers-to-notice-your-existence