Now a residence for BC and BCOF items. Random bloggisness wil apear in POTPOURRI. |
I don't admire many people. I love some. I pity many. But I admire few. The person I most admire is Steven Hawking. It would be dis-serving to my admiration to even mention why. To me it is obvious. The title of this entry is facetious. Although many of you don't think it is. I often talk to trees. I'm going to the SW US next week and I know some particularly old trees there. I'll be sure to ask them what they think. I think most of my tree friends will just say, "I hope they all die before they get around to cutting me down." 3-24-15 Redistribution of Wealth Marxism advocates the removal of assets from the rich, or removal of the rich themselves, and distribution of their wealth to the masses. The masses, in general, are not in a position to conserve and increase that wealth. It would obviously be a more productive solution for society to convince, and or force the wealthy that society deserves payment from them for the right to accumulate wealth, That payment should be in the form of providing the masses with the opportunity to raise themselves to the socio-economic level of the wealthy. I have devised a number of plans. Much more effective and less bloody than a war. |