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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/848448-This-ones-about-what-other-people-think
Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #2002599
My fourth blog. Amazing yet disconcerting. Don't worry; this'll go away in a year or so.
#848448 added April 30, 2015 at 5:29pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about what other people think.
BCOF Insignia

*Clapper* "Do you need to agree with the lifestyle and personality of a writer/artist/musician/actor in order to like their work? How much does a celebrity's life outside of their work affect your overall opinion of them?"

Nope. A kind good day to you all...but no way. Let me take up a few minutes of your day to explain.

Talent recognizes talent. (But if I hear another sports commentator say "real recognizes real", Imma lose my damn mind.) Great works always come with backstories. And so do the people who create them. I don't care. I don't need to agree. My main concern is if the product is consumable, and by that I mean "I can still watch/read/listen". If not, peace. But if so, I'll pay attention to their opinions.

Ain't like Thom Yorke or Eddie Vedder or Jason Bateman is comin' by to save my ass from my problems anytime soon. But why do I know those names? They put out some kind of meaningful art in the last ten years. They took often unpopular political stances. My feelings haven't changed; stay relevant, make great art, and weed out those who don't believe in you.

Do I sometimes disagree? Yeah! But my opinion means zero to celebs. As I usually do to them. Your opinion shouldn't and doesn't matter. Be who you are first. Be authentic. If the nuts-on-his-chest Nickelback guy sells out his friends and forsakes his Canadian roots, what do I care other than they made one good song before they sold out  ?

The point is that my personal success isn't tied to a celeb or their beliefs. Be a good person, and people will like you. Write good stuff, and people will read it. Be an asshole, and you get what you deserve. Especially if you're famous. And most of us aren't.

** Image ID #2036546 Unavailable **

*Boat2* "The month is ending and we’re headed back home for good. Of all the places you’ve gone, activities you’ve been involved with, people you’ve met, and souvenirs you’ve bought (and which will stay behind), what will you miss the most?"

Seriously? It's the end already? I wasn't prepared for the start, and I'm not ready for ElaineElaine and Andre and Brother Nature to end it all now. But it's been fascinating. I'm grateful for all that took part...from Dragon is hiding , who taught us a lot, and skeason , who could play security any day I wind up AWOL, to the eventual reappearance(s) of Andre, and everything in-between. Great bunch of ship-mates. Cheers to Elaine, Joel, ~Minja~ , Charlie ~ , Lyn's a Witchy Woman , and all of the rest of you I'm too tired of not being tired to name.

I don't have a favorite moment. I won't not miss this either. I was mysteriously pushed overboard, we saw a mermaid, and strange faces were exhibited. That could sound like a solid week in some books. If that's my month, I'm cool.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to the official May round of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. I don't need a blog monkey; I already know how to drink vodka in excess and toss/fling poop. I need a good ol' "sit down and shut up!"-ing.

Blog divider.

The one pure beauty of owning a large collection of music is being hit with a gem you've forgotten about while walking around. Yesterday was that day for me. Sometimes iTunes just knows what you need to hear.

For the blog.

*Computer* I probably have at least 40 different tabs open- stories of personal interest, WDC posts, other things- and all I wanna do is take a nap. And not a crappy "lay there and pretend to dream some shit until you actually nap and dream scary shit" nap. I need a good, solid two hours of undisturbed nappage. Will I get it? Prolly not. But I'll try. Oh yes I'll try.

And that's where we ended up today, kids. Me playing along strong with IDGAF and your eyes complied. I am not a celebrity, so therefore I don't endorse this, or the opinions expressed. But smoke 'em if ya got 'em. Peace, rah-rah-rah, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

Kate Beirness is my idol...what of it?

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