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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/848869-Only-Child-Adrenaline-ReligionSpirituality---Heartbreak
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#848869 added May 5, 2015 at 10:40pm
Restrictions: None
Only Child, Adrenaline, Religion/Spirituality & Heartbreak
Today's Blogs....

Welcome To My Reality - Week Seventy - Two

1. Are you the oldest, middle, youngest, or only child? How do you think this has affected your personality?

I am an only child. I find I am prone to selfishness and enjoy spending time by myself. I was also more comfortable with adults as a child. I felt my peers were idiots. As an adult, I like children now - but then again they are not my peer group.

I was serious as a child - often taking on the role of emotional supporter when my mother was depressed. I did not want to be a bother. I did not want to rock the boat. I was teased and did not do well with the bullying.

This aspect combined with coming from a broken home has made me not want to put any child through a similar set up. My mother did well in raising me, but I am sure it was not easy. She did have her own sister to give her emotional support and my grandmother.

2. Do you enjoy an adrenaline rush? What is the scariest thing that youโ€™ve ever done? Would you do it again?

No I would not say that I enjoy an adrenaline rush, though I do enjoy roller coasters - that is probably where I draw the line. Heights freak me out - looking out just before the first roller coaster drop is terrifying and as I make that huge first climb I wonder 'why am I doing this?' Then I remember I like the loops and speed - just not that first drop.

I get twitches in my bottom just looking down a huge drop off.

I would be inclined to try para-sailing.

Bungee jumping and sky diving are definitely NOT on my bucket list.

5. What is your opinion of religion? Is the world a better or worse place because of it?

My always said 'don't talk religion or politics' and I agree they are both strong subjects.

I remember Carl Marx claiming that 'Religion was the opium of the people.' or some such thing and as a university student I saw an element of truth in that.... but then I grew up. I came to find peace and calmness in my spiritual growth. I began to see religion and spirituality as separate and things began to make more sense to me.

Religion is full of doctrine and can tend to be ritualistic and dogmatic. People have made religion what it is, not God. People have made the interpretations. People can twist things... Some people can see religion as hypocritical... I can understand where that thought system stems...
Religion defines what is okay and what is not. It is a black and white box. That can sometimes cause issues.

Spirituality is broader and encompasses all of life. We are all spiritual beings in the sense that we long for connectedness. How we choose to define that spiritual connectedness is a personal experience for each of us. Some are Christian, some are Muslim, some are Buddist. There are many different beliefs, but I find most of them come back to some form of love and connectedness.

For me, having a relationship with God is important. It sustains me and helps me through those times that are more of a challenge. I remember that 'this too shall pass' and that all things are in my life to do good - even the rough stuff; because having to deal with the rough stuff is what builds our character. It strengthens us... if we let it. It is all about how we perceive things. I believe God is not out to get me. He is out to prosper me. I know it will not be easy. This life is not easy. We face the Devil and temptation every day. But I choose to believe and I choose to be God's hands and feet here on earth and in doing so I hope to make my place in this world a little bit better than when I arrived. I am nowhere near perfect and I know I need God - I need his mercy and forgiveness and I am thankful and grateful that I have it.

What it comes down to is this.... we are better off if we explore our spiritual side. We must be careful not to fall into rigid doctrine. Instead we must embrace our spiritual essence and spread love and kindness. Practice mercy and forgiveness. Stay open.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City โ€“ Day 427

In his book, titled Consolations, David Whyte says, โ€œHeartbreak is how we mature.โ€ What does heartbreak mean to you? Do you agree with the author that heartbreak is necessary for us to mature?

An untested life is pale in comparison to a life that is lived rich with adversity. Not that you want to wish this on anyone, but to face heartbreak is to see what you are really made of. It builds your character and lets you be more understanding to other people's challenges. Empathy grows. Being vulnerable builds your social connectedness.

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๐Ÿ’™ Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/848869-Only-Child-Adrenaline-ReligionSpirituality---Heartbreak