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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#849174 added May 9, 2015 at 11:39pm
Restrictions: None
Hidden Desires
         “.08 seconds?” That’s twice as better than I thought I did. Actually, screw that; I thought I barely made it.
         “Well, it isn’t below the limit, so I will let that be a passing grade.”
         “I have enough of that in school, Lady Marell,” I say, with a slight laugh. “I would like for that element to stay there.”
         “(Chuckle) Apparently you also have the ability of puns.”
         “That was just luck. So, what’s next?”
         “I imagine that that is enough training for now, especially with the burns around your arms.”
         “Oh, my gosh, Matt, what happened?” Cuddles asks. I was still lying down face first so the burns were easy to see. She walks over and starts licking them. It stung at first, but then it felt better.
         “What’s going on?” I ask back.
         “Contrary to popular belief, most animals can heal wound like that. So hold still.” That explains why random cuts I get started healing faster when she was around me. Well.
         “If you say so, then.” It was still early, give or take 1 in the afternoon. “Same time tomorrow?”
         “High noon it’ll be.” A bright light emits and she disappears. The fairies however are still here.
         “Are you guys sure about being in the treehouse? I mean, uh... oh, right.” It’s a garden now.
         “I’m glad you worry, Matt,” Maybelle says, “but don’t fret. We’ll be okay.”
         “Hmm. (Nod) Alright. Let’s go, Cuddles.” She jumps in my arms and starts purring and rubbing herself on me.
         (3rd) Maybelle looks at Matt with a blush. That however wasn’t hidden from Amber. As the others went inside, she got closer.
         “You have competition, Maybelle,” she states. “A cat, his best friend.”
         “(Gasp) Am I really that obvious?” Maybelle asks, looking down.
         “Well, not at first, but otherwise, yes. Look, I know things have been rough before, but you have to hold on. After all, he’s all we have left as far as we know.” She left at that last sentence, leaving Maybelle still looking out to the distance on Matt.
         “But... I still like him…”
         (Matt) I get to my porch and let Cuddles go. She goes inside via the doggy door. Ironic. I just stay there, grabbing a seat and looking out in the distance, wondering how it ever ended up like this and why I'm not failing of trauma, stress, etc. Maybe because of my... Asteinieran..? instincts? Hmm, I wonder who else is here from my home planet..?
         “Hmm? My thoughts were interrupted by the brakes of both a minivan and a U-Haul moving truck. Oh yeah, the other house next door to me was empty. I’m guessing this is one of our new neighbors. Looks like Mom will bring out the welcoming wagon again. Two adults come out, one from each vehicle, and started plotting things out. I think they're a married couple from what I can tell from the rings. I was about to take my leave as to leave them alone to do their plan... until I saw a third person come out of the truck. I think that’s it; I can’t tell with the backs facing me. That third person I assumed to be their... daughter.
         She looked about my age, maybe as tall as well, and admittedly nicely filled out, hint hint. Her dark brown hair cascades all the way to her lower back and her expression just tells me she’s slightly shy. Or... wait, is she looking at me? Look away damn it!
         “(Gasp) Ahem…” Why did I clear my throat!? Just look away and pretend nothing happened.
         (3rd) ‘Did he see me!? No, I think I looked away in time. A quick glance maybe? No, don’t!’ The teenager was having a mental battle between happy thoughts and common sense. After that little fiasco, she went inside to drop off her bags.
         “I saw that, Judith,” her mother stated. A gasp was heard.
         Blushing, “Wh-What do you mean? I wasn’t staring-- checking-- looking at him!”
         “Don’t give me that, sweetheart; I was young once too. Daddy and I are friends with his parents and he seems like a nice boy by what they tell me. All you really have to look out for are his sisters. Why don’t you visit them?”
         “Maybe later…”
         (Matt) “(Sigh) Good, she’s inside. You idiot! What were you thinking!? Now I’m certain she’ll think I’m a creep!” I look over and see her again, talking to her mother. “Then again, nothing was said yet…”
         The door creaks open and out comes my mother, looking over. “Ah, the Collins are here.”
         Hmm? “You know them?”
         “‘Know them’? Sweetie, I work with them.” Then again, that restaurant is popular. So chefs needed. “Here, hand them this. They’ve been dying for another taste.” Did I mention my mom’s cooking really is for it? Jokes aside, my response:
         “Uh, I’d rather not. Training today was a bit--”
         “Oh, come off it, Matthew, it’s only delivering a pie. Also, I saw what happened. You shouldn’t be intimidated; it’s only a girl! Well, a nice, pretty single girl...”
         “Hmm? Look, just deliver this or no piece for you here. After all, she is also an instrumentalist. Maybe you can see how and what she plays.” Another musician?
         “Well, I guess…” I grab the present from her. Ooh, hot plate.
         Mom heads inside and I take a deep breath, before smacking myself to get confidence.
         “(Sigh) Okay.” I take the steps down to get to the other house in which they haven’t started packing into yet. Must’ve been a long trip. Slowly I get close. Seriously, what is causing my heart to beat faster? It can’t be their daughter. Whilst it is not my main priority, I still have some passive action for romance. Dude, stop it.
         “Moment of truth.” I ring the doorbell and wait by looking down. Just my luck:
         “Hello.” I don’t recognize it. I heard only her parents. I realize it's her...
         “Oh. Hi.” I stood there looking like an idiot, failing to hide my blush. “I, uh... was asked to deliver this. Um, ahem, welcome to the neighborhood.”
         “Judith! Who is it, honey?” I heard from her mother.
         “Uh... it's... the boy from next door. Wh... what was your name?”
         “Matt,” I reply. “Judith... that's a nice name.”
         I saw her blush at the compliment. “Thanks.” I nod and take my leave, but, “Wait!”
         Turning around, “Yes?”
         “Um, since I'm new here, I was wondering if you'd show me around. Pretty soon, I'll be the delivery and messenger.” I think she means if I could show her the specs of the place. I don't blame her. One wrong turn can bring you back to the city.
         “S-Sure!” I say, a little enthusiastically. I set my mother's gift down and head out.

Give or take a half hour...

         “And that's basically the basics.” I gave her a tour of the main streets and plazas of the suburbs. “The woods is nothing much to talk about; just trees, paths, an abandoned factory and a treehouse.” We were in front of my house after that.
         “Maybe tomorrow you can show me your treehouse. It sounds interesting.” I would... if not for the fact that it inhabits a secret.
         “We'll see.” I heard meowing somewhere... and a crash. “Is that..?” An alley cat! “Look out!”
         Bringing an arm up to defend Judith, the foreign animal started hissing and preparing to attack... if it wasn't for my cat.
         “Back off!” Her claws meant business. The opponent became frightened and ran away. Cuddles hisses before saying, “No one messes with my friend!”
         Afterward, her expression became soft and jumps to my arms. “Aw, I love you, too, girl!” A laugh later and I just remembered the girl next door. “Oh, Judith, this is Cuddles, my cat.”
         “Aw, Matt, she's cute!” while coming over to pet her. More purring. “Hey, thanks for saving us!”
         “No problem. He's my best friend; you could be too!” But I think Judith only heard meows.
         “Uh, is she trying to say you're welcome?” Oh. Right.
         “Yeah..? Well, I've had her for some time now. She's my best friend basically.”
         “(Giggle) That's sweet. You know, I should get back; still have a lot of unpacking to do.”
         “That's fine. See ya, Judith.”
         “Later, Matt. And you too, Cuddles.” She walks over to her house and I end up staring... where I shouldn't anyway. The purring stopped as I felt my cat's gaze upon me.
         “Hey.” I gave no response.
         “Hello?” Nothing. I felt her moving.
         “Yo!” Her claws dug in my arms, forcing me to drop her. “What are you doing?”
         “Oh, nothing.” Should I tell her? The door closed so...
         I grab my cat and run to my house. “Cuddles, I think I have a crush on her.” I saw that face.
         “What!? But you just met her!”
         “I don't know! Seeing get makes me feel-- uh... I gotta go!” I don't usually leave her alone like that, but I needed some time alone.
         (3rd) The feline looks over with a look of sadness, unable to stop the tears from falling.
         “But... I like you...” She walks over to the windowsill, lays down and curls up, looking over to the next house to bask in her sadness. “Why would you do this to me..? After everything I've done...” Forgetting to register that it was Judith in the other window, she quickly realizes before she comes out of view.
         An angry expression took over as she bared her teeth and hissed.
         “I promise to make you life in this household a living hell...”

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