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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#849175 added May 9, 2015 at 11:40pm
Restrictions: None
More Training
         (Matt) You know, something felt funny. I didn't want to say anything because me and Judith just met, but something seems funny. I think that under all that beauty and friendliness hides a thought.
         “Hmm.” I'm not sure what it is. We've all had our taste of life in high school. I'm starting to think that maybe it's something related to that. People don't know it, but they can't hide their true emotions. Sure, it'll take me some time, but still.
         Maybe I'm making too much of a hassle. After all, she did just move in.
         (3rd) Going back up to her room, she sighs and sits down on the not yet ready mattress. Things might go smoothly now that she made a friend with someone in the neighborhood.
         Smiling, she lays down, satisfied at the notion, but that smile eventually faded.
         “How long until I screw this one up as well..?”
         (Matt) In all honesty, I just really needed an excuse to go somewhere. I'll admit, my room wasn't exactly my destination, but pacing back and forth really helped calm down. But just then, I hear something coming from downstairs.
         “... and while there aren't any many details about this mysterious savior, here are a couple of witnesses to the saving of the father and daughter. Sir, if you don't mind me asking, what did you see?”
         “To put it bluntly,” says the fireman who warned me, “it was just a speeding blur, though I could tell it was some heroic young man. And admittedly, a bit off kilter. Whoever had the idea of jumping from the fourth floor window must have had nerves of steel. And somehow he survives while carrying these two to safety.”
         The father. “Through all that smoke, I could tell it was just some kid. A teenager, if you will. I had no idea who he was our how he even got inside in the first place. Whoever he is, I how he's watching this and knows that I am eternally grateful.” I turn off the TV.
         “You're forever welcome, sir.” It didn't take a genius to know that one and the rest of the family was near me.
         “That explains your burns,” Michelle states.
         “What happened?” Mom asked.
         I told them what happen not just half an hour ago. “I've no idea what happened to them afterward, but I can only imagine.”
         “Your first save huh? And barely trained. Now that's progress!”
         I wasn't expecting that reaction, but I'll take what I can get.

10 in the morning, Sunday, and I'm at the treehouse again. Sure, I could think of doing better things, but really, what's it with compared to this?
         “So being Energy, I have the power to use said element from anywhere, harness electricity, and be able to use metal?”
         “Dumbed down, yes,” Maybelle explains. “Statistically speaking, you should be of average physical strength and endurance, but your elemental is relatively high. And your speed should be able to go past the speed of light. Retnil however, has a high strength demeanor. While his speed can’t match up to yours, he is more experienced, having been using his powers during day one.”
         “Yeah, uh, when does a Majeylin inherit their powers?”
         “Oh... er, believe it or not, half the time it happens around adolescence, a few months before is usually common, or latest is around the exact day adolescence begins, or people get them at a very young age; there's no power difference either way. You are a special case, however.”
         “Then is mine common, or in the least rare?”
         “No, it was more of a promise.” ‘Promise’? “So, in relation, you will have to be ready for anything. So, ‘Nessa?” She stepped off the arena.
         Vanessa cracked her knuckles. Gulp. “Alright, Matt, you’ve handled your own against Maybelle, but compared to me, she’s basically Cuddles.”

Vanessa: (Actually, Cuddles is more or less a skilled animal fighter. So, that puts things in better perspectives.)

         “Alright then.” I have no confidence whatsoever.
         With a yell, she rushed towards me, without her wings, and as soon as she got close, I tried to attack, but she just disappeared. I look around and feel something behind me. Even though this training regimen was supposed to be how well I can sense, they were surprised when I turn around and palm her down to the ground, admittedly a little too hard as some tiles cracked.
         I start to get worried, thinking I might have caused too much damage, but I was soon told the answer as she headbutted my stomach. Nearing the edge of the other side, I clutch my stomach in pain. How many more lunches will I have to throw up?
         “I’m impressed that you were able to detect that, especially at your level.” She walked over and helped me up. “But you’ll need more than that.”
         Basically, the rest of the day was like this: learning new fighting techniques, doing impossible moves, and trying not to lose lunch. I’m not sure what’s coming ahead, but if I need this, then let’s go.

Monday, 6/17, 6:30 AM…

I wake up with a few aches and pains, but hopefully the day can help me drown out my nerves. Going downstairs to the kitchen, I’m seeing Mom whipping up breakfast with Dad helping her out. Michelle is hogging the bathroom (as always) and Stephanie is building some new thing that she says “will help Mom in the kitchen”. Normally, anyone would be scared, but only two out of 5 of her things fail. Those are good odds in my book.
         After morning chatting, I grab my bag and head for school, not before grabbing a few things the fairies gave me. They said I needed to prepare, but having a sword, bow, and arrows (miniature, of course) in my pocket makes me look like some medieval nutjob.
         After getting off my porch, I look around. (Sniff, sigh) Ah, the morning dew of freshly cut grass, the sight of roses, and the perfume of what Judith is wearing... wait, Judith!?
         I look over and see her walking down her steps. At the last one she takes notice of me.
         “Oh, hey, Matt,” she greets.
         “Judith. Hi. So, ready for another change in scenery?” We now apparently are going to the same school. Coincidentally, we both have the same schedule. I’m either guessing it’s because we live right next to each other, or some other B.Sed reason.
         Nonetheless, I’m glad it’s her; this way, I can show her the ropes and maybe, just maybe, have a chance.
         “Well, kinda. (Whisper) I just hope it better than my last school.”
         “What was that?”
         “Oh, nothing. How far is it?”
         “It's just a mile away. Give or take, 30 minutes to walk it.”
         “Hmm. Sounds about right. Anyway,” we started walking, “any more things I need to know?”
         “Well, for starters...” I spent the next near half hour talking about how the school social system works and etc. Once we get to the gates, she pretty much understands how this works. I'm here anyway, so I can help her out.
         “And that's basically the basics.” I see that near a bush was an arrow with a note. Hmm. We would usually meet here if I was early enough. This must be from them. After all, it insignia is on a feather. It read:
         “'Matt, sorry we're not here right now but we will meet up in lunch. I have to redo a test and Charlotte will be a bit late. Firence, I haven't a clue where he is, Aaron will be helping out a treaty. Think you can get by for now?' Ha, 'get by'? Heh, they're the ones who need guidance. So, sorry Judith, but you can meet them later. They're a nice group.”
         “No worries. Let's just get to class.”

Some time later...

Just another day...
         But things are different now that Judith is with us. Yes, it took a bit for her to get accustomed, but otherwise, she'll be a great addition.
         It's now lunch. Once again, my theory of synthetic lunches go down the drain. “Eh, what are you gonna do?”
         “Hmm?” I forgot Judith was here.
         “Oh, nothing, Judith. As usual, I always unknowingly talk to myself.”
         After leaving the kitchen, I spot our group nearby. My usual group of friends and some from other groups. Though the main characters are just us 6. “Hey, Matt; there you are. Hmm, who’s this?”
         “Everyone, this is Judith, she just moved in Saturday,” I reply. “We have a new addition to the group now.”
         “Right then.” He mouths something while the others are busy talking. ‘Did you tell her about... you know?’
         ‘If I want to freak her out, yes; in time, Rich'.’ “So, Judith. What do you think so far?”
         “Well, this school is crazy, but then again, normal is boring.”
         “I hear that. So, what's on the agenda?” Did I forget to mention that this whole school is riddled with many groups and clans and etc that we are the officers of it. Ha, not really, but we help with a bunch of things, especially peace.
         “Well,” Aaron fills out, with some etc, ixnay stuff. “So I was thinking that we--” (CRASH)
         An explosion of the lunch wall caused much panic, having people running away in fear, and revealing some sort of... spirit..!?
         “Where are you!?” it yelled, in an angelic and demonic voice. Now that the dust cleared, I can see what it is.
         It's right half had an angel body, but but a demonic wind, eye, and horn, and was holding an axe, and his left half was vice versa, holding a harp. This might be bad. I tell my friends to run to an overturned table. In the case that something happens, they'll make an escape route.
         I stand up, trying to get its attention. “Looking for me?” I was never the brave one exactly, but something must be done.
         “Arseron, just the one I wanted to see.”

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