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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/849790-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#849790 added May 18, 2015 at 8:45pm
Restrictions: None
Glad I did this different today. If I hadn't I wouldn't have had much time to write, again. But, today I did some writing for my journal at work, in Word, saved it, and now can just copy it over. It wasn't as long a day as the past three, but I had a lot to do from home, and worked on that until it was time to go get Rhonda. I wish I could say i have it all done, but I'm so far behind my shadow just lapped me.

I'll get it caught up, but in the meantime, here's my entry from this morning:


I’m trying something new today, I’m writing this at work, on my little netbook. The biggest problem is the keyboard is kind of small and it’s difficult to hit the right keys. Of course, practice will correct that problem. The other problem is interruptions.

Of course that’s to be expected since I’m at work. But, mornings tend to be pretty slow and it gives me time to get some work done. In fact, I just finished some work, and am now clear to spend some time for my personal writing.

I had most of this work done, but still needed to print out. I tried to last night, but being tired was making it difficult. On top of being so tired, nothing seemed to work right. Of course it didn’t take long this morning to figure out what was wrong. Last night, however, I couldn’t figure out anything, being so tired. It’s frustrating, to say the least. Things need ot be done, but once a person crosses that line between being functional and being exhausted, things just won’t work. At least that’s how it works for me.

I don’t have much to write about, having been at work for the last four days, and spending most of those days working. I've done long shifts since Friday spending over twelve hours either at work, or waiting to go home. We are currently down to one vehicle, so I drive in, Rhonda rides with and goes back home. Then she comes in for her afternoon shift, which overlaps with mine. We get done about the same time, unless it’s slow, then I get to clock out a bit early. But, since we are riding together, and it’s too late for me to drive home; I’d have to turn around and come right back, I wait for her to finish and then we drive home together.

I spend pull up to Target and hook into their free Wi-Fi and try and get some work done, but I usually am so tired I don’t accomplish much. Then I pick Rhonda up and we do a little shopping, if needed. Once we are done, we go home, make dinner, eat and sleep.

Once we get caught up on things, we can cut out the shopping after work. That will get us home about an hour earlier. Why is it, a quick stop to the store will ultimately result in one hour? Anyway, having everything on hand would make it nice, and our plan is to have a lite meal after work, instead of trying to cook and eat a full dinner that late.

It’s not late, around seven when we eat, but since I get up at three in the morning, seven-thirty or eight is our bedtime. Eating late means not sleeping sound, resulting in being tired. That means we take short cuts and put things off, resulting in more of the same. Kind of a cycle we want to break. Now that we are actually getting some time off, we should be able to do some proper shopping, have items on hand, and pick up specific items for our light dinner on the nights we need to get to bed early. Once we get that fixed, and are in bed by eight, I won’t be so tired, and can get more done while waiting after work.

Of course, one of the things we have been putting off is working on the Jimmy and getting it back on the road. Once we get that running again, I won’t have to wait for Rhonda, I’ll be free to drive myself home as soon as I am done. Also, if we do need to pick something up, I can stop on my way home, leaving Rhonda free to drive right home. This means we eat earlier and can be in bed on time.

It’s interesting how quickly things start to pile up when a person is working seven days a week and has no time for anything other than work. But, once things start to fall into place, it takes forever to get back out from under it all. I’d say the only good thing is we are earning more money.
We are putting in about ten hours more a week, so it’s not a lot more money, but the checks are nicer. Unfortunately, we are putting most of it into gas. What we don’t spend extra on gas seems to get used up buying foods we shouldn’t be buying, but they are fast and convenient with our lack of time. So, in the end, we probably break even or end up with a little less spending power.

Now, it’s getting to the point where it’s going to start getting busy here, so I should save and close. I’ll paste this into my journal later and have a little more time to do other things in here.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/849790-Monday