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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/849949-Id-like-to-introduce-someone-to-everyone-currently-alive
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#849949 added May 21, 2015 at 6:14pm
Restrictions: None
I'd like to introduce someone to everyone currently alive...
I'm sort of tired. Feeling a bit giffy


Let's put this blog entry embed.

Tai Lopez's 10 life changing tips. Get rich quick? No. Help to reward yourself out of a depressed rut of burn't out dreams? Maybe.


Meeting someone new. A new band. Updating yourself. Getting up to speed. Introduction to stuff other people have watched, heard, saw, experienced, for the first time. Series of books. New Author. New concept. Trade secrets. I've experienced this many times when I was young, because it wasn't an era that was comfortable with someone who didn't own a TV. We didn't own a TV. That made me stick out like someone who doesn't know what FOOTBALL is.
Back then, people were aghast when they realised you didn't know what happened on TV last night.

I think I'm a candidate who is somewhat qualified to speak about being brought up to speed on stuff.

Enjoying each song of Twenty One Pilots for the first time, I've realised that there are times in life that I am happy to have been out of date. I'm happy for people to exclaim,

"What?! You haven't heard this group? You haven't seen that movie? You've never heard of that performer? Where have you been, on another planet?"

Because, being a "cleanskin" or a newbie to these things, then folks are able to show me stuff they've already "worn out" but I've never heard of. I feel like I'm an alien from another planet, and they are giving me "the tour" before taking me to their leader.
Ok, maybe not quite so dramatic.

Do you know what I'm talking about? Have you been here, in this spot in life?

I can only relate my memories that relate to this thought span. Like a bridge, this line of thinking takes us from not knowing, to knowing something, to further knowledge and perhaps extending right across the emptiness to the other side. Complete awareness and understanding.

I'll compile a list of reading matter that I became aware of from the earliest years. I've tried to enter these in order of my reading ability, but the more I consider, I would have to say the Bible is probably the first literature I was made aware of. I make no apology, excuse, or big deal out of saying this. That, is a private matter. But the Bible was something new to me, obviously. It goes without saying that I still remain enthralled by what I read there. And by all the other books listed here, even if they are fiction.

Enid Blyton comes to mind.

The Holy Bible

Edward Stratemeyer (Nancy Drew series)

Alfred Hitchcock

Goscinny and Uderzo.

Alistair Maclean

Robert Ludlum

Fast forward a few years (missing out a stack of other examples I can't remember just now) we come to the internet age. There was the computer game Half Life, that I stumbled upon on a lend cdrom someone had lent us, another families teen age boys lent our boys (and daughter) a bunch of half worn and scratched game software for our old and microscopic memory compaq presario. (Sorry but I detested that computer- we had nothing but trouble with it)

So we discovered a game that had been released I don't know how long. It could have been 12 months, perhaps 18.
There was the untold pleasure of being able to predate the phenomenon "binge watching / playing / reading", (as far as I know and I'm not looking it up or researching it because I'm too lazy and frankly, tired, and I don't care if you prove me wrong somehow), yes, we played the sales pitch Half Life free sample map over and over again. In ever mode. We did the boot camp over and over. We became enamoured with that interactive, first person shooter, partly comedic software.

And because we'd only just found out about it, it wasn't long before the next release. The other mods. Then Half Life Two. So it goes on.

There was The Guild series on YouTube, when Felicia Day was just starting out. When the Internet was in it's teenage years. Or Earlier.

Watch with caution. (For the squeamish)

Uploaded on July 27th 2007. That long ago? That is as far back as the big bang. Let's not even go with the Big Bang Theory.

Is the internet in it's grey nomad years now? If you go to your local library or online centre, I think the age of the Internet Greybeard keyboard hacker is well and truly here.

But, turning back to the subject of seeing stuff for the first time, and being able to gloat at all the brand new enjoyableness, while others can only sit and resist giving us "spoilers".

I'm thinking about other stuff I came in on after everyone (seems like) were dosed up and sick of it- after they'd moved on to the next big thing.

I-Man The invisible man?

The Mentalist?

Yes, the FULL SEASONS of stuff.

Dexter. The complete collection.

Where I'm going with this is dragging from my conscience (not conscious) an idea I glowed with today, while cleaning behind some toilet bowls. The S bend if you really must know. Yes, have you ever really checked behind there, or even cleaned your lav properly? Amazing the folks who leave it filthy. Out of sight out of mind, but they are missing out. Perhaps I'm like the jaded veteran explaining to YOU, the NOOB, about the underside of the water closet appliance. Yes, easy to miss out on such a simple task, and AND, the peace and quiet afforded by the chore.

People don't stand around talking to someone who is bum up face planted cleaning the back of the privy porcelain pipework and protruding plumbing pieces. Take it from me (some advice, not the toilet brush), some of the best and strangest writing ideas I've had while spending a few quiet moments kneeling, wrapped around that twin lidded bowl of bowel beatification. (From whence the sun dorn't shahn)

The idea- I'll finally get around to it- is a what if idea. A bit like Tai mentions in his spiel in the video link up top of this entry. (Yes it's worth going back and watching it right through - I think)

What if

What if there was a person we'd never met properly? What if they were someone we knew very well? What if they were a member of your close family? What if you lived in the same house, knew their habits, even, dare I say it, watched them as they showered? What if I told you that yes, there is a person like that who you DON'T KNOW at all? You've never taken the time to sit down and get to know them. You THINK you know them, but really, you know stuff all about them.

Newsflash people.

It's YOU.

Do you know yourself at all? Really? Is the YOU you think you are, really YOU? Oh, is that so? You, oh of course you know yourself! What am I saying?!!

What if you were a total NOOB when it comes to really knowing how your own self ticks. And the reason you don't know is that you've been acting your whole life. You've been being what you thought you should be, you've been living an act. Your life is a movie. You're the Truman from the Truman show, right now.

When you see yourself showering, and step out, towel yourself off, or those who live in less fortunate situations, after you've done whatever you can to be cleaner (With seriousness here, I have enough respect for people not to pretend that every one is well off. Not everyone has amenities. Not everyone. Hardly anyone, if you go by the statistics. You may be doing your ablutions out the back of a hut, or down in the river, and typing on a laptop / Internet via a Generator power supply. Whatever it is, I respect you.)

So perhaps I'm getting a bit carried away there, but you understand that when you look in the mirror, are you really looking at someone you know all about? Perhaps you know diddley squat?

Do you fear the real you? Underneath it all, are you someone who is only in control because you are just an actor in your own life?

Do you just go along with the crowd? Do you have passionate beliefs only because it's expected?

What if you got to know the REAL YOU one day, and enjoyed catching up on everything about YOU that you didn't know before? Would it really be that scary?

Would you be like Simon Baker / Patrick Jane in that scene (every movie has one of these scenes don't they, and the book you write should have at least one)

It's a scene that is vibrating with exactly rightness, when the hairs on our arms stand up (Johnny Cash There's a Man Goin' 'round) and we GET it suddenly.

Personally, I'm a reserved person. I've always shied away from being the centre of attention. I've lacked confidence. I'm anxious of being scared of being anxious of anxieties.

But you know, since supporting people with varying states of intellectual and physical disability, since looking at THAT YOU that you see reflected in their lack, THAT YOU that you see in them because its all down to one language, as I've said in previous blogs, that language of human need and requirement.

My problems, if you can call them that, pale into nothing, become frivolous and trivial, in comparison with these folks, some of whom spend their days imprisoned, it seems, in their own bodies.
In my job, you don't have a choice. You have to get to know the REAL them. The real YOU.

But of course, it's not that simple. There is a struggle to even communicate about basic daily stuff, let alone finding out what is their act, and what is the real them.

Well, as usual, when I come to where I think I've said enough in a blog entry, I wonder if any of it makes sense, as it did when the whiff of an idea sprang into life, for me.

Toilets. Are they the real me, or are they some sort of humorous act, designed, an attempt, to make a blog entry less boring, so that you might read it right through, and have your thoughts poked with a blunt stick.

If I poke you in the eyes with some words, and do it in the right way, they might sink in to your brain, stir around a bit like with a blender, and come back to the light of day as comprehension.

I will have provoked you to thought. Those thoughts, deep inside your noggin, (tapping your forehead with a bony finger) are the faint whispers of the real...



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