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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#850126 added May 29, 2015 at 8:56pm
Restrictions: None
Even Weirder Dreams; Learn To Fly
         “She forced herself on you,” Judith repeats. I nod. “Then got much further.” Nod again. “So as a last ditch attempt, you pulled the fire alarm after running away?”
         “It was either that or hide in the janitors. Thank goodness for cameras. But the process did take a little while. Only Hannah confessing could have been able to have brought prosecution. It worked out in the end.”
         “Then you already had your first kiss..?” I heard disappointment, but in reality,
         “No, she never got near my lips. Then again it’s almost impossible when thrashing.” We just got home. “Well, I'll see you later, Judith. Between schoolwork and training, it can really stress a guy out. But we'll talk later about your power to Marell. Pretty sure she'll be interested in that.” While she does have Fire power, she lacks experience, strength, and overall concentration. But does Fire really suit her is my question?
         Maybelle told me that Majeylins could, keyword, be able to do something with other elements, is very weak, could become unstable, and may damage you. Something is off.
         Hmm... I'll ask later.

Friday. It's just what I needed.
         Finally, a break from school, training, and overall life. Though what I do consider weird is Cuddles and my dreams.
         This week, Judith and I were studying together at my house, getting bugged by my sisters and teased by my mother. Also, they took in Yoshi as part of the family, though hopefully he doesn't infiltrate Stephanie’s stash. But the problem was this:
         Every time Judith came over, Cuddles either hissed or ran away. I would scowl her, but she gets really sad so I try to let it go. And the climax was her scratching Judith when I tried to hand her over for a petting. It wasn't that bad, but that time I scolded her. Cuddles ran away and I tended to her wounds.
         My training regimen also had something known as Spirituality. It lets me bend the rules a bit and do stuff like healing, reviving, bending physics, and etc. So, a bit of power and her scratches were gone.
         However, this week had been off. While my dreams are usually cool and random, something wasn't right. I was in a hazy, faded multicolored void, where I couldn't even see my hand. I saw someone in the distance... singing..? I couldn't tell, this haze not only blinded me but, also set my hearing terribly.
         What I could tell that or was a girl, maybe around my age, but she looked... very... very......... beautiful...
         I didn't want to admit it, but she could surpass Judith tenfold! Not just by prettiness but also by... fullness. Judith is nicely filled out, but this girl could pass this proportions by twice that. And because I'm only 15, adolescence is still active.
         I guess she had plans for me because she started walking towards me, brought her hand up and kissed me. I couldn't do much but kiss back. She wrapped her arms around me. I wanted to do the same and just-- (Alarm)
         Sitting up, “(Gasp) (Panting)” What was that!? “What in the hell just happened?” Cuddles gave a mewl of pain. I realize that I just threw her off the bed. That’s a bit far
         “Damn it, Matt!”
         “Ooh..! Sorry, Cuddles. Just a weird dream…” And now she’s gonna ask. She’s my dream journal as well. ha.
         “What was it about..?” she teasingly asks. It’s not uncommon for me to get... promiscuous dreams. Then again, puberty.
         After the explanation, “Aw, you got the hots for someone!”
         “Cuddles, I already told you, Judith is my crush. I’m taking her out tonight.”
         “What? Aw! But who’s gonna be with me to make fun of people doing fails on the internet?” she whines. Oh, yeah.
         “Don’t worry, I’ll just be a bit late.” Cuddles looked down in sadness. “Hey.” I pick her up, “Look, just because I’m spending more time with Judith doesn’t mean I don't care about you. You're my best friend; you know that.”
         Just seeing her smile makes me happy. I give her a hug. “And I’ll pick you up some fish treats on the way back, you’d like that?”
         “Oh, yes!”

After that morning, and school being over for the week, I’m definitely looking forward to this date tonight. Then again, I’m equally nervous. This is my first date after all. Maybe some training will get my mind off of it.
         Dropping off the fish treats under the porch, my parents think I spoil her too much, I get to the Gardens to work on a new thing.
         It’s somewhat uncommon, but there’s this ability for Energy Majeylins called MagLev. It sounds ridiculous, yes, but it serves a great purpose. Basically, it’s controlling metal to my will, but so far, I can only move metal stuff. When I get stronger, I can bend it, change its shape, mass, volume, durability, etc, and even forge weapons out of it. Heck, I could even be a millionaire turning stuff to gold! But so far, it’s just for me to fly. Yeah, we use abilities to fly, except Wind; they have the actual ability of flight.
         Enough training to get me to fly is enough. Since there’s iron in our blood, I think it counts. After practicing for a bit with scrap metals, I feel the readiness to take to the skies. After reaching the highest peak of the eastern cliff, I look down, maybe 1,750 feet until the Gardens' ground.
         “You can't be serious about this?” Maybelle asks.
         “If I want to stand any chance against Retnil, I need to learn this.” I take take a running start.
         “No, Matt! Wait!” It's too late as I already jumped. The breeze was making it hard to concentrate and to not enjoy it. I’m falling to the other side of the Earth!
         “Come on, come on!” I'm trying to get my magnetism to work! Oh, no, ground! Jump off this rock, concentration, and--
         “Whoo-hoo!” I'm flying! I'm legit flying! Wow, this is such a great experience! Oh, look, the others! “Hey, guys!”
         They look up and smile; it's not hard to see it, I'm only 20 feet higher than they are. “You go, Matt!” Yeah! Now, how do I stop!?
         I roundabout to the entrance and brace for impact. “Whoa!” My turning radius is still large, especially considering that I went at least 40. Cliff! “Ah!” (Crash!) That hurt.
         “Ow, my aching head…” After the dust settles, I look around, seeing the hole in the mountain I made. Maybe it could be a better home for Yoshi; the entrance is a slight liability. And since it’s at least 500 feet up, I guess he’ll enjoy it for flying. Can he retract those wings?
         Maybelle comes down, looking for me. “I told you to wait. You can barely sustain anything else your weight; what’s the difference?”
         “You have wings and you need something else to move stuff. I only need one ability.”
         “Hmm. Touché.” She grabs my hand, helps me up and I get healed... actually, not just healed, but I feel more energized. I wondering if that’s because of something else since the techniques I know are only for healing, not energizing. Hmm. I’ll have to drop it. It’s nearly 7.
         “I guess that’s enough training for now. After all, you need to get prepared for Judith.”
         “I know, it’s nearly... wait… how do you know?”
         “Let’s just say that you weren’t the only one following her that day. Though, her Fire progress is terrible. I’m starting to really wonder if that’s her actual element.”
         “Actual or not, hopefully, whatever she can do helps me out Monday. Seriously, why Monday? Sure, it helps me get out of a few tests, but still.”
         “It depends. This galaxy is somewhat close to Rocfanas, but it still takes time for interstellar travel, much like planes. Though it's debatable whether he gets here earlier or later. ”
         “Hmm. Well, I guess that makes sense. Oh, well. Uh... wish me luck..?”
         Maybelle rolls her eyes. “Do you really think you'll need it?”
         “Considering the fact that this is my first like, ever, then yeah.” Seriously, I really hope I don't mess this up.
         Just for practice, I fly down to the entrance, trying to get used to this. Well, it works enough. Now, to get on home.
         “Now, where am I taking her?” I want her to get her mind off things. I somewhat feel that Judith is stressing herself out with all this. At least for today, I'd like her to ignore it for now and just enjoy the night. Besides, if I can't stop Retnil...
         No! Stop thinking like that. You can win.
         “What's a posh side of town?” I think I know where I'm taking her.

After getting prepared for the worst, meaning incompetent waiters, something not on le menú, and etc ixnay, I think I'm ready.
         I feel bad about asking Yoshi to take us, 'cause right now he's sleeping, but I can make it up to him later.
         “Yoshi yoshi. (This better be worth it.)”
         Dressed in my best Sunday clothes, hopefully Judith does the same, I walk out. No one really suspects anything; I always go out at night on Fridays... though, i think they will ask why I have a button up dark blue shirt with black dress pants and shoes...
         Well, now or never. Picking up a bouquet of floral arrangements that Judith unknowingly told me she loves, I walk over to her door and wait. It's :57. No rush. Just then the door opens to reveal a beautiful girl.
         Instead of her usual attire of black, she goes with a rosy pink sleeveless kneelength dress. Her hair was styled almost professionally. Huh. Then again, I think I saw her mother once in a salon. Fancy. Expensive. Words. Lol.
         “Hey...” Her blush said it all; she's dying of it. I see no reason, but the way she’s like right now is so damn adorable!
         Even I had trouble speaking…

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