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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#850577 added May 29, 2015 at 8:59pm
Restrictions: None
Date Night; We're more than perfect...
         “Uh... you look nice.”
         “Oh, stop it, I’m already embarrassed,” she whispers.
         “Okay, I’ll try. Your chariot awaits.” Yoshi. He flaps his wings. Judith now realizes how we’re getting wherever we’re going, and I think I got it.
         “Spared no expense, huh? Well, I guess it’s okay. After all, it’s nice to fly around.”
         “Yoshi? Yoshi. (Where to then? My meter’s running.)” Nice.
         “(Chuckling) Don’t worry, Yoshi, you’ll get more than what you can bargain for.” Serenade Bay. Classiest place in town.
         I mounted myself on Yoshi and Judith follows suit, side-saddling due to obvious reasons. I then see that he’s climbing up the house. “What are you doing, Yoshi?” He prepares himself for liftoff. Oh, no. A bit of running, flapping, one huge jump, and we’re off!
         “Whoo-hoo!” I think Judith is enjoying this more than I am. Though, it was a nice view: the busy main roads, the skyscraper over there, the mountains next to us. We’re at least saving up a lot on gas. The Serenade Bay is near the river, and it’s quite up the road a ways, well, passed the mountains, really. It’s near a cliff, believe it or not, right next to a nice waterfall. Must’ve been a fortune to build a restaurant there. And considerably speaking, you can only get there by car. Not anymore!
         After being dropped off at the entrance, with luckily no one there, I did not want to be answering questions, we wait for the hostess. Good friend of ours. There she is!
         “Ah, monsieur Mathiu!”
         “Nicolette!” A hug, some laughing, and cheek kisses later (well, she’s French. Is that racist?). Judith shouldn’t be jelly; she’s 32.
         “Mathiu, eet ‘as been so long!” Her English is good, but it doesn’t escape her accent.
         “I feel the same way. Oh, Nicolette, this is Judith, she’s my date tonight.” Her blush came back as she said a timid “hello”.
         “My goodness, she iz so beautiful! (To Judith) Oui, vous êtes quite a lucky fille.” Whatever she said made Judith go as red as the sunset right now. Huh. She understands French? “Let’s not ‘ave you lovely couple waiting! Garçon!” Something about a good table... I couldn’t hear her very well, she went inside and my knowledge of the language is still rustic. Either way, Nicolette will get us a nice table.
         “Well, she’s... something.”
         “Who, Nicolette? Nah, my mom met her through college, double majored with French. Look where that got us.” Camera pans over quickly to a table, we’re suddenly sitting in view of a sunset. “In my thoughts, best seats of the house. (Sigh) I mean, just look at that sunset.” The sun was becoming a bright red as the rest of it was slowly coming down.
         “It’s beautiful.”
         “Not as beautiful as you.”
         At least the background was able to disguise her cheeks. Wait, who’s there?
         I look closer to a certain part of the woods that I could’ve sworn that someone was there. Hmm. My instinct was to investigate it and hopefully neutralize the threat, if it is. But my mental state is telling me to ignore it and have Judith enjoy this date. I feel that this is stressing her out more than me.
         “Bonjour, valeur clients. Je serai votre serveur pour ce soir, mon nom est Pierre; ce que je peux vous commencer avec?” I think he said something about being a waiter and appetizers... or apple risers. He looks up. “Hoh, hoh! Mathiu! How have you been!?” He has a French accent but it’s borderline German, probably because he’s learning it as well. At least his English isn't somewhat broken.
         “Pierre, bonjour! I’ve been better; it has been while though, hasn’t it?”
         “Ja, much too long. Hoh hoh, who’s this fine madam you’ve here?”
         “Judith, this is Pierre, he’s my family’s usual waiter. Pierre, Judith.”
         “It’s a pleasure, mon cherie. Are you ready to order?”
         To further this, because I feel that you guys are thinking this is taking too long, I ask for the filet mignon and lobster, and finish it off with the crème brûlée for the both of us. Huh, not bad.
         And to get her mind off of it, I take the bill. A bit pricey, but it was fine overall. After all, Nicolette offered us the “friend price”, which really, is 15% off, but it works.
         Afterward, we leave on Yoshi, making sure that no one saw us. After a ride back, and realizing that it’s nearly 9 (we got joined by another date, a couple who’s friendly with us), we go to the Gardens, just to relax a bit. Once down, I hand my chauffeur an experimental candy that Stephanie tried to make, which is really a baseball sized piece of... caramelized... stuff..? Finally, she thinks something is too sweet. Yoshi however, I think doesn’t..?, have teeth, so... retrospect..? Eh. Whatever, he enjoys it.
         I made it a request to the fairies that I’d like a fake moon to set near the never-ending appearing lake. It looks beautiful. The water rippling the reflection of the moonlight, the calm waves, the winds softly blowing through the woods.
         “Wow!” Judith exclaims, taking all this in. We sit down on a ledge above the entrance. While it is mountainous going up, it's somewhat infinite. I can climb for days and never reach the top.
         “Why the sigh?”
         “Well, I'm just glad that things today were great, especially for you. I wanted you to enjoy this night, Judith, add much as possible.”
         “It already was, Matt. Ever since that day, things have been going perfect.” I put my arm around her and bring her closer.
         “Let's see what the future had in stock for us.”

Saturday. Time for more training. That's all it's really come to for now. Once this is cleared out and we can see what to do afterward, all I can do for now is train.
         The thing is, we needed to find some way to get back to Asteiniera. For physical embodiments like us, we still need interstellar travel... whatever that means. Eh, Amber knows best.
         Last night, however, was great. The best of my life. And making fun of people on the internet with Cuddles topped it all off. Though today, Judith will be joining be in training. Her experience again is next to nil, so, onward.
         She shouldn't feel too bad, however. Yoshi needs to catch up as well. While the Energy Ball does take a bit of power to do, Lightning Strike is the killer. It knocked me out that one time, but if I were any weaker, it could've killed me.
         With some sorcery, we managed to make figures of some sort and either have them stationary, evading, or attacking. They're somewhat two dimensional, it's kinda needless to say it feels weird fighting this way.
         Luckily, Judith had some training in physical combat, so this is okay, though it's gonna be hard not to stare at the, uh, attire she's wearing.
         She said and I quote, literally, “I took karate, Kung fu, and ballet. It's easier to wear this for these things.” You have no idea how tight that yoga outfit is on you...
         Enough, let's just get to work.
         For the next hour or 2, we train in mixed martial arts, and Judith is fairing well than I am. Then again, she took something of relation and Vanessa and Maybelle weren’t taking it easy. But now, we need to work on our elementals. Eeh...
         “You sure about this, Judith?” I ask, after the conversation showing her stubbornness to do so.
         “I told you, I'll be fine, Matt. Don't worry about me.”
         I eventually relent. “Okay...”
         Taking some power and guiding it to my hands, I charge up for small bolts to be released. Meanwhile, I see that she's having a bit of trouble controlling the Fire. I even see it flickering... to... something else..?
         “Oof!” Hit to the gut and spin kick off the arena.
         “Focus, Matt! Don’t leave sight of your enemy!”
         Fire dissipated left and right and Judith was losing focus, having her being thrown back like me as well.
         “Don’t get distracted by a failed move, Judith. Just keep on with the physics!”
         Seeing an attack coming, I shield both of us and we counterattack with a jump kick. I honestly have no idea what cause us to join hands, but it worked... a little too well.
         I had confidence built up that I could pull off a Strike and I tried to summon one. However, Judith’s conjoined energy somehow made it more powerful. I only realize that as I, or rather we both, screamed, “Lightning Strike!”
         A pair of hands joined and the other pair surging lightning though the enemies made this training battle kinda quick. The power spike did drain us, but not by much. We knelt a bit to catch our breath. And that’s when the realization came towards me.
         “Wait a minute…” I look over and see that electricity was coursing through her. “You’re not Fire, you’re Energy!”
         “That makes sense,” Maybelle says, “your Fire attacks were barely any harm but your conjoined strength in committing a Strike was extraordinary to say the least!”
         “This is perfect! My date with the same power, how awesome is that!?” Judith blushed somewhat but I think it's because of the weakening the move did to us. Basically saying, we're pretty tapped out.
         “Very. That way, I can train with you instead of having to do separate regimens.”
         “And don't forget: your combined powers will surely help against Retnil. Yoshi is also a surplus... if he can focus on anything else other than eating.”
         “(Gulp) Yoshi, yoshi? (Sorry, what was that?)” Did he eat 6 melons just now? Oh wait, there's one last one... and it's gone. I hear a small melody, look up and see some heart shaped thing coming down on a parachute.
         “Super Happy Fruit!” he suddenly says. Once he eats it, his eyes get big, the sun goes, “Whoa!”, starts dancing, and his rock theme song blares out. “Yoshi!”
         The dinosaur in subject becomes rainbow colored as stars fly out of nowhere. Most of you probably played his game so you should know what I mean. But he just runs into the distance.
         “There he goes,” I say, hearing that the drum solo is getting quieter. “7 straight fruits, that one comes out of nowhere. Must be his lucky number. Anyway, you were saying? Pretty sure he won't be back for another hour.”
         “Okay..? Random. Now, team up. While it's preferable that Matt face his brother alone, you guys can combo up for better leverage. Here, let me show you.”
         This might take a while...

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