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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/851467-Friday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#851467 added June 12, 2015 at 7:04am
Restrictions: None
How can things fall apart so quickly?  Yesterday I wrote that we were training a new guard, and he was schduled to train in the afternoon. Even though it was my day off, I was up early and in at nine in the morning to get things going. This is off the clock, so unpaid time for me, but part of the job. Of course, they don`t expct us to train new guards very often.

Another part of the job is all the paperwork, so after everything was completed I took the packet home, checked everything, and faxed it. During the time I waited for things to get filled out, and while the fax sent, I worked on the new schedule; I needed to add the new employee.

That burne up a good four hous of my day, five with driving time included. At four-thirty, I returned to see how he did on the test, and pick Rhonda up. I did not plan on being here long, since I needed to get home, eat, and get to bed early, since I opened this morning at five; I have to be up at three to get ready and make it here on time.

When I got to the site, I learn that the store did not complete any of their required training, did not give the video, and did not test. So, we have no new guard, as planned.

When I talked to the guard in training, he was tired and ready to call it a day. But when I talked to the store manager, he wanted to do the video and the test then, after five in the afternoon.

I explained that it would work better to tet today, after a short review. I did not add that I did not desire to hang around for another hour or two and lose the rest of my day off, I also did not mention that I had plans for the evening, it`s none of thier damn business. Besides, all that mattered was I had requested he be tested on Friday, since they had not done their part on Thursday, as protocal dictated.

Instead of setting this up as I askes, the front manager started to argue with me about it. I did not want to argue it, and I thought it very unprofessional of him to sit there and argue in front of the store guests, so I just told him to call the general manager.

nce the general managr arrived, he asked what was up. I explained my desire to finish the training today instead of last night. He did not understand why the other manager had made a fuss ver it, and told him to set it up however I desired to do this.

So, instead of getting done with woek early, as scheduled, I now have to work another two or three hours. If I had gotten done on time, I could have ran home and done something, but sice it will likely be to or three this afternoon, now, there won't be time to drive home and accomplish anything before returning to pick up Rhonda.

In just a few hours, one person,because he does not know his job, has messed up two days for me. More if this messes up the person who was training. I think, with a good review, he will do fine, but already it has him shorted on his on the job training.

Each incident like this brings me closer to just resigning from my job, it's just too much for the little they pay me. Now, on top of being the security supervisor for our site, I have to butt heads with store personal and enforce them to follow their own policy that they hold us so tight to.

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