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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/851705-For-Sale-1-box-of-talent--Contact-the-reader-Ahem-Thats-you
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#851705 added June 16, 2015 at 12:11am
Restrictions: None
For Sale 1 box of talent- Contact the reader Ahem That's you
Do your thoughts ever lose their grip on sensible? Do they form a growing ball, gain momentum and roll, accelerate away, not always downhill either, until with blinding flashing shapes they gust past your watering, unblinking senses, and it is then you realise you cannot keep pace, and you know there are good things falling away, rushing into your past so far out of reach they are gone forever.

Today is one of those, for moi.

For example. If humans were removed this afternoon, from earth and space. Completely gone.

How long will cats, dogs, budgies, pets wait for us if we all disappeared overnight? Random thought? No. Pivotal conceptual thoughts behind our creativity, humankind and our reason for existence.

Credibility for sale. Creativity up for grabs, free, infamous, unknown, enveloping, evolving, user pays, user shapes, user uses.

And miscellaneous weldments.


Weldment is a word.


Ode to Sleep, by Josh and Tyler of Twenty One Pilots, like all of their stuff, is like a demonstration of permission to be creative.
Folks. It's ok to be a bit stupid. It's ok to fall over on stage. It's ok to change the genre style, to jump tracks, to fly away, to be elsewhere yet still be there. It's ok to have a laptop next to your drums. It's ok to be ridiculous. It's. OK>

I decided to match my mood of rebellion this morning, seeing as any plans for profitable physical action found an easy excuse in rain, cold, lack of funds and dubious health, to not do normal stuff, but "just be a writer" for the day, my day off. To cheer ourselves up, to break from the bog of normal boring, to leap over the greasy slopes of basic and land on complex.


What can I offer for sale today?

A Little cottage for a lucky cashed up personality enhanced indie-vididual:


Try this cheap haunted house. Probably be expensive now if anyone has any brains over at this location. Helloooo? Who WOULDN'T want to go experience a night or two at this place? Writers for one:


In writing, I feel a strong sense of go with your gut. Trust your basic instinct for a good story, good flow, excellent grabbness, first class out thereness. Lots of ness-ness. If you can't feel that E MOT ION O in your writing, how on earth can you, we, expect readers to let go. How can we think they'll trust us to go for it, to hook up?



Readers can do a lot of forgiving, and will do so, I believe, being one of these accommodating book wearer outerers myself. They will forgive a lot if we know the material creator is genuine, is working hard for them/us, has done something original in a huge all thrown in effort to PUT IT ACROSS.

Twenty One Pilots perform with gusto, with that honesty that you can see in what they do. There is no holding back because of their own shyness, insecurity or self doubt. All those things are there, even at their peak on stage moments, but they throw themselves, (literally sometimes) into the audiences gig-lift. Crowd surfing may not work with authors- I don't know- can't see the mechanics of throwing ourselves over a signing table at a book promo to surf a few dozen people standing in a single line. Not a safe idea. Maybe J K Rowling could get away with it.

My unprofessional advice is to play with what you've got, what comes into your head, with the voice/s, with words that come, even if you don't immediately understand or trust your own skills, or your mind's ability to absorb subconsciously. For confirmation of the stuff your mind spits out in that voice you hear as you think, do the research. Google. A myriad of sources, as you already know, if you've done any writing at all.

I've been thinking of the monumental wastefulness of humans. There is more creepiness and horror, outrage and sorrow, dismay and homeless, penniless-ism, hunger, sad weeping crowds of humanity somewhere, out of my sight and guilt bubble thankfully; there is more of this awfulness in empty structures humans have built, than in all the haunted houses and cemeteries put together.

"Oh the humanity" is an understatement. Even the bike shed here would be of use to someone immediately if it were not cobwebbed behind chain-link, security patrols and glaring night site lights. (ouch the power bill and all for zero profit or reason)

Humans starving, with no shelter, or maybe not that, maybe just feeling there is no meaning to what they do, to how they live, why.

When you park your vehicle, remove your thoughts from it and stand doing a 180 or so degree pan shot of an empty industrial site, then it sinks in just what is the most creepy thing. The lack of humans. Evidence of us having existed and dug ditches in droves, but now absence.

Creepy Warning.

Be careful what we write, produce, script, communicate. It may have much more effect than we intended, and in the wrong way. That's what I get from the creepy banned kids film.

Yet in writing, or the way we live, if possible don't lose the sense of fun. Don't take away the permission for original.

Something else for sale then:

A prison bus? Just the thing for those family trips with out of control relatives, or a writers conference of whodunnit obsessives..."Knives in the locker folks, come on! Hey! Get that out of your sock."


Is there a way of reinventing a blog? Could I have the audacity to write a blog that crosses the divide, that spans a gulf, that jumps the rule tracks?

Could this blog become a hash of ideas and mixed up stuff that overall means something? What if it doesn't mean any single thing because its not meant to? What if the meaning is open, and left up to the reader to nut it out. Perhaps the meaning will contain helpfulness that each reader needs that day, from those prompts. Is this idea just an excuse to be disorganized, lack planning, lack verification, be slack?

When we use our minds and transfer this to words, a medium across time, space and concept, so that others can read / absorb / react to what we had in our sloshy head, do we do this in a restrictive, grudging way that is like having the handbrake on? Are we completely stuffing it up so bad that the world looks on and scratches their 7 billion collective heads and keep silent because the problem is just too big to explain?

Frisbee throwing has a (curved) parallel.


What have you seen today, or tonight, that is for sale? What is in your peripheral vision, sneaking around mostly out of sight, and invisible when you purposely look? What have you seen today that has you turning around in your van, in your thoughts, in your life, to see again that sight?

Is it credible? Are you building credibility, or are you racking up rubbish? One man's rubbish is another's treasure.

Let's not put up a barrier and lock it away. Don't give in to that decimating doubt in your self. If you have, don't be discouraged. It really IS ok. Build up to feeling better, making better decisions, choosing action that will result in progression tomorrow of some sort, even minuscule.

Today, even jars of nothing can be sold. Someone wants them. They will come to you. Words will come to you, but so will someone to pick up the jars / bottles. Words are empty too, if they don't carry meaning to someone else.

fill them

you can do it




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