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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/852132-First-week-of-vacation-day-1-7-June-19th
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#852132 added June 26, 2015 at 10:09pm
Restrictions: None
First week of vacation. day 1-7. June 19th...
No sense in me posting here on a daily basis as blog is near its limits.

So... one a week. Added on to and edited. *Smile*


Day 1, the 19th:

Started Book 47 of my eleven-year-long hand written journal. This is important as I had trouble journaling on this past trip.

Exhausted. Managed to get to Senior Center for the $4 Father's Day lunch. Saw friends.

Stated unpacking. Dumped most of my luggage. No need to hurry.

Added up my bank reserves. Enough for another trip without stressing.

Plants okay. Small changes where I live and where I hang out. Only gone less than 4 months.

Evening writers' group. They seemed to like my travel writing.

Day 2, the 20th:

Pride Parade. Took photos of my friends.

Went to morning market and ate apricot-blackberry pie. Bought salad turnips and butifarro sausage.

Went to Butterfly Herbs. Gave cardemom from Norway to Ingrid.

Made lots of phone calls. Spoke with my sister for over an hour. Have about 19 days of calling left on my pre-paid account. This is good.

Day 3, the 21st:

Up 7ish. Took shower. So nice to get back into a routine. Sleeping in spite of the warmth.

Started at Le Petit. Bought bread. Posted photos on facebook.

Visted artists along the river.

Headed for Butterfly Herbs. Sipped coffee and ate a pasta salad. Saw more folks. Checked news and facebook.

Headed to Liquid Planet as they still have $1 drip on Sundays.

Made new list of goals. Now time for objectives and/or monitoring progress. Hope springs eternal they say.

Day 4, the 22nd:

"Why aren't the crows plucked and stuffed?"

Woke up with a weird story in my head... after going back to bed... after catching a glorious dawn, pink in the southwest.

Posted edited sunrise and sunset photos on facebook.

Shaved off beard. Small tasks every day pile up and I feel I'm making progress.

Have 9 postcards of Norway displayed by my door.

A long hot soak with the terse verse of Emily Dickinson.

Day 5, the 23rd:

Called my mother and my friend Gary... he answered! I need the cheer.

Began studying Norwegian... again.

Lyndia gave me 3x5 cards... now have 200 of them.

Chicken, roasted vegetables, bread pudding. Overate.

Did a wash. A double load for $2.50 for 40 minutes; soap 25 cents.

Met my friend Travis. Good to talk with a fellow traveler.

Told my friend Joyce, I was in 8 countries, stayed in 34 places. I should count again , but that's about right.

My legs swelled a bit... not good. My cousin had a stroke... also not good.

Day 6, the 24th:

Got up at 6... lay down again... got up at 9... late.

Snatched the last loaf of Birdman's bread. *Smile* $2 for day-old.

Did a blog entry in "O Pinion" and posted a travel piece.

Went to Socrates Club. Polled them on the Supreme Court. 6-3, 5-4. on both major issues. Same at Men's Group. Met a nice Hawai'ian couple.

Day 7, the 25th:

Up early. Out at 8. Went to Le Petit to connect to internet. 2 court cases settled. ACA survives to fight another day. Never understood why the GOP opposes a plan that is basically their idea and one that helps their base.

Sat by myself at Sr. Ctr. and got some work done.

Went across the river. Music. Food. I ate sweet and sour chicken on rice noodles. $7. Talked to folks about birds. Went and sat by the bronze fish. tyler came over and we sat on a bench and chatted.

Made phone caalls. Some answered; some did not. *Frown*

A sticky evening. Took an aspirin and took a shower.
53.258 as of 2015.06.21.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/852132-First-week-of-vacation-day-1-7-June-19th