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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/852174-One-hand-clapping-while-screaming-in-a-perfect-world-vacuum
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#852174 added June 22, 2015 at 10:30am
Restrictions: None
One hand clapping, while screaming in a perfect world vacuum
If only one person clapped:

And again:

I, alone in this room, clapped at the end of this one.

Yes, if even only one person claps after a performance, the value is still as high as thousands clapping, right? That's right isn't it? Surely? It is! It must be.(?)

Maybe it won't pay the bills, but at least you know someone enjoyed it. You can always interpret the lack being that everyone else was so gob-smacked they forgot to applaud. (Why does applaud have two p's? Oh WHY?)

Here's some information that might make us writers clapping a little sporadic, one handed, even a little sour maybe. Should we be cheering the last few years of traditional novels and the writing / publishing of them? I just hope this trendy new method takes a few decades, maybe a century or two to become generic, otherwise the last 6+ years of my time have been wasted, if they haven't anyway for a myriad of other reason. (Why is myriad spelled with a y and not an i?)


I found myself nodding in agreeable applause watching another BRILLIANT Kirsten Dirksen video of an amazing lateral thinking individual in a cooperative group of forward thinking people.

Oh for the sound of no hands clapping, living out there!

Another thought sneaks in the side entry of my subconsciousness:

I wonder who will applaud, who will bother or be able to clap when the debris (why is debris spelled with an ess (s) on the end of it? Why oh why???!!) falls back to earth, when the ashes wash away in the acid rain from a scorched ozone bereft sky-dome-no longer existing atmosphere, when all these dismal incidents and events finish, and life on earth ceases to exist as we know it.

Who will clap then? Even one guy half heartedly saying "that wasn't bad" would make our day.
We sold 1 ticket to the aftermath of WWIII!

What is the (humorous?!!?) rhetorical question?

Q. What will be the weapons World War 4 will be fought with?
A. Sticks and stones.


Yesterday, I wondered an odd thought wave. OK, I had a strange, weird sort of thought.

If you can't hear people scream in a vacuum, ie, in space, (and obviously, they can't hear you scream) then what is sound? It requires air to transmit or move? Point A to Point B has to contain something in order for sound to cross, then?

How do we hear someone clapping, or fapping, even with one hand? How do we hear people jeering and telling the fappee to stop being such an idiot?
If sound were a teenager, what sort of vehicle would it borrow from it's parents to hoon around in at night and stage drag racing along the city streets with other sound wave vehicles?

A search found this.


Suddenly, all my stupidity comes crashing down, and there is only one clapping in this video, a reminder of the toll of nuclear research, accidents, and deliberate acts of pollution and harm.

Joking is now forgotten. There is no applause. No clapping.

There is something strange, I have always felt, about atomic energy and all the physics that contribute to it. This science delves on the edge of human comprehension where the things, the building blocks, of this universe become fluid, unpredictable and unknown.




And I don't feel there is adequate understanding to even come close to responsibly using this safely yet. Perhaps that day will come. Perhaps we don't need to breath in the vacuum of space either.


I've never been a fan of the side of the green movement that seems bent on excluding humans. Humans doing things to stay alive on this planet, like any other animal; sowing, sewing, growing, harvesting and living. I'm not a fan of extremism in any form or in any context.

But I do support the feeling that there has to be something better than this form of energy. In its current guise nuclear power generation is way too big for humans to handle or contain.


Look at the children. Look at the grown ups. They are paying, or have already paid, the price. They aren't clapping at all.

Performances are real if the performers are real. Performances are real, and can be fantastic in quality, even if only one person hears it and claps.

The musician who enjoys the performance the most is the one performing. And I've yet to see a really decent performer clap, or applaud, (why two p's????!!!) themselves.

Real performers singing songs with real meaning; artists who have done the hard years, climbed the ladder of success and gutsy albums, all by themselves. Yes. Independent Artists.

More and more people are clapping them these days than just Josh sitting in the back of a people mover.


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